Template tree


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Originating from simple, everyday items, ceramics gradually embody the story of Vietnamese history, art, and soul over time. Giving ceramics is akin to offering a rich cultural heritage, a cherished token for the recipient, reflecting a deep appreciation and respect for Vietnamese artistic values.

Today, CHUS is truly proud to present a curated collection of gifts for ceramic lovers, bringing you the finest products that celebrate this heritage.

The art of ceramics - A proud Vietnamese tradition

The craft of ceramics dates back centuries, evolving through various feudal dynasties and leaving its mark on ceramic artistry. Famous pottery villages like Bát Tràng, Chu Đậu, and Phù Lãng have become the cradle of advanced ceramic techniques. Vietnamese ceramics today are celebrated for their national identity, creating cultural masterpieces exported worldwide, embodying the pride of the nation.

Ceramic craftsmanship is not just a livelihood but a traditional craft imbued with the soul of the people. Each vase, plate, or ceramic statue carries the spirit of the artisan, symbolizing the resilience and essence of Vietnamese culture.

Unlike mass-produced ceramics, handcrafted ceramics stand as a testament to meticulous care and effort. The patience and expert skills of the artisans give each piece deep cultural and spiritual value. Vietnamese ceramics symbolize the enduring strength of this craft, reflecting the unshakeable identity of a nation through time.


The Art of Ceramics – A Proud Vietnamese Tradition (Photo: Đông Gia Ceramics | CHUS)

What Makes Gifts for Ceramic Lovers on CHUS Special?

1. Handcrafted by Vietnamese artisans

At CHUS, you'll find handcrafted ceramic products made by experienced Vietnamese artisans. Every line and detail on each vase, cup, or bowl is meticulously crafted, reflecting the heart and creativity of the artisans.

gifts for ceramic lovers, handmade ceramics, chus, ceramic cup

Y Thanh ceramic cup with classic yet elegant patterns (Photo: Tu Hú Ceramics | CHUS)

2. Carefully selected

Each ceramic gift is carefully selected from skilled artisans, ensuring the highest quality. The ceramics at CHUS are fired at high temperatures, ensuring durability and safety. The clay used comes from renowned pottery regions, offering a distinctive feel and quality.

3. A wide range of products from decorative to practical ceramics

At CHUS, you'll find a diverse selection of ceramic products for various purposes. From exquisite teapot sets and finely crafted ceramic figurines to everyday items like bowls, plates, and cups, each product combines aesthetics and functionality. The variety ensures you can find the perfect gift for any occasion or recipient.

gifts for ceramic lovers, handmade ceramics, chus, teapot set

Octagonal Teapot set with reactive glaze - a refined gift (Photo: Tu Hú Ceramics | CHUS)

4. Unique designs, hard to find in mass-market products

What sets ceramics at CHUS apart is the unique designs and wide range of patterns, not easily found in mass-produced items. Each ceramic gift is a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, combining rustic charm with meticulous detail. The products feature patterns inspired by Vietnamese nature, culture, and everyday life.

The meaning behind gifting ceramics

Beyond their well-known meanings of elegance and sophistication, ceramic gifts now represent tradition, connecting culture and people.

  • Longevity and endurance: Ceramics, known for their durability and resistance to breakage, symbolize long-lasting and strong relationships. A ceramic gift is a wish for enduring friendship or love.
  • Elegance and artistry: With their refined designs and harmonious colors, ceramic pieces exude a graceful, luxurious beauty. This is the perfect gift for those who appreciate beauty and value art.
  • Honoring Vietnamese culture: Ceramic gifts are also a way to honor Vietnamese culture, showing appreciation for the country’s traditional values.

gifts for ceramic lovers, handmade ceramics, chus, tea set

Gifts for ceramic lovers - meaningful and proud (Photo: Đông Gia Ceramics | CHUS)


Ceramics symbolize resilience, creativity, and elegance, telling the story of Vietnam’s rich history and culture. At CHUS, each ceramic piece is a unique work of art, carefully chosen from the talented hands of artisans.

Let CHUS help you express sincere feelings and appreciation through exquisite ceramic gifts. Explore today and find the perfect gift for your loved ones!

CHUS your thoughtful gifts

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Hồ Chí Minh
Đương Quảng Thông
Sản phẩm cute, đẹp, chất gốm dày. Trưng bày khá xinh xắn, mọi người nên mua thử
Hồ Chí Minh
Quỳnh Anh
Gốm xinh thật sự, mmua tặng bạn làm quà tân gua mà bạn mình khen quá chời, mong là mình cũng sớm tân gia nhà để bạn mình mua gốm xinh tặng lại mình hê hê
Hồ Chí Minh
Ưng Viễn Ðông
sản phẩm xinh xỉu , hình bé cáo đáng iu, chất lượng tuyệt vời, mua đi mọi người ơi
Bắc Ninh
Vũ Nga
Tượng này oke nè, gõ vào nghe boong kêu phết, hoạ tượng đường nét chi tiết tỉ mẩn, rất ưng ý nha
Hồ Chí Minh
Khánh Mint
Nhìn kiểu hiện đại không nghĩ gốm, cơ mà là gốm mới hay chứ. Này giống gốm genz nhưng mà đẹp nhé
Đồng Nai
Lan Dang
Mình đã sắm mấy em cún này để tặng bạn bè. Ai cũng khen là đẹp và độc đáo hết trơn á
Bắc Ninh
Daniel Sutherland
The cats are so unique and charming, and I can tell that a lot of love went into making them. I love the way the cats are all different sizes and shapes, and the colors are so vibrant.
Hồ Chí Minh
Ngọc Diệp
Thay vì việc sử dụng để uống nước, ly này cũng có thể dùng để đựng bút, trang trí bàn học, bàn làm việc hoặc làm đồ decor nhà cửa rất là oke la
Hồ Chí Minh
Kai Miller
Love the design and the fact it's safe for my morning coffee. No weird taste and the floral pattern is beautiful. Highly recommend!
Hồ Chí Minh
Lý Minh Khôi
Tượng cô dâu chú rể này rất đẹp và chất lượng, là món quà cưới tặng cho bạn bè, dùng trang trí được trong ngày cưới luôn
Bắc Ninh
Mia Davis
The figurines are cute, but a bit smaller than I expected. They're still well-made and would make a nice gift for someone who loves pigs
Bắc Ninh
Henry Smith
Beautiful ceramic artworks! Such a bizaare designs with the cute large mouth. It does help me to show that I'm stylish and know how to decorate (which I'm not)
Hồ Chí Minh
Phương Minh
Nấu xong cho vào lò vi sóng hâm nóng cũng không sao. Lớp men bóng loáng, dễ rửa, không bám dính thức ăn. Rất hài lòng!
Bắc Ninh
Tại Trung
Giao hàng nhanh và đóng gói cẩn thận. Tượng đẹp nha, chất gốm ok. Bỏ qua yếu tố gây hài thì rất chất lượng á
Hồ Chí Minh
Ngọc Thảo
Sản phẩm đóng gói kỹ, mở ra thố gốm đẹp tuyệt vời và sang luôn. Màu gốm men đẹp, hiện đại mà cũng rất vintage. Để trên bàn gốm bình thường cũng đẹp rồi nha. Ưng đơn hàng và ca mấy bạn CSKH rất thân thiện nè, sẽ giới thiệu cho bạn bè cùng mua
Bắc Ninh
Hải Anh
Kích thước vừa phải, phù hợp với nhiều không gian. Mình đặt ở kệ tivi phòng khách, nhìn sang trọng và ấm áp. Chất liệu gốm sứ cao cấp, an toàn và bền đẹp.
Bắc Ninh
Nguyen Duc Thang
Tôi đã mua 1 bộ lợn để chưng ở nhà cho 4 người trong gia đình ^^
Bắc Ninh
Vân Lê
Mẹ tuổi trâu, hihi mua một em về tặng mẹ ưng quá chời
Hồ Chí Minh
Lê Thị Thu Hà
Rất ưng ý nha, ly chắc, dày và đẹp, họa tiết sọc thẳng nhìn thế thôi chứ dễ phối nội thất lắm
Hồ Chí Minh
Harper Nguyen
Mình rất hài lòng với ly gốm sứ lớn này. Bạn bè mình ai cũng khen ly này rất nhiều.
Bắc Ninh
Nhi Nguyễn
Rất hài lòng với sản phẩm của HCeramics. Heo bố đẹp, chất lượng tốt, giá cả hợp lý. Sẽ tiếp tục ủng hộ shop
Hồ Chí Minh
Dạ Hương
Thiết kế hũ đơn giản nhưng tinh tế, màu sắc hài hòa. Gốm sứ là chất liệu an toàn cho sức khỏe, nên mình hoàn toàn yên tâm khi sử dụng để đựng gia vị. Mình rất thích sản phẩm này và sẽ giới thiệu cho bạn bè và người thân.
Hồ Chí Minh
Bích Huệ
Mình mua về tận dụng không chỉ là vật dụng nhà bếp mà còn là món đồ trang trí đẹp mắt cho không gian bếp của nhà mình. Rất ý nghĩa.
Bắc Ninh
Quốc Thịnh
Chất liệu gốm sành tráng men bóng, dày dặn và an toàn, mình rất ưng ý. Tượng trâu được làm thủ công tỉ mỉ, từng chi tiết đều sắc nét
Hồ Chí Minh
Michael Allen
I'm not usually a fan of pink, but this peony design is truly captivating. The bowl is a perfect balance of delicate and durable
Hồ Chí Minh
Linh Vu
Ly tròn đều dày dặn, khi sờ vào rất thích đặc biệt là trong mấy hôm trời lạnh uống trà nóng ý.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Category Information


Originating from simple, everyday items, ceramics gradually embody the story of Vietnamese history, art, and soul over time. Giving ceramics is akin to offering a rich cultural heritage, a cherished token for the recipient, reflecting a deep appreciation and respect for Vietnamese artistic values.

Today, CHUS is truly proud to present a curated collection of gifts for ceramic lovers, bringing you the finest products that celebrate this heritage.

The art of ceramics - A proud Vietnamese tradition

The craft of ceramics dates back centuries, evolving through various feudal dynasties and leaving its mark on ceramic artistry. Famous pottery villages like Bát Tràng, Chu Đậu, and Phù Lãng have become the cradle of advanced ceramic techniques. Vietnamese ceramics today are celebrated for their national identity, creating cultural masterpieces exported worldwide, embodying the pride of the nation.

Ceramic craftsmanship is not just a livelihood but a traditional craft imbued with the soul of the people. Each vase, plate, or ceramic statue carries the spirit of the artisan, symbolizing the resilience and essence of Vietnamese culture.

Unlike mass-produced ceramics, handcrafted ceramics stand as a testament to meticulous care and effort. The patience and expert skills of the artisans give each piece deep cultural and spiritual value. Vietnamese ceramics symbolize the enduring strength of this craft, reflecting the unshakeable identity of a nation through time.


The Art of Ceramics – A Proud Vietnamese Tradition (Photo: Đông Gia Ceramics | CHUS)

What Makes Gifts for Ceramic Lovers on CHUS Special?

1. Handcrafted by Vietnamese artisans

At CHUS, you'll find handcrafted ceramic products made by experienced Vietnamese artisans. Every line and detail on each vase, cup, or bowl is meticulously crafted, reflecting the heart and creativity of the artisans.

gifts for ceramic lovers, handmade ceramics, chus, ceramic cup

Y Thanh ceramic cup with classic yet elegant patterns (Photo: Tu Hú Ceramics | CHUS)

2. Carefully selected

Each ceramic gift is carefully selected from skilled artisans, ensuring the highest quality. The ceramics at CHUS are fired at high temperatures, ensuring durability and safety. The clay used comes from renowned pottery regions, offering a distinctive feel and quality.

3. A wide range of products from decorative to practical ceramics

At CHUS, you'll find a diverse selection of ceramic products for various purposes. From exquisite teapot sets and finely crafted ceramic figurines to everyday items like bowls, plates, and cups, each product combines aesthetics and functionality. The variety ensures you can find the perfect gift for any occasion or recipient.

gifts for ceramic lovers, handmade ceramics, chus, teapot set

Octagonal Teapot set with reactive glaze - a refined gift (Photo: Tu Hú Ceramics | CHUS)

4. Unique designs, hard to find in mass-market products

What sets ceramics at CHUS apart is the unique designs and wide range of patterns, not easily found in mass-produced items. Each ceramic gift is a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, combining rustic charm with meticulous detail. The products feature patterns inspired by Vietnamese nature, culture, and everyday life.

The meaning behind gifting ceramics

Beyond their well-known meanings of elegance and sophistication, ceramic gifts now represent tradition, connecting culture and people.

  • Longevity and endurance: Ceramics, known for their durability and resistance to breakage, symbolize long-lasting and strong relationships. A ceramic gift is a wish for enduring friendship or love.
  • Elegance and artistry: With their refined designs and harmonious colors, ceramic pieces exude a graceful, luxurious beauty. This is the perfect gift for those who appreciate beauty and value art.
  • Honoring Vietnamese culture: Ceramic gifts are also a way to honor Vietnamese culture, showing appreciation for the country’s traditional values.

gifts for ceramic lovers, handmade ceramics, chus, tea set

Gifts for ceramic lovers - meaningful and proud (Photo: Đông Gia Ceramics | CHUS)


Ceramics symbolize resilience, creativity, and elegance, telling the story of Vietnam’s rich history and culture. At CHUS, each ceramic piece is a unique work of art, carefully chosen from the talented hands of artisans.

Let CHUS help you express sincere feelings and appreciation through exquisite ceramic gifts. Explore today and find the perfect gift for your loved ones!

CHUS your thoughtful gifts

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            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(12) {
            string(4) "Mice"
            string(4) "1188"
            string(3) "636"
            string(2) "10"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
      array(22) {
        string(3) "225"
        string(3) "637"
        string(1) "0"
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        string(1) "S"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "Y"
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        string(0) ""
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        string(1) "M"
        string(1) "A"
        string(2) "40"
        string(0) ""
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        string(34) "Choose 4/5 out of 10 round animals"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        array(10) {
          array(12) {
            string(3) "Dog"
            string(4) "1210"
            string(3) "637"
            string(1) "1"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(12) {
            string(3) "Pig"
            string(4) "1211"
            string(3) "637"
            string(1) "2"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(12) {
            string(4) "Deer"
            string(4) "1212"
            string(3) "637"
            string(1) "3"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(12) {
            string(3) "Cat"
            string(4) "1213"
            string(3) "637"
            string(1) "4"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(12) {
            string(7) "Raccoon"
            string(4) "1214"
            string(3) "637"
            string(1) "5"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(12) {
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            string(4) "1215"
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            string(1) "6"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(12) {
            string(3) "Fox"
            string(4) "1216"
            string(3) "637"
            string(1) "7"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(12) {
            string(7) "Penguin"
            string(4) "1217"
            string(3) "637"
            string(1) "8"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(12) {
            string(10) "Brown bear"
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            string(3) "637"
            string(1) "9"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(12) {
            string(4) "Mice"
            string(4) "1219"
            string(3) "637"
            string(2) "10"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
      array(22) {
        string(3) "225"
        string(3) "638"
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "6"
        string(1) "S"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "Y"
        string(1) "N"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "0"
        string(1) "M"
        string(1) "A"
        string(2) "50"
        string(0) ""
        string(34) "Choose 5/5 out of 10 round animals"
        string(34) "Choose 5/5 out of 10 round animals"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        array(10) {
          array(12) {
            string(3) "Dog"
            string(4) "1190"
            string(3) "638"
            string(1) "1"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(12) {
            string(3) "Pig"
            string(4) "1191"
            string(3) "638"
            string(1) "2"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(12) {
            string(4) "Deer"
            string(4) "1192"
            string(3) "638"
            string(1) "3"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(12) {
            string(3) "Cat"
            string(4) "1193"
            string(3) "638"
            string(1) "4"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(12) {
            string(7) "Raccoon"
            string(4) "1194"
            string(3) "638"
            string(1) "5"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(12) {
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            string(4) "1195"
            string(3) "638"
            string(1) "6"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(12) {
            string(3) "Fox"
            string(4) "1196"
            string(3) "638"
            string(1) "7"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(12) {
            string(7) "Penguin"
            string(4) "1197"
            string(3) "638"
            string(1) "8"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(12) {
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            string(3) "638"
            string(1) "9"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
          array(12) {
            string(4) "Mice"
            string(4) "1199"
            string(3) "638"
            string(2) "10"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(5) "0.000"
            string(1) "A"
            string(1) "A"
            array(0) {
    string(10) "1668118718"
    string(12) "2900000.0000"
    string(12) "2900000.0000"
    array(2) {
    array(0) {
    array(17) {
      string(1) "C"
  array(87) {
    string(4) "1402"
    string(111) "Set of 4 Color Bowls, Ocean Wave Fire Glaze, Vietnamese Elements, Glossy Finish, Vietnamese Handcrafted Ceramic"
    string(16) "Gốm Đông Gia"
    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "0"
    string(4) "5.00"
    string(1) "5"
    string(10) "10199_58C2"
    string(1) "A"
    string(3) "208"
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    string(4) "1998"
    string(7) "500.000"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(4) "0.00"
    string(1) "0"
    string(10) "1655312400"
    string(10) "1726250726"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "B"
    string(1) "N"
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    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "Y"
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    string(1) "N"
    string(0) ""
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    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
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    string(129) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:20;s:9:"box_width";i:20;s:10:"box_height";i:20;}"
    string(0) ""
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "Y"
    array(3) {
    string(46) "set-of-4-porcelain-bowls-ocean-wave-fire-glaze"
    string(7) "101/313"
    string(1) "B"
    string(7) "default"
    array(1) {
      string(5) "21674"
    array(1) {
      array(2) {
        string(5) "21674"
        string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
    string(12) "PV-716F7210E"
    string(10) "13997_1402"
    array(1) {
      array(13) {
        string(5) "21674"
        string(15) "dropdown_labels"
        string(1) "0"
        string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
        string(1) "N"
        string(6) "Option"
        string(6) "Option"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(13) "Sauce dish S2"
        string(5) "75795"
        string(1) "0"
    array(1) {
      array(14) {
        string(5) "21674"
        string(15) "dropdown_labels"
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        string(6) "Option"
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        string(1) "0"
        array(5) {
          array(5) {
            string(5) "75793"
            string(1) "0"
            string(6) " Plate"
            string(5) "23285"
            array(10) {
              string(5) "23285"
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              string(5) "13997"
              string(1) "V"
              string(4) "1402"
              string(4) "5.00"
              string(1) "5"
              array(1) {
                array(13) {
                  string(5) "21674"
                  string(15) "dropdown_labels"
                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(6) "Option"
                  string(6) "Option"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(6) " Plate"
                  string(5) "75793"
                  string(1) "0"
          array(5) {
            string(5) "75792"
            string(1) "0"
            string(22) "Rice bowl with lid D12"
            string(5) "23284"
            array(10) {
              string(5) "23284"
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              string(111) "Set of 4 Color Bowls, Ocean Wave Fire Glaze, Vietnamese Elements, Glossy Finish, Vietnamese Handcrafted Ceramic"
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              string(1) "V"
              string(4) "1402"
              string(4) "5.00"
              string(1) "5"
              array(1) {
                array(13) {
                  string(5) "21674"
                  string(15) "dropdown_labels"
                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
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                  string(6) "Option"
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                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
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          array(5) {
            string(5) "75794"
            string(1) "0"
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            array(10) {
              string(5) "23286"
              string(4) "1998"
              string(111) "Set of 4 Color Bowls, Ocean Wave Fire Glaze, Vietnamese Elements, Glossy Finish, Vietnamese Handcrafted Ceramic"
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              array(1) {
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                  string(0) ""
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          array(5) {
            string(5) "75795"
            string(1) "0"
            string(13) "Sauce dish S2"
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            array(10) {
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              string(4) "1998"
              string(111) "Set of 4 Color Bowls, Ocean Wave Fire Glaze, Vietnamese Elements, Glossy Finish, Vietnamese Handcrafted Ceramic"
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                  string(1) "N"
                  string(6) "Option"
                  string(6) "Option"
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                  string(0) ""
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            string(1) "0"
            string(14) "Set of 4 items"
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                  string(14) "Set of 4 items"
                  string(5) "75791"
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    string(127) "Set of 4 Color Bowls, Ocean Wave Fire Glaze, Vietnamese Elements, Glossy Finish, Vietnamese Handcrafted Ceramic (Sauce dish S2)"
    string(10) "44000.0000"
    array(0) {
    array(0) {
    array(1) {
      array(1) {
        array(1) {
          array(3) {
            string(13) "by_percentage"
            string(2) "10"
    string(2) "10"
    array(2) {
    array(0) {
    array(17) {
      string(1) "C"
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    string(109) "Foxy Ceramic Necklace, Unique Ceramic Accessory, Simple And Elegant Design, Environmentally Friendly Material"
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    string(1) "0"
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    string(1) "5"
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    string(1) "A"
    string(1) "2"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "1"
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    string(1) "0"
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    string(1) "0"
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    array(17) {
      string(1) "C"
  array(74) {
    string(4) "3859"
    string(139) "Ceramic Ren Yin Tiger Figurine, Yellow Male Version, Ceramic Figurine, Vietnamese Ceramics, Decorations, Handicraft, Toxin-Free, Gift Ideas"
    string(8) "HCERAMIC"
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    string(1) "0"
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    string(2) "15"
    string(8) "10207_01"
    string(1) "A"
    string(3) "358"
    string(1) "0"
    string(3) "988"
    string(7) "500.000"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(4) "0.00"
    string(1) "0"
    string(10) "1655312400"
    string(10) "1726252633"
    string(1) "0"
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    string(1) "B"
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    array(2) {
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    string(1) "B"
    string(7) "default"
    array(0) {
    string(11) "600000.0000"
    array(0) {
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    array(2) {
    array(0) {
    array(17) {
      string(1) "C"
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    string(16) "Gốm Đông Gia"
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        string(0) ""
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                  string(0) ""
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              string(1) "0"
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                  string(1) "0"
          array(5) {
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            string(1) "0"
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                  string(1) "0"
          array(5) {
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                  string(1) "0"
    string(175) "Scenic Coffee Mug, Gold Plated Color, Vietnamese Elements, Glossy Finish, Handcrafted Ceramic, Elevating Space, Coffee Gift, Vietnamese Gift (Great Hanoi Dong Gia coffee mug )"
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      string(1) "C"
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    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "0"
    string(8) "10557_16"
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    string(3) "581"
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    string(1) "0"
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    array(0) {
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    array(0) {
    array(0) {
    array(2) {
    array(0) {
    array(17) {
      string(1) "C"
  array(84) {
    string(5) "32324"
    string(140) "Dog Shaped With Pointy Ears Ceramic Piggy Bank, Vietnamese Ceramics, Unique Piggy Bank, Ceramic Money Bank, Handmade, Gift Ideas, Home Decor"
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    string(3) "999"
    string(5) "0.000"
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    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
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        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
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        string(5) "80929"
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    array(1) {
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        string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
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        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
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              array(1) {
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                  string(0) ""
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    array(0) {
    array(0) {
    array(2) {
    array(0) {
    array(17) {
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  array(84) {
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    string(8) "HCERAMIC"
    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "0"
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    string(1) "0"
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    string(0) ""
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      array(2) {
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        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(31) "Lying kitten with straight tail"
        string(5) "81898"
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                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(5) "Green"
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                  string(0) ""
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                  string(5) "Green"
                  string(5) "81905"
                  string(1) "1"
          array(5) {
            string(5) "81900"
            string(1) "3"
            string(30) "Lying kitten with twisted tail"
            string(5) "35819"
            array(10) {
              string(5) "35819"
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                  string(1) "3"
                array(13) {
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                  string(0) ""
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                  string(5) "Green"
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                  string(1) "1"
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              string(5) "35824"
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              string(150) "Cat Family Ceramic Figurine Set, Cat Figurines, Home Décor, Handmade Ceramic Cat Statuettes, Unique Cat Gifts, Gift For Cat Lovers, Housewarming Gift"
              string(8) "HCERAMIC"
              string(5) "15744"
              string(1) "V"
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              string(4) "5.00"
              string(1) "6"
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                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(15) "Choose Figurine"
                  string(16) "10207_29 - mẫu"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(16) "Standing kitten "
                  string(5) "81901"
                  string(1) "4"
                array(13) {
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                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
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                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(5) "Green"
                  string(5) "81905"
                  string(1) "1"
          array(5) {
            string(5) "81902"
            string(1) "5"
            string(10) "Mother cat"
            string(5) "35829"
            array(10) {
              string(5) "35829"
              string(3) "999"
              string(150) "Cat Family Ceramic Figurine Set, Cat Figurines, Home Décor, Handmade Ceramic Cat Statuettes, Unique Cat Gifts, Gift For Cat Lovers, Housewarming Gift"
              string(8) "HCERAMIC"
              string(5) "15744"
              string(1) "V"
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              string(1) "6"
              array(2) {
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                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(15) "Choose Figurine"
                  string(16) "10207_29 - mẫu"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(10) "Mother cat"
                  string(5) "81902"
                  string(1) "5"
                array(13) {
                  string(5) "23621"
                  string(15) "dropdown_labels"
                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(12) "Choose color"
                  string(15) "10207_29 - màu"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(5) "Green"
                  string(5) "81905"
                  string(1) "1"
          array(5) {
            string(5) "81903"
            string(1) "6"
            string(11) "Father cat "
            string(5) "35834"
            array(10) {
              string(5) "35834"
              string(3) "998"
              string(150) "Cat Family Ceramic Figurine Set, Cat Figurines, Home Décor, Handmade Ceramic Cat Statuettes, Unique Cat Gifts, Gift For Cat Lovers, Housewarming Gift"
              string(8) "HCERAMIC"
              string(5) "15744"
              string(1) "V"
              string(5) "35730"
              string(4) "5.00"
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              array(2) {
                array(13) {
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                  string(15) "dropdown_labels"
                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(15) "Choose Figurine"
                  string(16) "10207_29 - mẫu"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(11) "Father cat "
                  string(5) "81903"
                  string(1) "6"
                array(13) {
                  string(5) "23621"
                  string(15) "dropdown_labels"
                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(12) "Choose color"
                  string(15) "10207_29 - màu"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(5) "Green"
                  string(5) "81905"
                  string(1) "1"
          array(5) {
            string(5) "81904"
            string(1) "7"
            string(23) "Full set of Cat Family "
            string(5) "35839"
            array(10) {
              string(5) "35839"
              string(3) "999"
              string(150) "Cat Family Ceramic Figurine Set, Cat Figurines, Home Décor, Handmade Ceramic Cat Statuettes, Unique Cat Gifts, Gift For Cat Lovers, Housewarming Gift"
              string(8) "HCERAMIC"
              string(5) "15744"
              string(1) "V"
              string(5) "35730"
              string(4) "5.00"
              string(1) "6"
              array(2) {
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                  string(5) "23620"
                  string(15) "dropdown_labels"
                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(15) "Choose Figurine"
                  string(16) "10207_29 - mẫu"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(23) "Full set of Cat Family "
                  string(5) "81904"
                  string(1) "7"
                array(13) {
                  string(5) "23621"
                  string(15) "dropdown_labels"
                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(12) "Choose color"
                  string(15) "10207_29 - màu"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(5) "Green"
                  string(5) "81905"
                  string(1) "1"
      array(14) {
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        string(15) "dropdown_labels"
        string(1) "0"
        string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
        string(1) "N"
        string(12) "Choose color"
        string(15) "10207_29 - màu"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(5) "Green"
        string(5) "81905"
        string(1) "1"
        array(5) {
          array(5) {
            string(5) "81905"
            string(1) "1"
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              string(3) "999"
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              string(8) "HCERAMIC"
              string(5) "15744"
              string(1) "P"
              string(1) "0"
              string(4) "5.00"
              string(1) "6"
              array(2) {
                array(13) {
                  string(5) "23620"
                  string(15) "dropdown_labels"
                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(15) "Choose Figurine"
                  string(16) "10207_29 - mẫu"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(31) "Lying kitten with straight tail"
                  string(5) "81898"
                  string(1) "1"
                array(13) {
                  string(5) "23621"
                  string(15) "dropdown_labels"
                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(12) "Choose color"
                  string(15) "10207_29 - màu"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(5) "Green"
                  string(5) "81905"
                  string(1) "1"
          array(5) {
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            string(1) "2"
            string(15) "Yellowish green"
            string(5) "35810"
            array(10) {
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              string(3) "999"
              string(150) "Cat Family Ceramic Figurine Set, Cat Figurines, Home Décor, Handmade Ceramic Cat Statuettes, Unique Cat Gifts, Gift For Cat Lovers, Housewarming Gift"
              string(8) "HCERAMIC"
              string(5) "15744"
              string(1) "V"
              string(5) "35730"
              string(4) "5.00"
              string(1) "6"
              array(2) {
                array(13) {
                  string(5) "23620"
                  string(15) "dropdown_labels"
                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
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                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
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                  string(5) "81898"
                  string(1) "1"
                array(13) {
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                  string(15) "dropdown_labels"
                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(12) "Choose color"
                  string(15) "10207_29 - màu"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(15) "Yellowish green"
                  string(5) "81906"
                  string(1) "2"
          array(5) {
            string(5) "81907"
            string(1) "3"
            string(4) "Blue"
            string(5) "35811"
            array(10) {
              string(5) "35811"
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              string(8) "HCERAMIC"
              string(5) "15744"
              string(1) "V"
              string(5) "35730"
              string(4) "5.00"
              string(1) "6"
              array(2) {
                array(13) {
                  string(5) "23620"
                  string(15) "dropdown_labels"
                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(15) "Choose Figurine"
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                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(31) "Lying kitten with straight tail"
                  string(5) "81898"
                  string(1) "1"
                array(13) {
                  string(5) "23621"
                  string(15) "dropdown_labels"
                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(12) "Choose color"
                  string(15) "10207_29 - màu"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(4) "Blue"
                  string(5) "81907"
                  string(1) "3"
          array(5) {
            string(5) "81908"
            string(1) "4"
            string(6) "Yellow"
            string(5) "35812"
            array(10) {
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              string(8) "HCERAMIC"
              string(5) "15744"
              string(1) "V"
              string(5) "35730"
              string(4) "5.00"
              string(1) "6"
              array(2) {
                array(13) {
                  string(5) "23620"
                  string(15) "dropdown_labels"
                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(15) "Choose Figurine"
                  string(16) "10207_29 - mẫu"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(31) "Lying kitten with straight tail"
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                  string(1) "1"
                array(13) {
                  string(5) "23621"
                  string(15) "dropdown_labels"
                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(12) "Choose color"
                  string(15) "10207_29 - màu"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(6) "Yellow"
                  string(5) "81908"
                  string(1) "4"
          array(5) {
            string(5) "81909"
            string(1) "5"
            string(3) "Red"
            string(5) "35813"
            array(10) {
              string(5) "35813"
              string(3) "999"
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              string(8) "HCERAMIC"
              string(5) "15744"
              string(1) "V"
              string(5) "35730"
              string(4) "5.00"
              string(1) "6"
              array(2) {
                array(13) {
                  string(5) "23620"
                  string(15) "dropdown_labels"
                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(15) "Choose Figurine"
                  string(16) "10207_29 - mẫu"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(31) "Lying kitten with straight tail"
                  string(5) "81898"
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                  string(15) "dropdown_labels"
                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(12) "Choose color"
                  string(15) "10207_29 - màu"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(3) "Red"
                  string(5) "81909"
                  string(1) "5"
    string(191) "Cat Family Ceramic Figurine Set, Cat Figurines, Home Décor, Handmade Ceramic Cat Statuettes, Unique Cat Gifts, Gift For Cat Lovers, Housewarming Gift (Lying kitten with straight tail, Green)"
    string(11) "160000.0000"
    array(0) {
    array(0) {
    array(2) {
    array(0) {
    array(17) {
      string(1) "C"
    string(209) "35730,35810,35811,35812,35813,35814,35815,35816,35817,35818,35819,35820,35821,35822,35823,35824,35825,35826,35827,35828,35829,35830,35831,35832,35833,35834,35835,35836,35841,35842,35843,35837,35838,35839,35840"
  array(90) {
    string(5) "37413"
    string(126) "Cat Tilting Head Porcelain Figurine, Handmade Ceramic Statue, Ideal For Decorating Study Or Work Desks, Charming Handmade Gift"
    string(11) "Art by Hang"
    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(8) "10134_06"
    string(1) "A"
    string(3) "103"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "1"
    string(7) "400.000"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(4) "0.00"
    string(1) "0"
    string(10) "1676889334"
    string(10) "1726252703"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "B"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "R"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "Y"
    string(2) "10"
    string(1) "N"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "N"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "1"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "N"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "F"
    string(7) "default"
    string(129) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:15;s:9:"box_width";i:15;s:10:"box_height";i:15;}"
    string(0) ""
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "N"
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    array(1) {
    string(35) "cat-tilting-head-porcelain-figurine"
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    string(1) "F"
    string(1) "B"
    string(1) "R"
    string(1) "1"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(7) "default"
    array(1) {
      string(5) "23794"
    array(1) {
      array(2) {
        string(5) "23794"
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    array(1) {
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        string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
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        string(12) "Choose model"
        string(16) "10134_06 - mẫu"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(7) "Model 1"
        string(5) "82708"
        string(1) "1"
    array(1) {
      array(14) {
        string(5) "23794"
        string(15) "dropdown_labels"
        string(1) "0"
        string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
        string(1) "N"
        string(12) "Choose model"
        string(16) "10134_06 - mẫu"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(7) "Model 1"
        string(5) "82708"
        string(1) "1"
        array(6) {
          array(5) {
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            string(1) "1"
            string(7) "Model 1"
            string(5) "37413"
            array(10) {
              string(5) "37413"
              string(1) "1"
              string(126) "Cat Tilting Head Porcelain Figurine, Handmade Ceramic Statue, Ideal For Decorating Study Or Work Desks, Charming Handmade Gift"
              string(11) "Art by Hang"
              string(5) "15930"
              string(1) "P"
              string(1) "0"
              string(1) "0"
              array(1) {
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                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(12) "Choose model"
                  string(16) "10134_06 - mẫu"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(7) "Model 1"
                  string(5) "82708"
                  string(1) "1"
          array(5) {
            string(5) "82709"
            string(1) "2"
            string(7) "Model 2"
            string(5) "37441"
            array(10) {
              string(5) "37441"
              string(1) "1"
              string(126) "Cat Tilting Head Porcelain Figurine, Handmade Ceramic Statue, Ideal For Decorating Study Or Work Desks, Charming Handmade Gift"
              string(11) "Art by Hang"
              string(5) "15930"
              string(1) "V"
              string(5) "37413"
              string(1) "0"
              array(1) {
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                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(12) "Choose model"
                  string(16) "10134_06 - mẫu"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(7) "Model 2"
                  string(5) "82709"
                  string(1) "2"
          array(5) {
            string(5) "82710"
            string(1) "3"
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            array(10) {
              string(5) "37442"
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              string(11) "Art by Hang"
              string(5) "15930"
              string(1) "V"
              string(5) "37413"
              string(1) "0"
              array(1) {
                array(13) {
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                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(12) "Choose model"
                  string(16) "10134_06 - mẫu"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(7) "Model 3"
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          array(5) {
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            string(1) "4"
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            array(10) {
              string(5) "37443"
              string(1) "1"
              string(126) "Cat Tilting Head Porcelain Figurine, Handmade Ceramic Statue, Ideal For Decorating Study Or Work Desks, Charming Handmade Gift"
              string(11) "Art by Hang"
              string(5) "15930"
              string(1) "V"
              string(5) "37413"
              string(1) "0"
              array(1) {
                array(13) {
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                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
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                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(7) "Model 4"
                  string(5) "82711"
                  string(1) "4"
          array(5) {
            string(5) "82712"
            string(1) "5"
            string(7) "Model 5"
            string(5) "37444"
            array(10) {
              string(5) "37444"
              string(1) "1"
              string(126) "Cat Tilting Head Porcelain Figurine, Handmade Ceramic Statue, Ideal For Decorating Study Or Work Desks, Charming Handmade Gift"
              string(11) "Art by Hang"
              string(5) "15930"
              string(1) "V"
              string(5) "37413"
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                  string(1) "0"
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                  string(16) "10134_06 - mẫu"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(7) "Model 5"
                  string(5) "82712"
                  string(1) "5"
          array(5) {
            string(5) "82713"
            string(1) "6"
            string(7) "Model 6"
            string(5) "37445"
            array(10) {
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              string(5) "15930"
              string(1) "V"
              string(5) "37413"
              string(1) "0"
              array(1) {
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                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "N"
                  string(12) "Choose model"
                  string(16) "10134_06 - mẫu"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(7) "Model 6"
                  string(5) "82713"
                  string(1) "6"
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        string(1) "N"
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        string(1) "0"
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        string(10) "10134_gift"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        array(1) {
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    array(2) {
    array(0) {
    array(17) {
      string(1) "C"
    string(41) "37413,37441,37442,37443,37444,37445,37446"
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    string(11) "10812_02_02"
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    array(1) {
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    array(1) {
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        string(25) "10812_Chọn loại đèn"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "1"
        string(11) "White light"
        string(5) "87263"
        string(1) "2"
    array(1) {
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            array(10) {
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              string(1) "1"
              string(140) "Handmade Ceramic Fairy Lamp 2, Bring The Magical Fairy World To Life, Night Light, Ceramic Decorative Lamp, Delicate Decoration, Unique Gift"
              string(13) "Little Sparks"
              string(5) "17259"
              string(1) "P"
              string(1) "0"
              string(1) "0"
              array(1) {
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                  string(25) "10812_Chọn loại đèn"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
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                  string(5) "87263"
                  string(1) "2"
    string(154) "Handmade Ceramic Fairy Lamp 2, Bring The Magical Fairy World To Life, Night Light, Ceramic Decorative Lamp, Delicate Decoration, Unique Gift (White light)"
    string(11) "700000.0000"
    array(1) {
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        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
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            string(1) "A"
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    array(0) {
    array(17) {
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    string(144) "Yellow “Hoài” Floral Pattern Ceramic Mug, Vietnamese Ceramics, Household, Ceramic Bowl, Ceramic, Kitchenware, Non-toxic, Decorations, Gifts"
    string(15) "Tu Hú Ceramics"
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    string(1) "0"
    string(4) "5.00"
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    array(0) {
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    array(0) {
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    array(0) {
    array(17) {
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  array(74) {
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    string(156) "Hexagonal Ceramic Tea Set, Crystal Green Collection, Perfect Housewarming Gift, Handcrafted Vietnamese Tea Set, Meaningful Gift, Easy Care & Dishwasher Safe"
    string(16) "Gốm Đông Gia"
    string(1) "P"
    string(1) "0"
    string(1) "0"
    string(14) "10199_77_01_01"
    string(1) "A"
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    string(2) "99"
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    string(1) "N"
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    string(11) "17253_49230"
    array(1) {
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        string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
        string(1) "Y"
        string(11) "Choose size"
        string(11) "Choose size"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""
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          array(5) {
            string(5) "87232"
            string(1) "1"
            string(5) "Small"
            string(5) "49230"
            array(10) {
              string(5) "49230"
              string(2) "99"
              string(156) "Hexagonal Ceramic Tea Set, Crystal Green Collection, Perfect Housewarming Gift, Handcrafted Vietnamese Tea Set, Meaningful Gift, Easy Care & Dishwasher Safe"
              string(16) "Gốm Đông Gia"
              string(5) "17253"
              string(1) "P"
              string(1) "0"
              string(1) "0"
              array(1) {
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                  string(15) "dropdown_labels"
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                  string(11) "Choose size"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(5) "Small"
                  string(5) "87232"
                  string(1) "1"
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              string(16) "Gốm Đông Gia"
              string(5) "17253"
              string(1) "V"
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              string(1) "0"
              array(1) {
                array(13) {
                  string(5) "25008"
                  string(15) "dropdown_labels"
                  string(1) "0"
                  string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item"
                  string(1) "Y"
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                  string(11) "Choose size"
                  string(0) ""
                  string(0) ""
                  string(1) "1"
                  string(6) "Medium"
                  string(5) "87233"
                  string(1) "2"
    string(164) "Hexagonal Ceramic Tea Set, Crystal Green Collection, Perfect Housewarming Gift, Handcrafted Vietnamese Tea Set, Meaningful Gift, Easy Care & Dishwasher Safe (Small)"
    string(11) "943000.0000"
    array(1) {
    array(1) {
      array(22) {
        string(5) "49230"
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        string(3) "208"
        string(1) "C"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "N"
        string(1) "N"
        string(0) ""
        string(1) "0"
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        string(1) "A"
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        string(14) "10199_wrapping"
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            string(1) "A"
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    array(17) {
      string(1) "C"
    string(11) "49230,49323"
  array(77) {
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    string(133) "Charming Clay Bride And Groom Figurine, Personalized Wedding Gift, Unique Wedding Gift, Personalized Gift, Custom Gift, Handmade Gift"
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    string(10) "1726252604"
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    string(1) "N"
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Are you looking for a unique and meaningful wedding gift for your loved ones?

Look no further than Siblings for exquisitely crafted and adorable clay bride and groom figurines!

Siblings' chibi bride and groom figurine is not only unique decorations for the honeymoon suite or bedroom but also symbolize the everlasting love of the couple.

In addition, the safe Thai clay material and food coloring create products that are not only beautiful but also durable over time.

Even better, you can customize the color of the product, such as the frame color, the bride and groom's attire, and more, to match the recipient's preferences.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(4) { [0]=> int(213) [1]=> int(191) [2]=> int(409) [3]=> int(193) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(64) "charming-clay-bride-and-groom-figurine-personalized-wedding-gift" ["seo_path"]=> string(7) "105/193" ["main_category"]=> int(193) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "550000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [3866]=> array(87) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "3866" ["product"]=> string(139) "Brown Ceramic Pig Figurine, Pig Family Collection, Ceramic Figurine, Vietnamese Ceramics, Decor Item, Unique Design, Handicraft, Toxin-Free" ["company_name"]=> string(8) "HCERAMIC" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "5.00" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(2) "10" ["product_code"]=> string(10) "10207_F236" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "358" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "999" ["weight"]=> string(7) "500.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1655312400" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252633" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(3) " - " ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(129) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:20;s:9:"box_width";i:15;s:10:"box_height";i:20;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "Y" ["price"]=> string(11) "170000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(483) "

The pig is definitely an animal that is very familiar to families who breed. Pig is also one creature in the 12 zodiac signs in the oriental culture.

HCeramics brought to you these creative and lovely Pig figurines that you can display as a decor item in your living room. The pig family gathering together represents affluence, completeness and warmth in life.

Besides, HCeramics also combine with beautiful floral patterns to make the product more outstanding.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(313) [1]=> int(166) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(48) "brown-ceramic-pig-figurine-pig-family-collection" ["seo_path"]=> string(7) "101/166" ["main_category"]=> int(166) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_feature_ids"]=> array(1) { [20472]=> string(5) "20472" } ["variation_feature_collection"]=> array(1) { [20472]=> array(2) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "20472" ["purpose"]=> string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item" } } ["variation_group_id"]=> int(12922) ["variation_group_code"]=> string(12) "PV-F98887C66" ["variation_parent_product_id"]=> int(0) ["variation_sub_group_id"]=> string(10) "12922_3866" ["variation_features"]=> array(1) { [20472]=> array(13) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "20472" ["feature_style"]=> string(15) "dropdown_labels" ["position"]=> string(1) "0" ["purpose"]=> string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item" ["display_on_catalog"]=> string(1) "N" ["description"]=> string(6) "Option" ["internal_name"]=> string(6) "Option" ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["suffix"]=> string(0) "" ["purpose_position"]=> string(1) "1" ["variant"]=> string(16) "4. Small piglet " ["variant_id"]=> string(5) "71625" ["variant_position"]=> string(1) "0" } } ["variation_features_variants"]=> array(1) { [20472]=> array(14) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "20472" ["feature_style"]=> string(15) "dropdown_labels" ["position"]=> string(1) "0" ["purpose"]=> string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item" ["display_on_catalog"]=> string(1) "N" ["description"]=> string(6) "Option" ["internal_name"]=> string(6) "Option" ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["suffix"]=> string(0) "" ["purpose_position"]=> string(1) "1" ["variant"]=> string(16) "4. Small piglet " ["variant_id"]=> string(5) "71625" ["variant_position"]=> string(1) "0" ["variants"]=> array(5) { [71622]=> array(5) { ["variant_id"]=> string(5) "71622" ["variant_position"]=> string(1) "0" ["variant"]=> string(13) "1. 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Mommy pig " ["product_id"]=> string(5) "18805" ["product"]=> array(10) { ["product_id"]=> string(5) "18805" ["amount"]=> string(3) "999" ["product"]=> string(139) "Brown Ceramic Pig Figurine, Pig Family Collection, Ceramic Figurine, Vietnamese Ceramics, Decor Item, Unique Design, Handicraft, Toxin-Free" ["company_name"]=> string(8) "HCERAMIC" ["variation_group_id"]=> string(5) "12922" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "V" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(4) "3866" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "5.00" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(2) "10" ["variation_features"]=> array(1) { [20472]=> array(13) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "20472" ["feature_style"]=> string(15) "dropdown_labels" ["position"]=> string(1) "0" ["purpose"]=> string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item" ["display_on_catalog"]=> string(1) "N" ["description"]=> string(6) "Option" ["internal_name"]=> string(6) "Option" ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["suffix"]=> string(0) "" ["purpose_position"]=> string(1) "1" ["variant"]=> string(13) "2. 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With the fresh yet calming color as the new crop of paddy rice, the Pig Family Collection will be a set that wishes for all the best things and prosperity.

The figurines have high decorative value as well as spiritual meaning for the owner. Each figurine is made by hand from glazed stoneware material. After that, they will be adorned with fancy delicate details on the body. This will be an exquisite gift that you can decorate your home or use as a gift for your beloved ones.

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["variation_group_id"]=> string(5) "12921" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "V" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(4) "3867" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "5.00" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(1) "5" ["variation_features"]=> array(1) { [20471]=> array(13) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "20471" ["feature_style"]=> string(15) "dropdown_labels" ["position"]=> string(1) "0" ["purpose"]=> string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item" ["display_on_catalog"]=> string(1) "N" ["description"]=> string(6) "Option" ["internal_name"]=> string(6) "Option" ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["suffix"]=> string(0) "" ["purpose_position"]=> string(1) "1" ["variant"]=> string(23) "Full set of Pig family " ["variant_id"]=> string(5) "71621" ["variant_position"]=> string(1) "0" } } } } [71618]=> array(5) { ["variant_id"]=> string(5) "71618" ["variant_position"]=> string(1) "0" ["variant"]=> string(10) "Mommy pig " ["product_id"]=> string(5) "18801" ["product"]=> array(10) { ["product_id"]=> string(5) "18801" ["amount"]=> 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The Osaka Ceramic Pot & Lid is made of ceramic. It’s sturdy but lightweight, easy to move around and large enough to hold your food. Plus, it also takes up minimal storage space.

This can be used as a nuts, seeds or candied fruits container to be put on our tea table; or as a hot soup bowl.

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With a gentle green color, the Ceramic Pig will be a unique figurine that brings many good meanings to the owner.

The pig family collection includes a variety of figurines in various sizes, from the big daddy pig to the adorable little piggy. The figurine is skillfully shaped from glazed ceramic with skillful shaping techniques.

With the implication of wishing for abundance and prosperity, this set of figurines is suitable for you to display in your home or as a gift for treasured ones. Green decorative items such as this are suitable for someone belonging to the feng shui Fire element as green signifies Wood and it generates Fire.

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Inspired by the image of young seeds neatly aligned planted in the ground by the nimble hands of the ethnic girl - the Y Thang pattern is the combination of rustic material and fresh blue color. A special gift for those who love cooking.

Consistently earned 5⭐, guaranteed return, shipped on time, certified by CHUS

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The Ceramic Mommy Pig figurine is a wish for good things, peace and prosperity. The figurine is designed with a moderate size, suitable for many decorative purposes.

It is hand-shaped with the skillful ceramic technique of ceramic artists at HCeramics. The highlight of the figurine lies in the glossy colorful glaze. More than that, the sharpness of color thanks to skillful workmanship makes each figurine a unique work of art. With up to nine color options, you can choose one you like best that suits your decoration style.

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This ceramic piglet figurine will be a unique decoration for your room or small garden.

The artisans at HCeramics have shown their ingenuity in shaping and glazing sharp colors by using such an excellent ceramic technique. Each model is meticulously taken care of, and then added with lovely floral shapes carved. Therefore, you can also use this product as a gift for those who love handicraft ceramics.

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From lacquer materials, the artisans at HCeramics have successfully added a delicate countryside breath to this Lacquer Buffalo Figurine.

The light glossy lacquer layer combined with a unique coloring makes this figurine look like it is inlaid with an iridescence layer. On the other hand, its shape was made entirely by hand with high ingenuity and meticulousness. So besides having a high decorative value, this is also a lucky specimen for good luck and prosperity to the owner that you can display on the New Year occasions.

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River Of Ganga is a design that combines blue stripes on white glazed ceramic. But if you look closely, each of those stripes will have a slight vibration representing the wave on the calm river.

River Of Ganga Ceramic Giant Mug Gift Set from Tu Hú Ceramics is a product with artistic value and special hidden meanings. The name is also based on the name of the Ganga river - the sacred river of India. High quality stoneware material is shaped by special techniques to enhance the fanciful beauty of the product.

Consistently earned 5⭐, guaranteed return, shipped on time, certified by CHUS

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Y Thanh still imprints in her mind the image of northern girls with their hands quickly spreading seeds to the ground. That impressive moment has once again been recreated through this Y Thanh Ceramic Giant Mug from Tu Hú Ceramics.

The design of the mug uses small beads staggered in straight lines. Each seed has a different size like seeds incubated for life to develop. The cup is made of high quality stoneware with special molding technique. Overall, the product is not only a special cup model for you to use, but also a decorative accessory for your kitchen or desk.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(340) [1]=> int(313) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(34) "y-thanh-ceramic-giant-mug-gift-set" ["seo_path"]=> string(7) "101/313" ["main_category"]=> int(313) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "169000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [3518]=> array(79) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "3518" ["product"]=> string(140) "Pipa D2 Ceramic Giant Mug Gift Set, Vietnamese Ceramics, Household Items, Ceramic, Kitchenware, Handmade, Non-toxic, Decorations, Gift Ideas" ["company_name"]=> string(15) "Tu Hú Ceramics" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "4.95" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(2) "20" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10249_16" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "243" ["list_price"]=> string(6) "175000" ["amount"]=> string(1) "5" ["weight"]=> string(7) "500.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1655312400" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1732010542" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(3) " - " ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(129) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:15;s:9:"box_width";i:25;s:10:"box_height";i:20;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "Y" ["price"]=> string(11) "169000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(573) "

Sometimes minimalist yet sophisticated design is all it takes to conquer any fastidious customer’s heart. Tu Hú Ceramics certainly understands that when it comes to this impressive Pipa D2 Ceramic Giant Mug.

The Pipa D2 Ceramic Giant Mug has a cool and pleasant dark blue color that covers the inside and out. Under the skillful hands of ceramic artists, all the winding lines of the product are highlighted. Whether it's the edge or the handle of the cup, it exudes the beauty of sophistication and a lot of effort is put into creating a finished product.

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From delicate glazed ceramic material, HCeramics offers a model of Daddy Pig figurine as a wish for happiness and prosperity in the new year.

Besides the skillful ceramic shaping technique, the highlight of the figurine is also in the elegant colorful glaze. 7 models of figurines are 7 different shades of figurines for you to easily choose for yourself. You can "invite" each pig or the whole family of ceramic pigs into the house, so that the father pig will not feel lonely.

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"16" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10249_43" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "243" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(1) "5" ["weight"]=> string(7) "500.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1655312400" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252628" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(3) " - " ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" 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This pot, inspired by the sacred Ganga River of India, features a distinctive design and classic blue color. With high-quality and heat-resistant material - it has an incredibly durable build and is safe for use.

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The best thing about ceramic products is they can be both practical and aesthetic, take this Pipa Ceramic Pot & Lid as an example. Its both timeless and modern design is perfect to be placed on your kitchen table or put on your ceramic collection shelf.

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The buffalo family figurines of mother and baby buffalos evoke affluence and completeness. Let's welcome home buffalo families with HCeramics to attract good things to your family.

The buffalo figurine set will include a sturdy mother buffalo model and a cute little baby buffalo model next to it. Both models are made by hand from sophisticated glazed ceramic. The colored glaze has a yellow tint with a bit of green, giving it a feeling of nostalgia like beautiful memories from the old days.

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Sophisticated kitchenware can elevate the presentation and taste of any dish. This ceramic bowl, adorned with a delicately drawn peony, was meticulously crafted by the skilled artisans at Tu Hu Ceramics to achieve a smooth and shiny surface. The exquisite attention to detail not only enhances the appearance of the pink peony but also gives it a lifelike quality.

Consistently earned 5⭐, guaranteed return, shipped on time, certified by CHUS

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Using clay material, the Tu Hú Ceramics artisans mold and heat the product at a high temperature. After that, the patterns are hand-drawn, giving us a sensation of seeing aligned rows of seeds sowed on rustic highlands.

This process requires great patience and skill sets. Therefore, the Y Thanh Ceramic Cup from Tu Hú Ceramics has a beautiful soul. Choose Tu Hú Ceramics is to choose a unique extension of yourself.

Consistently earned 5⭐, guaranteed return, shipped on time, certified by CHUS

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    string(37) "https://beta.chus.vn/qua-tang-gom-su/"
array(2) {
  string(53) "https://beta.chus.vn/gifts-for-ceramic-lovers/page-2/"
  string(46) "https://beta.chus.vn/gifts-for-ceramic-lovers/"
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string(4) "full"
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