Template tree


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Template variables
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1800 Beans is a Vietnamese coffee brand that offers organic coffee without the use of additives, colorants or preservatives.

With a passion for coffee, 1800 Beans founder learned about coffee farming and implemented sustainable farming methods to produce high quality organic coffee.

1800 Beans offers coffee with no additives or flavorings, for customers to enjoy the original taste of vietnamese coffee beans.

They aspire to maintain and grow this sustainable coffee farming so that products can reach more customers on a global scale.

" ["plan"]=> string(8) "Standard" ["seo_name"]=> string(13) "1800-beans-en" ["seo_path"]=> string(0) "" ["average_rating"]=> NULL ["company_thread_ids"]=> string(5) "230_0" ["discussion"]=> array(1) { ["posts_count"]=> int(0) } ["logos"]=> array(2) { ["theme"]=> array(7) { ["logo_id"]=> string(3) "483" ["layout_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["style_id"]=> string(0) "" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "230" ["type"]=> string(5) "theme" ["storefront_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["image"]=> array(0) { } } ["mail"]=> array(7) { ["logo_id"]=> string(3) "484" ["layout_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["style_id"]=> string(0) "" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "230" ["type"]=> string(4) "mail" ["storefront_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["image"]=> array(0) { } } } } [1]=> array(15) { ["company_id"]=> string(3) "440" ["lang_code"]=> string(2) "vi" ["email"]=> string(14) "hello@1life.vn" ["company"]=> string(5) "1LIFE" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1657241542" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["tax_number"]=> string(0) "" ["company_description"]=> string(1235) "

With the desire to create a safe, natural, peaceful, and healthy living community, 1Life was born. The brand provides hot and cold herbal packs to help relieve pain and relax the mind.

Combining two methods: thermotherapy and aromatherapy, each 1Life product is a wonderful solution for health. Your body will be alleviated by the ability to stimulate blood circulation of hot heat or relax and reduce inflammation thanks to cold heat. In addition, the spirit is also soothed by the aroma of herbs.

The brand only uses 100% selected natural ingredients such as herbs, beans, rice, essential oils, etc. The recipes for the herbal packs are the research enthusiasm of the brand with meticulousness and care in each stage. All products are carefully hand-sewn in cotton, from intestines to pillowcases. So they are safe for health and easy to use daily.

As its name suggests, 1Life - Each person has only one life, the brand always conveys in each of its products a positive message: "Let's live healthy, live positively and live meaningfully." They believe that health is the new symbol of lifestyle. Therefore, 1Life not only creates products but also creates life values. Come to 1Life and feel the same.

" ["plan"]=> string(8) "Standard" ["seo_name"]=> string(8) "1life-en" ["seo_path"]=> string(0) "" ["average_rating"]=> NULL ["company_thread_ids"]=> string(5) "440_0" ["discussion"]=> array(1) { ["posts_count"]=> int(0) } ["logos"]=> array(2) { ["theme"]=> array(7) { ["logo_id"]=> string(3) "907" ["layout_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["style_id"]=> string(0) "" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "440" ["type"]=> string(5) "theme" ["storefront_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["image"]=> array(0) { } } ["mail"]=> array(7) { ["logo_id"]=> string(3) "908" ["layout_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["style_id"]=> string(0) "" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "440" ["type"]=> string(4) "mail" ["storefront_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["image"]=> array(0) { } } } } [2]=> array(15) { ["company_id"]=> string(3) "342" ["lang_code"]=> string(2) "vi" ["email"]=> string(29) "huynhthibichhuyen25@gmail.com" ["company"]=> string(11) "25.Sugaryyy" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1643319017" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["tax_number"]=> string(0) "" ["company_description"]=> string(749) "

25.Sugaryyy is founded by Ms. Bich Huyen to help women feel more confident and beautiful with sustainable hair accessories and face masks. These products can be used for a long period of time and are safe for the users.

Following all three principles: BEAUTIFUL - SAFE - SUSTAINABLE, 25.Sugaryyy pampers your hair and skin without putting more pressure on the environment. Not giving a short-lived value, 25.Sugaryyy’s products are reusable, reducing a great amount of trash and relieves pressure for our planet. They are made of natural materials that are safe even on baby skin.

Products are uniquely designed, with great precision. 25.Sugaryyy will always take care of your hair and skin with handmade sustainable products.

" ["plan"]=> string(8) "Standard" ["seo_name"]=> string(14) "25.sugaryyy-en" ["seo_path"]=> string(0) "" ["average_rating"]=> NULL ["company_thread_ids"]=> string(5) "342_0" ["discussion"]=> array(1) { ["posts_count"]=> int(0) } ["logos"]=> array(2) { ["theme"]=> array(7) { ["logo_id"]=> string(3) "707" ["layout_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["style_id"]=> string(0) "" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "342" ["type"]=> string(5) "theme" ["storefront_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["image"]=> array(0) { } } ["mail"]=> array(7) { ["logo_id"]=> string(3) "708" ["layout_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["style_id"]=> string(0) "" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "342" ["type"]=> string(4) "mail" ["storefront_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["image"]=> array(0) { } } } } [3]=> array(15) { ["company_id"]=> string(3) "328" ["lang_code"]=> string(2) "vi" ["email"]=> string(16) "hcmc@7bridges.vn" ["company"]=> string(25) "7 Bridges Brewing Company" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1642378647" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["tax_number"]=> string(0) "" ["company_description"]=> string(1030) "

7 Bridges Crafted Beer was launched in 2017 in Da Nang. This local brand believes beer represents the powerful, enthusiastic spirit that connects people.

Instead of following rules or focusing on one style, the brand stays with creativity by coming up with a localized variety of beers infused with signature tastes.

Thus two years after launch, beginning with a small brewery in the garage, they now have won many big and small awards.

There is also something special about the packing. You will meet local characters featured on the bottle with different personalities and stories to tell you how the beer tastes. This also helps the connection bond stronger.

On top of that, 7 Bridges Craft Beer does more than produce delicious beers. They designed the biological wastewater recycling system and launched many environmental activities such as cleaning the beach, fundraising, or partnering with the eco-forward organization to help people understand more about the concept of sustainability.

" ["plan"]=> string(8) "Standard" ["seo_name"]=> string(24) "7-bridges-crafts-beer-en" ["seo_path"]=> string(0) "" ["average_rating"]=> NULL ["company_thread_ids"]=> string(5) "328_0" ["discussion"]=> array(1) { ["posts_count"]=> int(0) } ["logos"]=> array(2) { ["theme"]=> array(7) { ["logo_id"]=> string(3) "679" ["layout_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["style_id"]=> string(0) "" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "328" ["type"]=> string(5) "theme" ["storefront_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["image"]=> array(0) { } } ["mail"]=> array(7) { ["logo_id"]=> string(3) "680" ["layout_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["style_id"]=> string(0) "" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "328" ["type"]=> string(4) "mail" ["storefront_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["image"]=> array(0) { } } } } [4]=> array(15) { ["company_id"]=> string(3) "353" ["lang_code"]=> string(2) "vi" ["email"]=> string(20) "acihome249@gmail.com" ["company"]=> string(8) "ACI HOME" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1644977678" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["tax_number"]=> string(0) "" ["company_description"]=> string(631) "

ACI HOME is a Vietnamese brand that offers hand-knitted products. The founder, Thuy, was first introduced to the miraculous and colorful world of knitted items by her mother and grew up with it. However, until the COVID 19 pandemic happened, she got her chance to sit back, discover and turn her childhood joy into artistic handcrafted products. And that was how ACI HOME was born.

ACI HOME brings crochet products closer to many people by showing them lovely hand-knitted dolls. Using high-quality imported cotton yarn, they guarantee that their customers, especially children, only get safe-for-health pretty toys.

" ["plan"]=> string(8) "Standard" ["seo_name"]=> string(11) "aci-home-en" ["seo_path"]=> string(0) "" ["average_rating"]=> NULL ["company_thread_ids"]=> string(5) "353_0" ["discussion"]=> array(1) { ["posts_count"]=> int(0) } ["logos"]=> array(2) { ["theme"]=> array(7) { ["logo_id"]=> string(3) "729" ["layout_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["style_id"]=> string(0) "" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "353" ["type"]=> string(5) "theme" ["storefront_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["image"]=> array(0) { } } ["mail"]=> array(7) { ["logo_id"]=> string(3) "730" ["layout_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["style_id"]=> string(0) "" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "353" ["type"]=> string(4) "mail" ["storefront_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["image"]=> array(0) { } } } } [5]=> array(15) { ["company_id"]=> string(3) "206" ["lang_code"]=> string(2) "vi" ["email"]=> string(22) "sayyounglife@gmail.com" ["company"]=> string(5) "ADORA" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1624661944" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["tax_number"]=> string(0) "" ["company_description"]=> string(1030) "

ADORA is a naturally scented candle brand from Vietnam. The brand also produces scented wax with natural essential oils.

The founder always wanted to find the perfect way to relax and relieve stress after hours of office work.

She acknowledged the miracle of essential oils by accident and realised how effective it was to help her relieve stress. After spending time learning and researching, she realized most of the scented candles containing essential oils are imported at a high price. This was a main hindrance in reaching out to many potential customers.

Instead of finding a cheaper source with no guarantee of quality, she decided to work with domestic essential oil companies. Therefore, all products at ADORA are made with natural essential oils. These ingredients create unique scents that last for a long time, but are also marketed at a reasonable price for customers.

At ADORA, you can easily choose for yourself a suitable item to heal and nourish your health.


" ["plan"]=> string(8) "Standard" ["seo_name"]=> string(8) "adora-en" ["seo_path"]=> string(0) "" ["average_rating"]=> NULL ["company_thread_ids"]=> string(5) "206_0" ["discussion"]=> array(1) { ["posts_count"]=> int(0) } ["logos"]=> array(2) { ["theme"]=> array(7) { ["logo_id"]=> string(3) "435" ["layout_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["style_id"]=> string(0) "" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "206" ["type"]=> string(5) "theme" ["storefront_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["image"]=> array(0) { } } ["mail"]=> array(7) { ["logo_id"]=> string(3) "436" ["layout_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["style_id"]=> string(0) "" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "206" ["type"]=> string(4) "mail" ["storefront_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["image"]=> array(0) { } } } } [6]=> array(15) { ["company_id"]=> string(3) "550" ["lang_code"]=> string(2) "vi" ["email"]=> string(21) "allinmyhand@gmail.com" ["company"]=> string(15) "All In My Hands" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1623896574" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["tax_number"]=> string(0) "" ["company_description"]=> string(474) "

Amongst various DIY communities, born out of love for handicrafts, All In My Hands as its name implies, showcases a variety of handmade accessories with unique patterns.

Promoting the concept of resin art, along with fascinating combinations of ink and dried botanicals,all their products will make you want to own them immediately.

If you want to access a colorful universe and share the same vision of handmade products, this brand is the one for you.

" ["plan"]=> string(8) "Standard" ["seo_name"]=> string(18) "all-in-my-hands-en" ["seo_path"]=> string(0) "" ["average_rating"]=> NULL ["company_thread_ids"]=> string(5) "550_0" ["discussion"]=> array(1) { ["posts_count"]=> int(0) } ["logos"]=> array(2) { ["theme"]=> array(7) { ["logo_id"]=> string(4) "1127" ["layout_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["style_id"]=> string(0) "" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "550" ["type"]=> string(5) "theme" ["storefront_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["image"]=> array(0) { } } ["mail"]=> array(7) { ["logo_id"]=> string(4) "1128" ["layout_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["style_id"]=> string(0) "" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "550" ["type"]=> string(4) "mail" ["storefront_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["image"]=> array(0) { } } } } [7]=> array(15) { ["company_id"]=> string(3) "824" ["lang_code"]=> string(2) "vi" ["email"]=> string(25) "amcorner.candle@gmail.com" ["company"]=> string(11) "ẤM Corner" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1706860079" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["tax_number"]=> string(0) "" ["company_description"]=> string(1143) "

There are many relaxing scented candles, but the difference of ẤM Corner lies in the delicate and sharp candle design. That is also the passion of Nguyen Quoc Vu and his companion after being fascinated by uniquely shaped large-sized candles. After 2 years of researching and conceiving my brainchild, ẤM Corner was born as a warm little corner offering scented candle products that are also decorative accessories for you to decorate your living space.

ẤM Corner creates not only regular scented candles but art and healthy remedy for the soul. They focus on elagent, high-class designs along with healing benefits in every candle. All of the products are handmade from natural ingredients in small batch, not mass so that the quality can be assured of consistency. What even makes their candles more special is that besides lighting them up, customers could simply use them as sophisticated decorations for living space. So if you’re looking for high-quality, unique gifts with versatile uses then ẤM Corner is truly a place worth visiting.

" ["plan"]=> string(8) "Standard" ["seo_name"]=> string(12) "am-corner-en" ["seo_path"]=> string(0) "" ["average_rating"]=> NULL ["company_thread_ids"]=> string(5) "824_0" ["discussion"]=> array(1) { ["posts_count"]=> int(0) } ["logos"]=> array(2) { ["mail"]=> array(7) { ["logo_id"]=> string(4) "1684" ["layout_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["style_id"]=> string(0) "" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "824" ["type"]=> string(4) "mail" ["storefront_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["image"]=> array(0) { } } ["theme"]=> array(7) { ["logo_id"]=> string(4) "1683" ["layout_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["style_id"]=> string(0) "" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "824" ["type"]=> string(5) "theme" ["storefront_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["image"]=> array(0) { } } } } [8]=> array(15) { ["company_id"]=> string(3) "338" ["lang_code"]=> string(2) "vi" ["email"]=> string(24) "info@nongtrainhaandy.com" ["company"]=> string(11) "Andy's farm" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1643072987" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["tax_number"]=> string(0) "" ["company_description"]=> string(927) "

One of the biggest obstacles facing Vietnamese agriculture today is that they’re not welcomed in the local market. For example, Binh Phuoc cashew is very popular in Europe for its high nutrition and outstanding taste. However, it is still underrated in Vietnam.

Under the mission to bring consumers from-farm-to-table products while changing their perception of Vietnamese agriculture - Andy's Farm features 100% natural, premium, and no-preservative cashews.

They also realize that the main reason leading to this obstacle is consumers still do not have a deep understanding of local products. Hence, the brand decided to take advantage of their knowledge combined with the internet to deliver countless useful information about Binh Phuoc cashew to consumers.

Not only providing high-quality cashews, but Andy’s Farm is also a reliable source if you want to learn more about Binh Phuoc cashew.

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Sometimes it doesn't need fancy words, but a gift containing love is enough to touch the recipient. Understanding that, Anni Home has created beautiful gift boxes containing good things for anyone. 

Each gift box at Anni Home is excellently prepared and loaded with the brand's passion. Anni Home hopes to help you pack the most sincere things into elegant gift boxes. 

Moreover, Anni Home also selects the best products for each line of gift boxes. Because presents are meant to be both helpful and attractive, the brand only chooses the products that are safe ingredients and are acceptable for their intended usage.

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1800 Beans
1800 Beans is a Vietnamese coffee brand that offers organic coffee without the use of additives, colorants or preservatives. With a passion for coffee, 1800 Beans founder learned about coffee farming and implemented sustainable farming methods to produce high quality organic coffee. 1800 Beans offers coffee with no additives or flavorings, for customers to enjoy the original taste of vietnamese coffee beans. They aspire to maintain and... See more
With the desire to create a safe, natural, peaceful, and healthy living community, 1Life was born. The brand provides hot and cold herbal packs to help relieve pain and relax the mind. Combining two methods: thermotherapy and aromatherapy, each 1Life product is a wonderful solution for health. Your body will be alleviated by the ability to stimulate blood circulation of hot heat or relax and reduce inflammation thanks to cold heat. In... See more
25.Sugaryyy is founded by Ms. Bich Huyen to help women feel more confident and beautiful with sustainable hair accessories and face masks. These products can be used for a long period of time and are safe for the users. Following all three principles: BEAUTIFUL - SAFE - SUSTAINABLE, 25.Sugaryyy pampers your hair and skin without putting more pressure on the environment. Not giving a short-lived value, 25.Sugaryyy’s products are reusable,... See more
7 Bridges Brewing Company
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ACI HOME is a Vietnamese brand that offers hand-knitted products. The founder, Thuy, was first introduced to the miraculous and colorful world of knitted items by her mother and grew up with it. However, until the COVID 19 pandemic happened, she got her chance to sit back, discover and turn her childhood joy into artistic handcrafted products. And that was how ACI HOME was born. ACI HOME brings crochet products closer to many people by... See more
ADORA is a naturally scented candle brand from Vietnam. The brand also produces scented wax with natural essential oils. The founder always wanted to find the perfect way to relax and relieve stress after hours of office work. She acknowledged the miracle of essential oils by accident and realised how effective it was to help her relieve stress. After spending time learning and researching, she realized most of the scented candles... See more
All In My Hands
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ẤM Corner
There are many relaxing scented candles, but the difference of ẤM Corner lies in the delicate and sharp candle design. That is also the passion of Nguyen Quoc Vu and his companion after being fascinated by uniquely shaped large-sized candles. After 2 years of researching and conceiving my brainchild, ẤM Corner was born as a warm little corner offering scented candle products that are also decorative accessories for you to decorate your... See more
Andy's farm
One of the biggest obstacles facing Vietnamese agriculture today is that they’re not welcomed in the local market. For example, Binh Phuoc cashew is very popular in Europe for its high nutrition and outstanding taste. However, it is still underrated in Vietnam. Under the mission to bring consumers from-farm-to-table products while changing their perception of Vietnamese agriculture - Andy's Farm features 100% natural, premium, and... See more
Anni Home
Sometimes it doesn't need fancy words, but a gift containing love is enough to touch the recipient. Understanding that, Anni Home has created beautiful gift boxes containing good things for anyone.  Each gift box at Anni Home is excellently prepared and loaded with the brand's passion. Anni Home hopes to help you pack the most sincere things into elegant gift boxes.  Moreover, Anni Home also selects the best products for each line of... See more
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