Template tree


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Hồ Chí Minh
Alexandre Durand
Customer service team was understanding and patient, making me feel valued and heard throughout the interaction
Hồ Chí Minh
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Bình Dương
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Hồ Chí Minh
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hằng
Nến gấu lớn này không chỉ dễ thương mà còn có mùi thơm nhẹ nhàng, rất thích hợp cho phòng ngủ.
Hồ Chí Minh
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Hồ Chí Minh
Lê Thị Kim Ngân
Chiếc nhẫn này thực sự có một không hai! Tay nghề rất đặc biệt, và thiết kế rất đẹp. Một tác phẩm nghệ thuật thực sự
Hồ Chí Minh
Kenny Ngo
The Arabica beans are freshly roasted, resulting in a cup with a bright and floral taste. The coffee is light-bodied and easy to drink, making it a great choice for any time of day.
Hồ Chí Minh
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Hồ Chí Minh
This product has no reviews
Hồ Chí Minh
Kombucha thơm và rất ngon, vị hoa quả mình cũng rất thích
Hà Nội
Bảo Lê
Mình mua trà đen, siêu siêu thơm và đậm nha. Uống tỉnh táo nha =))) ai yếu yếu pha loãng loãng ít tra tí nè chứ hong mất ngủ, nhưng mà trà thơm lém :3
Thừa Thiên Huế
This product has no reviews
Hồ Chí Minh
Hoàng Minh
Móc chìa khóa rất đẹp và chất lượng tốt.
Hồ Chí Minh
Đỗ Lê Uyên Phương
Vị trà mạnh mẽ, đậm đà, pha chế đơn giản, không cầu kỳ. Uống trà giúp tăng cường sự tập trung và tỉnh táo, thích hợp cho những ngày làm việc năng suất
Thừa Thiên Huế
Ngọc Hà
Hũ hơi nhỏ với tưởng tượng của mình, nhưng cả 3 ăn đều ngon. Thích nhất là đóng gói nhìn là thấy Việt Nam liền luôn ~ đẹp quá chời nha
Hồ Chí Minh
Mộc Lan
Việc rang nhẹ giúp giữ nguyên hương thơm tự nhiên của lá trà, đồng thời mang lại một chút vị khói tinh tế. Mình rất hài lòng với chất lượng và hương vị của trà.
Đồng Nai
Trác Duy Bảo
Lâm Đồng
Minh Phương
Nến thơm này thực sự làm mình bất ngờ về chất lượng và thiết kế. Hương thơm tinh dầu rất thư giãn và không quá nồng. Bấc gỗ cháy tạo ra âm thanh rất dễ chịu, giống như tiếng củi cháy trong lò sưởi.
Hồ Chí Minh
Kha Ly
Bia này không uống để say mà là uống để vui, để tận hưởng vì nó quá ngon mn ạ
Hồ Chí Minh
Ken Barra
The hand-painted leather adds a touch of artistry and individuality, while the adjustable band makes it comfortable for all-day wear. It compliments any outfit, from flowy dresses to jeans and a t-shirt.
Hà Nội
Linh Trần
Balo nhỏ nhắn đựng đồ lặt vặt, đeo lên người hợp vô cùng luôn
Đồng Nai
Mỹ Ái
Ngon nha, mình thấy để pha phin khá ngon vì nó đậm đà nè. Đắng nhưng mà đắng vậy mới ngon, thêm sữa thêm đá nữa là bá cháy lun
Hồ Chí Minh
Tuong Lee
gu của Chus giống gu của mình, đăng cái gì lên thấy cũng muốn mua hết. Ly chất lượng, họa tiết và màu sắc rất đẹp
Hồ Chí Minh
Lý Thanh Hà
Đóng gói cẩn thận, staff luôn sẵn sàng giải đáp mọi thắc mắc của khách hàng và hỗ trợ đổi trả sản phẩm nếu có bất kỳ vấn đề gì xảy ra. Chất lượng dịch vụ rất ok.
Hồ Chí Minh
Hồng Yến
Trà được đóng gói dạng gói tiện lợi, dễ dàng pha chế chỉ trong vài phút. Mình hay mua trà theo thùng để tiết kiệm chi phí và chia sẻ cho bạn bè và người thân.
Hồ Chí Minh
Phuong Dang
Thích sản phẩm của bên này lắm luôn
Hồ Chí Minh
Maru Jose Tan
The 100% Arabica beans fill the air with a rich and inviting scent. The flavor itself is smooth and pleasant, with a hint of natural sweetness.
Hồ Chí Minh
Nguyễn Thị Mai Anh
Hài lòng, chất lượng được làm rất tốt và chỉn chu. Ai cũng hỏi mua ở đâu hết :)
Hồ Chí Minh
Thảo Nguyên
Thiết kế tinh tế, sang trọng, chất lượng gốm sứ cao cấp. Đáng đồng tiền bát gạo, mình dùng mà ai cũng thấy hay rồi hỏi mua ở đâu
Hồ Chí Minh
Nhi Đồng
Cà phê đậm nha, lần đầu uống mình say luôn nhưng cố chấp vì ngon. Qua 3 lần tim đập thì đã tự tìm ra công thức cũng như tỉ lệ cà phê / sữa vừa phải để tui vẫn có thể thoái mái thưởng thức mà ko lo bị bất tỉnh. Ông nào thích mê cà phê đắng đậm nhưng quá quyến rũ để có thể cưỡng lại thì quất liền nha rất recommend ~
Hồ Chí Minh
Samuel Samuel
Such great value for the price! I'm a huge fan of Asian culture, so I'm tempted to get the whole zodiac collection.
Hồ Chí Minh
Nguyễn Duy
Ngon nhé, đậm đắng đúng gu và khá mạnh đấy. Bao bì thiết kế đẹp, để trong tủ là thấy sang hẳn. Nên mua để tặng cũng recommend nhé
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
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This Espres-sinnamon Gift Set from The Joy Box has an elegant brown tone. When opening the box, you will be greeted with the delicious scents of two key ingredients named after the gift: coffee and cinnamon.

The gift is stylish in design. You can buy it for friends and family. For a little warmth on a cold day, this Espres-sinnamon Gift Set will be there for you or a special one who received this gift.

Consistently earned 5⭐, guaranteed return, shipped on time, certified by CHUS

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Though you are busy, you should still spare some time each day to relax and renew your energy.

Taking care of your mind is very necessary in today's modern life. To relax, you can light some Lemongrass Scented Candles from Liam Candle to breathe in the refreshing yellow lemon scent and a kick of spice from lemongrass. The Lemongrass Scented Candle will also help you focus better, which is great for work-from-home sessions.

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If the white color expresses a pure and innocent vibe, then this brown arched candle is way more rustic to fit with almost every style: from the coffee shop, bedrooms or country-style space. What could be better than an item that can light up any boring corner in the house, and also release a refreshing, lovely fragrance at the same time?

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To create a warm atmosphere for a friendly party, you can choose this decor candle. In addition, in the shape of a cute bear at 9 cm tall, it is also suitable as a desk or bookshelf decoration to make the room more lively.

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One method of meditation that helps to increase concentration and reduce stress is to focus on the firelight. You can relax by looking at the shimmering candlelight while also enjoying a warm, smoky scent thanks to this Wood and Leather Scented Candle. The warmth lingering in the air after burning will help you fall asleep more easily.

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Đỏ Art offers a unique way to wear your love for art. They transform iconic paintings into stunning rings, creating wearable pieces imbued with artistic and sentimental value. One such example is their take on Van Gogh's "Almond Blossoms." Đỏ meticulously hand-paints the artwork onto genuine leather, encased in a luxurious, versatile stainless steel band. This combination ensures the ring's elegance transcends any occasion, making it a perfect accessory for work, a night out, or even a heartfelt gift for someone special. By incorporating renowned artworks, Đỏ goes beyond creating mere jewelry; they craft conversation starters and personal statements that celebrate both fashion and artistic appreciation.

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In this product, Giong brings washed Arabica beans that are lightly roasted. When you taste it, you will encounter a light scent similar to lemon and mint that creates great novelty and excitement.

Despite its gentle taste due to the mentioned process, it still retains the signature intensity of the coffee. It is like an experience that you can only feel after overcoming difficulties.

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The heart-shaped tealight candles from Liam Candle will be a great gift to get for your other half on a special day.

Decorated with colorful toppings, they make a great addition to the date night atmosphere. Light up some candles and enjoy a romantic dinner with your other half by the shimmering light for a beautiful, unforgettable memory.

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Liam Candle offers colorful tealight candles that can give your party a sparkling feeling and a joyful atmosphere. The colorful toppings on the candles are very eye-catching, which makes them great gifts or decorations on a party table. The party participants are sure to be impressed with the host's sense of style with these cute decor candles.

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This nutritious kefir soda is made from natural apricot peach tea and will be the perfect drink to refresh your hot days, as well as improve your wellbeing. The drink has gas and a pleasant peach fragrance from the apricot peach tea. Plus, its mild tartness that comes with sweetness will be the catalyst that makes your meal even more delicious.

Instead of culturing with black tea or green tea like Kombucha, Kefir is usually milk-based. However, there is also water kefir which is made using kefir grains with either coconut water or plain water and added sugar in place of milk.

With Tracy Kefir's beverage products, the brand uses Water Kefir grains cultured with fresh fruit juices or carefully selected organic standard flower teas. Therefore, those who are allergic to lactose or follow a vegan diet can enjoy this delicious and healthy drink.

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ShanLuv ancient tea is hand-picked and carefully selected, resulting in high-quality and fragrant tea boxes. This is the perfect gift for anyone who appreciates fine tea. Tea is also a great way to share the beauty and culture of Vietnam with your loved ones.

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The product is completely handmade, 100% of the steps are meticulously crafted and finished by the hands of Maypaperflower girls.

The cosmos flower is said to be a symbol of peace and humility. When this flower is given as a gift to someone, it represents the bond that love and life can bring.

In love, these beautiful, shy flowers carry the profound meaning "Love you more than yourself".

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Of the 12 animals, "Horse" is a symbol of perseverance and constancy. Therefore, in addition to being a gift for people born in the year of horses, this keychain in Đỏ 12 zodiacs collection is also a meaningful gift. The keychain is made from cowhide, then painted and colored by hand with ingenuity to help the overall look both artistic and poetic of the magical oriental culture.

How to order your own personalized keychain or give it as a gift:

- Select Add-on engraved name as required

- Write the name you want engraved on the key chain in the "Customer note to Brand" box. Character limit is 5-7 characters

Note: Customers should note that the time it takes to place an engraved name will be about 7-10 days 

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Dotea Earl Grey tea was harvested from Bao Loc city, Lam Dong province in Vietnam. After being harvested, the fresh tea buds will go through a closed process to preserve all the quintessence in flavors and aromas.

Earl Grey tea has a slight acrid taste, with a bit of sweetness in the after taste. Its bergamot fragrance is considered an excellent remedy for mind and soul, making it the most flavorful kind of tea all over the world.

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Set of 3 Boxes Candied Fruit, 3 Regions Conical Hat Collection from Moc Truly Hue lets you enjoy the high-quality Hue cuisine. The set includes Candied Thanh Tra Pomelo Peel, Candied Ginger, and Dried Crispy Lotus Seeds.

Products are made from natural ingredients. So they are safe for health, without the use of preservatives or colorants. Enjoy these healthy snacks and tea from Moc Truly Hue for the original Hue cuisine taste.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(111) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(61) "set-of-3-boxes-candied-fruit-3-regions-conical-hat-collection" ["seo_path"]=> string(6) "95/111" ["main_category"]=> int(111) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "375000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["promotions"]=> array(1) { [524]=> array(1) { ["bonuses"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(3) { ["discount_bonus"]=> string(13) "by_percentage" ["discount_value"]=> string(1) "5" ["discount"]=> int(18750) } } } } ["discount"]=> int(18750) ["discount_prc"]=> string(1) "5" ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(5) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [34673]=> array(77) { ["product_id"]=> string(5) "34673" ["product"]=> string(128) "Mat Oolong Tea, Oolong Matcha, Low-roasted Oolong Tea, Smoky Oolong Tea, Vietnamese Mat Oolong Tea, Tea Gifts, Gift Ideas, 100gr" ["company_name"]=> string(13) "Dotea Vietnam" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "4.64" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(2) "14" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10642_08" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "645" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "997" ["weight"]=> string(7) "200.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1673338204" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252693" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(0) "" ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(129) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:10;s:9:"box_width";i:10;s:10:"box_height";i:20;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> string(10) "42000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(494) "

Looking for the perfect tea gift? Explore the world of oolong teas! Oolong matcha, a unique twist on classic matcha, is roasted at a low temperature for a smooth, mellow flavor without bitterness. Unlike traditional oolongs, oolong matcha offers a distinctive smoky aroma that intensifies as you sip, giving way to a robust oolong taste that satisfies even the most discerning tea lover. Available in convenient 100g packages, oolong matcha makes a wonderful gift for any tea enthusiast.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(122) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(14) "mat-oolong-tea" ["seo_path"]=> string(6) "96/122" ["main_category"]=> int(122) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> NULL ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(10) "42000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [1718]=> array(83) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "1718" ["product"]=> string(30) "Wooden Coasters - Laven Coffee" ["company_name"]=> string(12) "Laven Coffee" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "5.00" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(1) "6" ["product_code"]=> string(10) "10266_DFDA" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "236" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "999" ["weight"]=> string(7) "500.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1655312400" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1728463112" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(3) " - " ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(129) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:15;s:9:"box_width";i:15;s:10:"box_height";i:10;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> int(35000) ["short_description"]=> NULL ["full_description"]=> string(334) "

The coasters might seem to only help protect the table, but they also have aesthetic value and decorative purpose.

These Wooden Coasters at Laven Coffee are made from natural wood, with high durability and are also eco-friendly. The round design is simple yet sophisticated, bringing an elegant touch to your table top.

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If you are looking for a suitable aromatherapy gift for your loved one on special occasions, the large-size scented candle from NICO will be a great choice. Not only are there different scents for you to choose from, but the service of engraving a message on the candle will also surprise the recipient. Candle jars made of glass with wicks and wooden lids overall create a lovely gift, great for any festive atmostphere. 

To leave a secret message in a jar of scented candles, please:

- Note the name or message engraved on the candle with a maximum of 9 words in the "Note from customer" box (For example: Love you is 2 words)

- The seller will customize the name and message on the candle to make it most suitable and beautiful

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This drink will deliver a complex flavor of caramel and dried fruits. Also, its fresh lingering aftertaste will seduce you to drink two or three and your night won’t end up being dull.

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Đỏ elevates art beyond the canvas by translating captivating paintings into wearable masterpieces. Their rings transform a traditional accessory into a unique expression of your personality and style.

Imagine the luxurious gleam of stainless steel intertwined with the bold dominance of a blue motif – a captivating fusion of art and adornment. Each ring is meticulously handcrafted, ensuring the quality reflects the beauty it embodies. This artistic expression is versatile, accompanying you from the office to a night out, making a lasting impression on any occasion. Whether you're treating yourself or searching for a distinctive gift, Đỏ's rings offer a captivating synergy of art and personal style.

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With youthful blue jeans or fancy black jeans, this bag will be the ideal accessory to wear when going out with friends. The bag's design is small but still has enough space to store essential items. It is made from recycled jeans and has a leather lining inside. The product creation process is handmade from skillful cutting and sewing techniques. So you can confidently wear them when walking down the street.

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“Sat Son” Coffee Set is dedicated to those who are fond of strong bitter coffee, with a bit of mature composure.

“Sat Son” Coffee is made from robusta beans with a stand out taste that can awaken all the senses. However, it does not pass easily but leaves a warm, sweet taste that will surely knock anyone who likes coffee. With the set from Laven, you can make yourself a cup of hot coffee at home to enjoy every morning. Or add some milk and ice to stay awake in the afternoon.

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The red flower on the mug is carefully hand-drawn as if Tu Hú Ceramics wanted to bring the whole spring onto your hand. In addition, the “Hoài” mug, just like all other ceramic goods from the brand, is made from quality material without the presence of toxic cadmium. It will help you keep your drink either cold or hot.

Consistently earned 5⭐, guaranteed return, shipped on time, certified by CHUS

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Garnished with black sesame seeds, desiccated coconut and biscuits, the lovely and sweet matcha chocolate bark will make the perfect gift for friends and family on special occasions. And when talking about flavor, the matcha aroma and its mild bitterness combined with sweet chocolate will create a harmonized taste that you will never forget.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(213) [1]=> int(114) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(21) "matcha-chocolate-bark" ["seo_path"]=> string(6) "95/114" ["main_category"]=> int(114) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(10) "97900.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [31629]=> array(77) { ["product_id"]=> string(5) "31629" ["product"]=> string(149) "Mango-Flavored Instant Tea With Chia Seeds, Vietnamese Mango Tea, Instant Tea With Mango Flavor, Chia Seed Instant Tea, Healthy Drink With Chia Seeds" ["company_name"]=> string(9) "Just Viet" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "4.61" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(2) "18" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10600_04" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "607" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "999" ["weight"]=> string(7) "500.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1668590593" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252677" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(0) "" ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> string(10) "48000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(425) "

Craving a refreshing and healthy drink? Look no further than Mango-Flavored Instant Tea with Chia Seeds! This convenient beverage combines the delicious taste of mango with the nutritional benefits of chia seeds. Made with mango and chia powder, this instant tea offers a natural sweetness and a boost of vitamins and minerals. Enjoy a quick and refreshing pick-me-up that's perfect for any time of day. 

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(122) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(40) "mango-flavored-tea-chia-seed-instant-tea" ["seo_path"]=> string(6) "96/122" ["main_category"]=> int(122) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> NULL ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(10) "48000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [41205]=> array(77) { ["product_id"]=> string(5) "41205" ["product"]=> string(107) "Ăn Ý Pocket Party Board Game, Multiplayer Board Game, Entertainment Game, Party Table Game, Question Card" ["company_name"]=> string(16) "Ngũ Hành Games" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "5.00" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(1) "1" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10524_06" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "426" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "999" ["weight"]=> string(7) "500.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1686820478" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252710" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(0) "" ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(129) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:20;s:9:"box_width";i:15;s:10:"box_height";i:10;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> string(11) "169000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(507) "

"Ăn Ý" - or the "Matched" pocket party board game, is a more versatile version to play with your friends or bring along to any party with ease. What's more, there are tons of exciting events awaiting you when you mix it with the basic version of "Ăn Ý" Party Board Game (yellow version)

Despite its simple gameplay, the game can potentially reveal just how “insane" your friends are (or even yourself). Rest assured, your party will undoubtedly become much more enjoyable with this game.

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Năng Cán Coffee is made from the Catimor variant, which requires strict cultivating conditions to produce the highest quality.

The coffee used in Năng Cán is grown at an altitude of over 1400m in the Cầu Đất area of Central Vietnam. Your taste buds will also be filled with a pleasant sour-fruity flavor that was created, thanks to the wet processing and light roast. The name "Năng Cán" is inspired by a saying in Vietnam that signifies "Ability to be real". It is to remind us that sweet results come only after spending time and effort. Maybe that's why Năng Cán's flavor is so special and attractive.

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Preserving the values of the traditional board, Maztermind introduces the new version of Trojan Imperial City Seahorse Board Game, inspired from the legend of Troy.

Products are meticulously handmade, combining different materials and high-class level of concrete molding. This Trojan Horse Race-Ludo board game is not only for good entertainment but also carries great art values, a great decor piece for your living space.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(315) [1]=> int(201) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(40) "trojan-imperial-city-seahorse-board-game" ["seo_path"]=> string(7) "107/201" ["main_category"]=> int(201) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(12) "3878000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["product_options"]=> array(1) { [532]=> array(22) { ["cur_product_id"]=> string(3) "460" ["option_id"]=> string(3) "532" ["product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["company_id"]=> string(2) "22" ["option_type"]=> string(1) "R" ["regexp"]=> string(0) "" ["required"]=> string(1) "N" ["multiupload"]=> string(1) "N" ["allowed_extensions"]=> string(0) "" ["max_file_size"]=> string(1) "0" ["missing_variants_handling"]=> string(1) "M" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["position"]=> string(1) "0" ["value"]=> string(0) "" ["option_name"]=> string(6) "Add-on" ["internal_option_name"]=> string(6) "Add-on" ["option_text"]=> string(0) "" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["inner_hint"]=> string(0) "" ["incorrect_message"]=> string(0) "" ["comment"]=> string(0) "" ["variants"]=> array(1) { [661]=> array(12) { ["variant_name"]=> string(29) "Gift wrapping & Greeting card" ["variant_id"]=> string(3) "661" ["option_id"]=> string(3) "532" ["position"]=> string(1) "0" ["modifier"]=> string(9) "50000.000" ["modifier_type"]=> string(1) "A" ["weight_modifier"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["weight_modifier_type"]=> string(1) "A" ["point_modifier"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["point_modifier_type"]=> string(1) "A" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["image_pair"]=> array(0) { } } } } } ["options_update"]=> bool(true) ["changed_option"]=> NULL ["combination_hash"]=> string(10) "1944466823" ["has_options"]=> bool(true) ["base_modifier"]=> string(12) "3878000.0000" ["original_price"]=> string(12) "3878000.0000" ["modifiers_price"]=> int(0) ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [3587]=> array(77) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "3587" ["product"]=> string(146) "Matrix D1 Ceramic Cup, Vietnamese Ceramics, Household Items, Ceramic, Rustic, Kitchenware, Handmade, Aesthetic, Non-toxic, Decorations, Gift Ideas" ["company_name"]=> string(15) "Tu Hú Ceramics" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "5.00" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(2) "16" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10249_60" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "243" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(1) "5" ["weight"]=> string(7) "500.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1655312400" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252629" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(3) " - " ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(129) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:25;s:9:"box_width";i:15;s:10:"box_height";i:20;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "Y" ["price"]=> string(11) "119000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(439) "

Being inspired from the mother's love, Tu Hú Ceramics introduces the Matrix D1 design. This particular design shows blue lines running towards the center of the product, the lines are purposefully getting smaller towards the center.

Matrix represents the uterus of the mother and the center point is the blood source to feed the fetus. Matrix D1 Ceramic Cup from Tu Hú Ceramics talks about the ever ending love of a mother.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(340) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(21) "matrix-d1-ceramic-cup" ["seo_path"]=> string(7) "101/340" ["main_category"]=> int(340) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "119000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [5549]=> array(87) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "5549" ["product"]=> string(121) "Gióng Giả Robusta Coffee Blend, Coffee Blend, Clean Ingredients, High-quality Coffee, Strong Flavors, Artisanal Coffee" ["company_name"]=> string(6) "Gióng" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "5.00" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(2) "10" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10482_06" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "427" ["list_price"]=> string(6) "195000" ["amount"]=> string(3) "998" ["weight"]=> string(7) "500.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1655312400" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1728300760" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(3) " - " ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(128) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:20;s:9:"box_width";i:15;s:10:"box_height";i:5;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> string(11) "195000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(503) "

Carrying a bold flavor that "bursts" in the mouth, Robusta will give you the urge to keep moving forward. The coffee name "Gióng Giả" is also inspired by that spirit.

"Gióng Giả" is made of robusta beans grown in Bảo Lâm, Lâm Đồng province. They are then roasted at dark level, creating an enhanced bursting bitterness. If you need something powerful to push yourself before the upcoming deadlines or want your neurons to work more productively, this will be the ideal choice.

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Keychain, Zodiac Gift, Unique Gift, Handmade, Vietnamese Design, Personalized Gifts" ["company_name"]=> string(5) "ĐỎ" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "5.00" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(2) "22" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10018_76" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "126" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "100" ["weight"]=> string(7) "400.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1682414382" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1727066403" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" 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"Ox" belongs to the hand-drawn keychain line, inspired by the 12 Zodiacs in Eastern culture. To recreate the image of a strong ox, the artisans have meticulously drawn on genuine cowhide leather. The keychain also comes with a metal ring, making it convenient for you to use it as an ordinary keychain or accessory for your daily handbag or backpack.

How to order your own personalized keychain or give it as a gift:

- Select Add-on engraved name as required

- Write the name you want engraved on the key chain in the "Customer note to Brand" box. Character limit is 5-7 characters

Note: Customers should note that the time it takes to place an engraved name will be about 7-10 days

" ["category_ids"]=> array(4) { [0]=> int(210) [1]=> int(209) [2]=> int(409) [3]=> int(149) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(52) "ox-hand-drawn-leather-keychain-12-zodiacs-collection" ["seo_path"]=> string(6) "99/149" ["main_category"]=> int(149) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> NULL ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "180000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(1) { [1226]=> int(3183) } ["product_options"]=> array(1) { [1226]=> array(22) { ["cur_product_id"]=> string(5) "40434" ["option_id"]=> string(4) "1226" ["product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "126" ["option_type"]=> string(1) "C" ["regexp"]=> string(0) "" ["required"]=> string(1) "N" ["multiupload"]=> string(1) "N" ["allowed_extensions"]=> string(0) "" ["max_file_size"]=> string(1) "0" ["missing_variants_handling"]=> string(1) "M" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["position"]=> string(1) "0" ["value"]=> int(3183) ["option_name"]=> string(6) "Add-on" ["internal_option_name"]=> string(23) "Name Tag 50k - 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Lacàph Espresso Blend is a coffee blend made from Arabica and Robusta beans that preserves a variety of flavors. The coffee beans are grown in a pioneering Arabica farm in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. They are harvested and hand-picked before the honey process, dried, and packaged. Lacàph Espresso Blend is a smooth, full-bodied coffee that perfectly combines a mild acidity and a sweet finish.

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