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Driven by a passion for handicrafts, especially traditional hand embroidery, Doan Thi Anh Tuyet founded San Studio. With a background as a Fine Arts student, Tuyet had the privilege of immersing herself in the rich tapestry of traditional craft villages and that was when she has fell for handicrafts even more. San Studio emerged as a sanctuary for Tuyet's passion, a platform through which she could share the artistry of hand embroidery with others through lovely accessories, such as embroidered handkerchiefs, hair clips, mirrors, or bags,... 

Tuyet believes that “You are unique, so the products San Studio makes for you are also unique." This philosophy permeates every needle and thread, meticulously and conscientiously woven into each creation. To accentuate the sense of uniqueness, each product at San Studio is crafted in limited quantities, highlighting the craftsmanship and individual characters. With San Studio, you can find for yourself not only delicate hand embroidery items but also one-of-a-kind gifts for your loved ones.

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Driven by a passion for handicrafts, especially traditional hand embroidery, Doan Thi Anh Tuyet founded San Studio. With a background as a Fine Arts student, Tuyet had the privilege of immersing herself in the rich tapestry of traditional craft villages and that was when she has fell for handicrafts even more. San Studio emerged as a sanctuary for Tuyet's passion, a platform through which she could share the artistry of hand embroidery with others through lovely accessories, such as embroidered handkerchiefs, hair clips, mirrors, or bags,... 

Tuyet believes that “You are unique, so the products San Studio makes for you are also unique." This philosophy permeates every needle and thread, meticulously and conscientiously woven into each creation. To accentuate the sense of uniqueness, each product at San Studio is crafted in limited quantities, highlighting the craftsmanship and individual characters. With San Studio, you can find for yourself not only delicate hand embroidery items but also one-of-a-kind gifts for your loved ones.

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Hạ Long City, Quảng Ninh Province

(0 reviews)
On Chus Since: 24/12/2022

Driven by a passion for handicrafts, especially traditional hand embroidery, Doan Thi Anh Tuyet founded San Studio. With a background as a Fine Arts student, Tuyet had the privilege of immersing herself in the rich tapestry of traditional craft villages and that was when she has fell for handicrafts even more. San Studio emerged as a sanctuary for Tuyet's passion, a platform through which she could share the artistry of hand embroidery with others through lovely accessories, such as embroidered handkerchiefs, hair clips, mirrors, or bags,... 

Tuyet believes that “You are unique, so the products San Studio makes for you are also unique." This philosophy permeates every needle and thread, meticulously and conscientiously woven into each creation. To accentuate the sense of uniqueness, each product at San Studio is crafted in limited quantities, highlighting the craftsmanship and individual characters. With San Studio, you can find for yourself not only delicate hand embroidery items but also one-of-a-kind gifts for your loved ones.

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Bookmarks are a must-have accessory for bookworms. They fit easily in your pocket, allowing you to mark your current page without any hassle.

San Studio's bookmarks offer more than just convenience. They are adorned with hand-embroidered flower branches on soft linen fabric, giving them a touch of poetic beauty. This makes them not only practical but also visually appealing and is a perfect gift for any book lover.

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The hair clip draws inspiration from the Amanita muscaria mushroom, a stunning yet poisonous variety. The mushroom pattern meticulously embroidered evokes a sense of wandering through a deep forest which is mysterious but you just can’t deny.

Crafted from linen fabric, the hair clip is hand-stitched to minimize hair breakage while effortlessly keeping your tresses in place. The clip exudes a delicate, deep color palette, perfectly complementing the vintage style.

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San Studio's wooden keychains are not only eco-friendly but also unique with the hand-embroidered Amanita muscaria mushroom design. A keychain is a practical gift that will be used daily, serving as a constant reminder of the giver's affection. More than that, the keychain with muted tones evoke a fall vibe e, making it an ideal choice for those who likes vintage style.

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This bag is the perfect size to hold your lipstick or loose change while being a mini keychain The bag is entirely hand-embroidered and hand-stitched, showcasing the artisan's dedication to craftsmanship. Its compact size and lightweight design make it easy to carry anywhere. This is also the perfect companion for those who love vintage style.

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A charming hand mirror is an absolute must-have in any girl's handbag. But what if, besides helping women style their hair, the mirror could also be a beautiful accessory that reflects your personal style? If that's what you're looking for, this 3D flower embroidered handy mirror is the perfect choice for you.

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