Template tree


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Khánh Hòa
I will only use this bag because it's very unique and beautiful, the color is so wonderful ^^
Hồ Chí Minh
Cai Công Hoán
mình mua túi với mục đích bảo vệ môi trường, túi rất chắc chắn, dày dặn, bảo vệ laptop rất tốt, lại mang ý nghĩa nên mua nha mọi người.
Cần Thơ
Thu Trang
Hương vị trà rất thơm ngon và tự nhiên, không có chất bảo quản làm tôi rất yên tâm. Trà có hương vị dịu nhẹ của trà xanh kết hợp với gạo lứt, rất dễ uống.
Hà Nội
Nhung Bui
Hộp quà tặng vừa đẹp, vừa tiện dụng. Nến thơm mùi dễ chịu, còn đế lát cam nhìn rất xinh xắn. Mình tặng bạn và được khen hết lời.
Hồ Chí Minh
Bùi Thị Thu Hà
họa tiết vẽ tay rất tinh xảo và sống động, nhìn rất có hồn và độc đáo; sản phẩm làm thủ công nên có chút khác biệt về màu, nhưng vẫn rất đẹp; đáng giá 5 sao!
Hồ Chí Minh
Hoài Thanh
Nhẫn xinh á hợp với những ai thích dòng bản to như này, mình mua tặng đứa bạn mà nó thích mê =))
Hồ Chí Minh
Mary Taylor
The individual packets are perfect for brewing a single cup of coffee, and they're easy to pack in your bag or purse. I love this coffee for camping trips and road trips
Hồ Chí Minh
Hoai Tran
Túi xinh xỉu, đúng k làm mình thất vọng, đã giới thiệu bạn bè ủng hộ shop rồi nhé.
Hồ Chí Minh
Cẩm Vân
Mua cho bố 1 lần, dùng thích lắm nên nay mua tiếp nè
Hồ Chí Minh
Hoai Tran
Sản phẩm này có hương vị đậm đà, thơm ngon và rất phù hợp để sử dụng trong nấu ăn và chấm các món ăn Việt Nam. Đúng là chất lượng đi đôi với giá tiền.
Thừa Thiên Huế
Thanh Mai
Bánh được làm từ nguyên liệu tự nhiên, không sử dụng chất bảo quản, nên mình rất yên tâm khi mua biếu bạn bè mình.
Hồ Chí Minh
Khuất Minh Triết
áo mặc mỏng, nhẹ, thoáng mát.
Đà Nẵng
Linh Trần
Với giá thành này mà tậu được khăn chất lượng thế này, mình ấn tượng lắm luôn í. Khăn nhẹ tay nè, có độ mềm rũ uyển chuyển nhưng không phải ọp ẹp làm mất dáng khăn đâu. Khi dùng thoáng, nhẹ, thấm hút mồ hôi. Những mã màu trơn cơ bản dễ phối đồ. Ưng quá ưng rùi, sẽ mua thêm vài chiếc nữa.
Hồ Chí Minh
Ưng Viễn Ðông
túi lớn, thiết kế xinh, bảo vệ môi trường
Hồ Chí Minh
Jenna Smith
I'm so impressed with this bamboo thermos! It's not only stylish and eco-friendly, but it also keeps my drinks hot or cold for hours. I love the natural bamboo look and feel
Hồ Chí Minh
Quỳnh Hương
mua uống thử dù ko thích vị gừng, tưởng hơi khó uống nhưng mà cũng khá dịu nha
Cần Thơ
Ngọc Huyền
Mình thấy ngon mà giống bột gừng pha hơn là trà gừng, nói chung là nó rất nguyên chất vị gừng luôn
Hồ Chí Minh
Ánh Sáng
Chiếc khăn lụa này đa năng lắm luôn. Mình không chỉ dùng để quàng cổ, làm khăn turban, buộc tóc mà thậm chí còn trang trí thêm cho túi xách. Chất liệu lụa mềm mại và thoáng mát, rất phù hợp với thời tiết nóng bức.
Hà Nội
Ha Ha
đôi này đẹp, da bóng mượt, vừa vặn với chân, chắc chắn, đáng tiền nha!
Hồ Chí Minh
Nhật Lệ
Mình đặc biệt thích hương vị đậm đà, chát nhẹ và hậu ngọt sâu của trà. Mình thường uống trà này mỗi ngày để tăng cường sức khỏe
Hồ Chí Minh
Hoai Tran
Túi Tote Len Caro Hồng Tím là một sản phẩm rất đáng yêu và thời trang. Chất liệu len mềm mại và co giãn tốt, giúp tạo cảm giác thoải mái khi mang túi. Kiểu dáng túi tote trẻ trung và thời thượng, phù hợp cho các hoạt động hàng ngày và đi chơi. Màu sắc hồng tím cũng rất tươi sáng và nổi bật, tạo nên điểm nhấn cho trang phục.
Hồ Chí Minh
Ngọc Dung
Cà phê ở đây ngon xuất sắc, giúp mình tỉnh táo và tập trung làm việc hiệu quả hơn, mình sẽ giới thiệu thêm cho bạn bè
Hà Nội
Lưu Nam Việt
Hồ Chí Minh
Quỳnh Hương
hộp sang, bột scl ngon thơm, uống hơi hao
Lâm Đồng
Duy Nhật
Hộp quà sang trọng, sản phẩm chất lượng, vị ngon khó cưỡng. Atiso tốt cho gan, tốt cho da, ai cũng cần cả
Hồ Chí Minh
Jessica Taylor
Found this herbal tea with beautiful packaging! The taste is slightly tart but very fragrant. Happy buy!
Bắc Ninh
Jessica Taylor
This is so cute! I love it. I put it on my decorative shelf. Vietnamese ceramic decoration is wonderful!
Thừa Thiên Huế
Hiếu Đặng
Thần thánh như hũ cao huyền thoại nè, mà cái này dễ mở hơn
Cần Thơ
Kim Ngọc
Mình làm việc máy tính nhiều nên hay bị nhức đầu và hoa mắt. Uống trà đinh lăng này thấy đỡ hẳn, tập trung làm việc cũng hiệu quả hơn
Hồ Chí Minh
Yến Thảo
Mình rất thích ý tưởng có thể tùy chỉnh thông điệp, mình đã chọn một câu quote yêu thích để thêm vào bức tranh. Quá ưng ý
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No vintage wardrobe is complete without a warm-toned bag such as this African Flower Bag, which showcases both the deep colors and expert craftsmanship of the Granny Square crochet technique. Meticulously made, this bag is not only a stylish addition to your collection, but also a perfect gift for your loved ones.

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Responding to the waste recycling movement, Limart - Zero Waste has collected a lot of old plastic bags. They recycle them into new bags in beautiful design, meeting aesthetic needs.

Recycled Plastic Laptop Bag from Limart is hand-woven by their craftsmen from recycled fabric and cleaned old nylon. Materials that seem to be discarded have a new, more meaningful life cycle.

Let's join Limart - Zero Waste to support circular fashion by using recycled products.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(159) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(37) "handwoven-recycled-plastic-laptop-bag" ["seo_path"]=> string(7) "100/159" ["main_category"]=> int(159) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "340000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [6063]=> array(87) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "6063" ["product"]=> string(121) "Sencha Brown Rice Tea, Healthy Tea, Natural Ingredients, Green Tea, Sencha, Brown Rice, No Preservatives, Gift For Health" ["company_name"]=> string(17) "Hygie and Panacee" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "5.00" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(1) "9" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10520_08" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "455" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "999" ["weight"]=> string(7) "360.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1655312400" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252652" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(3) " - " ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(127) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:7;s:9:"box_width";i:7;s:10:"box_height";i:11;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> string(10) "80000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(455) "

When making a cup of tea with Hygie Sencha Brown Rice Tea, you are greeted with a beautiful scent of roasted brown rice that is so stimulating to the senses, waking you up in the morning.

This tea combines green tea and roasted brown rice to give out a delicious scent. The acrid taste of green tea balances nicely with the nutty flavor of roasted brown rice and a sweet aftertaste, creating a satisfying drink that you will crave every day.

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An elegant gift can show respect to the receiver. If you have not found the perfect gift for your loved ones, choose Oniõ Soapery to be your messenger of your love.

With Scented Candles Gift Box from Oniõ Soapery, you can trust the quality of the products. Being made of natural ingredients, scented candles from Oniõ Soapery are health safe. This is an incredible gift that can send your sincere appreciation to your beloved.

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Leather Accessories, Handmade Gifts, Vietnamese Design, Unique Gift, Personalized Gifts" ["company_name"]=> string(5) "ĐỎ" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "5.00" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(2) "18" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10018_94" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "126" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "998" ["weight"]=> string(7) "400.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1682414382" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252694" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "Y" ["make_period"]=> string(6) "7 - 10" ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(129) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:25;s:9:"box_width";i:15;s:10:"box_height";i:10;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> int(590000) ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> 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Forget your standard plastic lighters. At Đỏ, they elevate the humble flame into a piece of art. Each lighter is meticulously hand-drawn on genuine leather, transforming a functional object into something truly captivating. The intricate details, likely featuring the Eye of Ra in this case, showcase the skill of the artist and ensure no two lighters are exactly alike. This inherent uniqueness makes them a fantastic choice for a personalized gift, offering the recipient a surprise they'll treasure and admire with every use.

Adding an elegant touch as your personal touch to the lighter with engraved name: 

Write the name you want engraved on the product in the "Customer note to Brand" box. Character limit is 5-7 characters

- Customers should note that the time it takes to place an engraved name will be about 7-10 days

Note: The product is hand-drawn, so the patterns will have a slight difference in color and shape. However, the overall design will remain the same. 

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Using only naturally occurring bacteria and yeast to ferment, this fermented drink is a delicious creation made from white and soft glutinous rice. It has a mild and delightful taste.

Moreover, it also embodies the spirit and beauty of tradition in modern life. A bridge that connects the old and the young generation.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(120) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(30) "fermented-glutinous-rice-drink" ["seo_path"]=> string(6) "96/120" ["main_category"]=> int(120) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "220000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [44939]=> array(87) { ["product_id"]=> string(5) "44939" ["product"]=> string(126) "“Calm” Ring, Rectangular Charm With Red Dot, Leather And Ceramic Material, Vintage Style, Unique And Distinctive Accessory" ["company_name"]=> string(6) "Nombre" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "5.00" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(1) "1" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10471_16" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "410" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "999" ["weight"]=> string(7) "100.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1695979061" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252715" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(0) "" ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(128) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:10;s:9:"box_width";i:10;s:10:"box_height";i:8;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> string(11) "117000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(237) "

The "Calm" ring was also created by the composed and skillful hands of the Nombre artisans. This unique ring, crafted from leather and ceramic, brings a classic, rustic charm and a distinct character to complement your appearance.

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Gióng 4 is blended from two coffee beans in different processing methods. Perhaps that's why the taste of Giong 4 is familiar yet still full of surprises.

The two coffee beans used are Yellow Bourbon Arabica and Catimor. Because this is a blend of light-roasted and medium-roasted coffee, its flavor is balanced between mild sour and a bit of earthy warmth like berries and ginger. This blend will soothe the mind of the drinker.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(123) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(39) "giong-4-coffee-blend-the-warming-coffee" ["seo_path"]=> string(6) "96/123" ["main_category"]=> int(123) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_feature_ids"]=> array(1) { [20004]=> string(5) "20004" } ["variation_feature_collection"]=> array(1) { [20004]=> array(2) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "20004" ["purpose"]=> string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item" } } ["variation_group_id"]=> int(12503) ["variation_group_code"]=> string(12) "PV-7E62F82C6" ["variation_parent_product_id"]=> int(0) ["variation_sub_group_id"]=> string(10) "12503_5553" ["variation_features"]=> array(1) { [20004]=> array(13) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "20004" ["feature_style"]=> 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A meaningful gift doesn’t have to be expensive. It could be something simple but express how careful you are. And this bottle holder could be an excellent idea.

This product is practical as you can use it as a cup holder or a pretty accessory to finish your look. Thanks to its stand-out patterns.

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Overcome oily skin, remove acne and help get healthy skin with this 3-product Combo, including moisturizer, cleanser, soothing essence Calm Men and a towel.

It does not take long to take care of your skin. Just 10 minutes of using the products every day and you will own clean, healthy, and glowing skin. Taking good care of your skin is a way to show respect to yourself.

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With the long-standing traditional method of brewing fish sauce, the first-press fish sauce at Hoang Gia Fish Sauce always brings premium flavor and quality. Made from fresh, premium anchovies and Binh Thuan specialty salt, Hoang Gia fish sauce will be a surprise element in Asian or even Western dishes thanks to its profound flavor. 


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Boost up your energy level with macadamia, the queen of all nuts.

Damaca macadamia nuts are high in antioxidants and can help you stay energized and productive all day. With a delicate crack on the shell, it's now way easier and faster for you to open and enjoy the kernel.

This tasty snack is great for those who are on a diet or looking for rich nutrients and healthy supply throughout the day.

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One of the well-known specialties in Hue is Lotus Rolls, which is handmade by the skillful Hue’s artisans. Baked in a unique process, lotus rolls give an unforgettable taste. After being steamed, the mixture of lotus seeds, mung beans, and sugar has laminated on a steel panel placed on a charcoal stove. And then, they are rolled into tubes by hand. When finished, lotus rolls, yellow in color, look very nice, crispy, turn soft in the mouth and smell good.

This product does not contain preservatives or colorants. Therefore, it is safe for health. Moreover, the ingredients are grown and harvested at Hue’s relics, so it also covers the cultural values of Hue.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(116) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(15) "hue-lotus-rolls" ["seo_path"]=> string(6) "95/116" ["main_category"]=> int(116) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(10) "35000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["promotions"]=> array(1) { [524]=> array(1) { ["bonuses"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(3) { ["discount_bonus"]=> string(13) "by_percentage" ["discount_value"]=> string(1) "5" ["discount"]=> int(1750) } } } } ["discount"]=> int(1750) ["discount_prc"]=> string(1) "5" ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(5) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [3916]=> array(83) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "3916" ["product"]=> string(114) "100% Natural Silk Sleeping Robe, Baby Blue, Blue Silk Nightgown, Silk Bathrobe, Cool Silk Nightwear, Blue Bathrobe" ["company_name"]=> string(10) "Goûttobed" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "5.00" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(1) "2" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10298_08" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "264" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(1) "3" ["weight"]=> string(7) "500.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1655312400" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252634" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(3) " - " ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(128) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:25;s:9:"box_width";i:15;s:10:"box_height";i:5;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> string(12) "1342000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(449) "

Love the skin you’re in with 100% Natural Silk Sleeping Robe - Baby Blue from Goûttobed. This product is made with Vietnamese natural silk that is so soft and comfortable to wear.

This product is designed with long sleeves and a waist band. Put on a 100% Natural Silk Sleeping Robe Baby Blue from Goûttobed to flick off all the daily pressure. You can also light up a scented candle to turn your living space into an inspiring one.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(318) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(40) "100-natural-silk-sleeping-robe-baby-blue" ["seo_path"]=> string(6) "98/318" ["main_category"]=> int(318) ["options_type_raw"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> string(1) "F" ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> string(1) "R" ["min_qty_raw"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty_raw"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step_raw"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> string(1) "0" ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(12) "1342000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["product_options"]=> array(1) { [1506]=> array(22) { ["cur_product_id"]=> string(4) "3916" ["option_id"]=> string(4) "1506" ["product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "264" ["option_type"]=> string(1) "R" ["regexp"]=> string(0) "" ["required"]=> string(1) "N" ["multiupload"]=> string(1) "N" ["allowed_extensions"]=> string(0) "" ["max_file_size"]=> string(1) "0" ["missing_variants_handling"]=> string(1) "M" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["position"]=> string(1) "3" ["value"]=> string(0) "" ["option_name"]=> string(12) "Gift service" ["internal_option_name"]=> string(23) "Goûttobed_GIFT SERVICE" ["option_text"]=> string(0) "" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["inner_hint"]=> string(0) "" ["incorrect_message"]=> string(0) "" ["comment"]=> string(0) "" ["variants"]=> array(1) { [3948]=> array(12) { ["variant_name"]=> string(15) "Gift box (FREE)" ["variant_id"]=> string(4) "3948" ["option_id"]=> string(4) "1506" ["position"]=> string(1) "0" ["modifier"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["modifier_type"]=> string(1) "A" ["weight_modifier"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["weight_modifier_type"]=> string(1) "A" ["point_modifier"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["point_modifier_type"]=> string(1) "A" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["image_pair"]=> array(0) { } } } } } ["options_update"]=> int(0) ["changed_option"]=> NULL ["combination_hash"]=> string(10) "3783771239" ["has_options"]=> bool(true) ["base_modifier"]=> string(12) "1342000.0000" ["original_price"]=> string(12) "1342000.0000" ["modifiers_price"]=> int(0) ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [1429]=> array(87) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "1429" ["product"]=> string(123) "Squared Silk Scarf, Handwoven Scarf, Neck Scarf, Hair Tie Scarf, Beach Headscarf, Accessory Scarf, Silk Scarf For The Beach" ["company_name"]=> string(23) "ÓNG heartmadeinvietnam" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "5.00" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(1) "2" ["product_code"]=> string(10) "10232_EEF2" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "142" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(4) "1996" ["weight"]=> string(7) "500.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1655312400" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252610" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(3) " - 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Silk Scarf from Ong heartmadeinvietnam is made of soft silk and safe for even the most sensitive skin. The product meets the requirements in terms of aesthetics as well as product quality. The scarf is woven by hand-cutting and sewing techniques in Hoi An, ensuring perfect sophistication.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(317) [1]=> int(318) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(18) "squared-silk-scarf" ["seo_path"]=> string(6) "98/318" ["main_category"]=> int(318) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_feature_ids"]=> array(1) { [21655]=> string(5) "21655" } ["variation_feature_collection"]=> array(1) { [21655]=> array(2) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "21655" ["purpose"]=> string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item" } } ["variation_group_id"]=> int(13981) ["variation_group_code"]=> string(12) "PV-95A7EBD23" ["variation_parent_product_id"]=> int(0) ["variation_sub_group_id"]=> string(10) "13981_1429" ["variation_features"]=> array(1) { [21655]=> array(13) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "21655" ["feature_style"]=> 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"1429,23233,23234,23235,23236,23237,23238,23239" } [3170]=> array(77) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "3170" ["product"]=> string(103) "Handwoven Recycled Plastic Handbag, Size L, Spacious And Practical Design, Durable And Long-Lasting Use" ["company_name"]=> string(19) "Limart - Zero waste" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "5.00" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(1) "3" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10359_02" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "320" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "998" ["weight"]=> string(7) "500.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1655312400" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252626" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> 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Handwoven Recycled Plastic Handbag from Limart - Zero Waste has a large space, practical, helps you carry lots of things with you in the bag. The color of the bag is so unique thanks to the collected plastic bags’ multi-colors. Each bag design is like a “limited” edition, so you will be the only one who has it.

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Now you can stop worrying about your hot coffee getting cold or how to keep your drink cold until the last drop. The bamboo thermo flask with its stainless steel interior and bamboo cover, can keep your drink at the perfect temperature all day. 

To order a personalized gift for yourself or as a gift, you will need:

- Choose Add-on to have personalized name engraved on your thermo flask 

- Write the name and logo you want to engrave on the thermo flask. The limiatation is 10 characters. 

Note: The size of text or image can be adjust to fit the product

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As a fermented drink with abundant beneficial bacteria, Ginger And Apple Kefir Soda helps with better digestion, aids in weight loss and has a good night's sleep. With the delicate honey sweetness of ginger and apple and a bit of gas due to the natural fermentation process, this soda will be an effective refreshment on hot summer days.

Instead of culturing with black tea or green tea like Kombucha, Kefir is usually milk-based. However, there is also water kefir which is made using kefir grains with either coconut water or plain water and added sugar in place of milk.

With Tracy Kefir's beverage products, the brand uses Water Kefir grains cultured with fresh fruit juices or carefully selected organic standard flower teas. Therefore, those who are allergic to lactose or follow a vegan diet can enjoy this delicious and healthy drink.

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Ginger Honey Instant Tea helps with immunity and strengthens your health. It comes in a powder form that is easy to make tea with and is very convenient, which is suitable for those busy. With warm ginger and sweet honey, this is a natural way to help prevent colds for the whole family.

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The name "Youth" perfectly captures the inspiration behind this scarf, as it draws upon the beauty of a young woman in her blooming era - the youth. The central depiction of her lively beauty mesmerizes all who lay eyes on it. With its delicate design, the "Youth" silk scarf becomes a genuine work of art that enhances the wearer's charm and elegance.

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Mary Jane shoes are familiar to vintage ladies with their lovely old-school design. Thanks to the meticulous hands of Sha Mong craftsmen, these shoes will bring a cooling autumn vibe to the wearer with the two color options of red and orange-yellow. They will be an indispensable accessory when going together with a feminine dress, helping the girls become graceful and gentle when going out.

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Just straight stripes on glazed ceramic material with blue and cream colors, but the N.Y Avenue Ceramic Teapot Collection will be an impressive gift for your loved ones or yourself in any special occasion.

Tu Hú Ceramics has once again proven their ability to conquer customers’ hearts with minimalist yet sophisticated designs. From the teapot, teacups to saucers, all are meticulously taken care of in detail. This teapot set is handmade from polished and durable stoneware material. Surely anyone who receives this gift will be especially delighted.

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Though having a simple design, this Pink Purple Checkered Cotton Wool Tote Bag from Crochet Studio still can give you a great style.

The bag is durable thanks to the intricate needlework. Thus, it can hold its form and does not stretch after long use. This Pink Purple Checkered Cotton Wool Tote Bag from Crochet Studio is great to match with office outfits or vintage dresses.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(155) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(42) "pink-purple-checkered-cotton-yarn-tote-bag" ["seo_path"]=> string(7) "100/155" ["main_category"]=> int(155) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "300000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [5567]=> array(87) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "5567" ["product"]=> string(135) "Vi Ta' Arabica And Robusta Coffee Blend, Vietnamese Coffee Blend, Traditional Vietnamese Coffee, Hand-Roasted Coffee Beans, Gift Coffee" ["company_name"]=> string(17) "Thiên Ân Coffee" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "4.92" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(2) "26" ["product_code"]=> string(10) "10500_07AF" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "430" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "999" ["weight"]=> string(7) "300.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1655312400" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252647" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(3) " - " ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(129) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:23;s:9:"box_width";i:10;s:10:"box_height";i:10;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> string(10) "70000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(331) "

"Vi Ta" (Our Flavor) is a blend of Arabica and Robusta that has been passed down for 20 years at Thiên Ân Coffee. It gives a deep profile and a light, bitter aftertaste with a hint of chocolate for an unforgettable experience.

The flavor is suitable for the Vietnamese drinkers' palates, hence the name (Our Taste).

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(123) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(38) "vi-ta-arabica-and-robusta-coffee-blend" ["seo_path"]=> string(6) "96/123" ["main_category"]=> int(123) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_feature_ids"]=> array(1) { [19999]=> string(5) "19999" } ["variation_feature_collection"]=> array(1) { [19999]=> array(2) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "19999" ["purpose"]=> string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item" } } ["variation_group_id"]=> int(12498) ["variation_group_code"]=> string(12) "PV-FC1F715B1" ["variation_parent_product_id"]=> int(0) ["variation_sub_group_id"]=> string(10) "12498_5567" ["variation_features"]=> array(1) { [19999]=> array(13) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "19999" ["feature_style"]=> 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Leaf Scented Candle from OnaTree has a refreshing and elegantly sour scent similar to lemongrass.

If your living space is damp, place some scented candles around the room's corners. Candles are not only great decor items but also help preserve a great scent, warming up a room. The candle is made from natural essential oils and natural waxes, including soy wax and beeswax safe for your health.

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The Natural Original Cocoa Powder from Heyday Cacao will take you on a whole new experience with its wonderful taste. And what could be better than taking a sip of delicious hot cocoa on a rainy day?

The buttery, characteristic bitterness, and fragrant scent of pure cocoa will win you over when enjoying a drink made from this pure cocoa powder.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(124) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(25) "natural-pure-cocoa-powder" ["seo_path"]=> string(6) "96/124" ["main_category"]=> int(124) ["options_type_raw"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> string(1) "F" ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> string(1) "R" ["min_qty_raw"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty_raw"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step_raw"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> string(1) "0" ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "155000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [47902]=> array(77) { ["product_id"]=> string(5) "47902" ["product"]=> string(135) "Artichoke Gift Box - Combo 2, Vietnamese Artichoke Tea, Artichoke Extract, Honey, Health Gift Box, Healthy Gift Ideas, Vietnamese Gifts" ["company_name"]=> string(12) "LArti's Farm" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "4.76" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(2) "17" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10464_05" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "996" ["weight"]=> string(7) "800.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1705561459" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252728" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(0) "" ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(129) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:38;s:9:"box_width";i:22;s:10:"box_height";i:13;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> string(11) "398000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(256) "

This artichoke gift box from LArti’s Farm not only has a delicate package, but it’s also wrapped with heartfelt items to take care of the recipient’s health comprehensively. It’s a great gift for your family and loved ones on any occasion. 

" ["category_ids"]=> array(7) { [0]=> int(110) [1]=> int(214) [2]=> int(213) [3]=> int(315) [4]=> int(119) [5]=> int(412) [6]=> int(122) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(42) "artichoke-tet-gift-box-combo-2-lartis-farm" ["seo_path"]=> string(6) "96/122" ["main_category"]=> int(122) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> NULL ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "398000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [36729]=> array(77) { ["product_id"]=> string(5) "36729" ["product"]=> string(133) ""Thanh" Lotus Leaves And Jasmine Tea, Bag of 80G, Vietnamese Herbal Tea, Jasmine Scented Tea, Delightful Jasmine Aroma, Goodnight Tea" ["company_name"]=> string(11) "Đất Phú" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "5.00" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(2) "12" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10402_34" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "329" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "498" ["weight"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1676016597" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252634" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(1) "1" ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> string(11) "350000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(368) "

Đất Phú has combined the rustic lotus leaves with aromatic jasmine to create "Thanh" tea - a kind of tea to pamper the soul and mind of any tea lover. Despite the minimal ingredients, they are all carefully selected and managed by hand. Therefore, "Thanh" tea embraces not only the pure flavors of nature's quintessence but also the sincerity of tea makers.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(122) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(40) "thanh-tra-la-sen-uop-hoa-lai-tuoi-80g-en" ["seo_path"]=> string(6) "96/122" ["main_category"]=> int(122) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> NULL ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "350000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [3880]=> array(87) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "3880" ["product"]=> string(131) "Blue Ceramic Wooden Bell Buffalo Figurine, Ceramic Figurine, Vietnamese Ceramics, Decor Item, Unique Design, Handicraft, Toxin-Free" ["company_name"]=> string(8) "HCERAMIC" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "5.00" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(2) "13" ["product_code"]=> string(10) "10207_AD09" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "358" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "998" ["weight"]=> string(7) "500.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1655312400" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252634" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(3) " - " ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(129) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:15;s:9:"box_width";i:10;s:10:"box_height";i:10;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "Y" ["price"]=> string(11) "150000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(475) "

Inspired from the traditional wooden bell, this Ceramic Buffalo figurine from HCeramics is a perfect choice for anyone who loves beautifully made handcrafted decorative items.

This product was made from glazed ceramics with a solid shine and vibrant outlook. The skilled artists at HCeramics have used a green shade with a bit darker tone as the main colored theme of the figurine. The deep color helps to add more fanciness and a glamorous vibe to the product.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(313) [1]=> int(166) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(41) "blue-ceramic-wooden-bell-buffalo-figurine" ["seo_path"]=> string(7) "101/166" ["main_category"]=> int(166) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_feature_ids"]=> array(1) { [20458]=> string(5) "20458" } ["variation_feature_collection"]=> array(1) { [20458]=> array(2) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "20458" ["purpose"]=> string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item" } } ["variation_group_id"]=> int(12908) ["variation_group_code"]=> string(12) "PV-C70555C9F" ["variation_parent_product_id"]=> int(0) ["variation_sub_group_id"]=> string(10) "12908_3880" ["variation_features"]=> array(1) { [20458]=> array(13) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "20458" 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This essential oil balm is loaded with all the soothing ingredients that reduce inflammation. You just need to apply a thin layer to the affected area, gently massage, and wait for 5 minutes. As the balm is made from natural beeswax, it won’t cause the hot sensation immediately after applying like other balms that have synthetic sedative components.

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If you often get dizzy, then the Polyscias Fruticosa, Instant Tea from Hygie and Panacee will be a perfect choice for you.

Every night, enjoy a cup of this Polyscias Fruticosa, or Ming Aralia tea, to help relax your mind. The tea can help increase blood flow in the brain, so it reduces dizziness for those suffering from vestibular disorders. Spare some time in the evening to enjoy a warm cup of this tea for a sweet sleep.

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Besides the colorful dried flowers used as decorative details, you can also deliver your genuine messages by gifting away this pretty decor item from Muối Concept. This frame is carefully handcrafted in every detail, which makes it an aesthetic and unique gift for friends and relatives.

To order a personalized gift for yourself or as a gift, you will need:

- Write the message and color of the flowers (or it will be made randomly) you want in the "Customer tote to brand" box

- Depending on the size of the picture frame, the length of the message on the picture will be different

+ Size S: 2 lines

+ Size M: 3 lines

+ Size L: 4 lines

Note: Each line is maximum 5 words long, you can request the location of the message on the picture

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