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15.5479 4.73454 16.6082 5.01546 17.571C5.0516 17.6947 5.16097 17.7781 5.28467 17.7781H12.0757ZM12.3566 10.2494L12.3449 10.2081L12.3452 10.2071C12.3247 10.1371 12.3039 10.0678 12.2824 9.9991H5.07796C5.03304 10.143 4.99072 10.2891 4.95068 10.4376L4.94678 10.4522C4.90771 10.5977 4.87126 10.7458 4.8374 10.8956C4.83519 10.9044 4.83322 10.9135 4.83128 10.9224L4.83024 10.9272C4.81592 10.9903 4.80257 11.0538 4.78923 11.1176C4.7863 11.1309 4.78337 11.1446 4.78076 11.158C4.75081 11.3057 4.72314 11.4552 4.69808 11.6062L4.69124 11.6492C4.68115 11.711 4.67139 11.7732 4.66227 11.8354L4.65869 11.8603L4.65511 11.8852C4.64437 11.9594 4.63395 12.0343 4.62451 12.1091V12.1104C4.61442 12.1892 4.60531 12.2686 4.59652 12.3481L4.59473 12.3656L4.59294 12.3832C4.58577 12.4496 4.57926 12.516 4.57308 12.5828L4.57308 12.5828C4.57145 12.5994 4.56982 12.616 4.56852 12.6326C4.56234 12.7032 4.55648 12.7738 4.55127 12.8448L4.55046 12.8557L4.54964 12.8666C4.54378 12.9483 4.5389 13.0304 4.53434 13.1127C4.53402 13.1169 4.53369 13.1215 4.53369 13.1257C4.52979 13.2003 4.5262 13.2748 4.5236 13.3497L4.52279 13.3746L4.52197 13.3995C4.52002 13.4666 4.51807 13.5336 4.51676 13.6007L4.51637 13.615C4.51608 13.6245 4.51579 13.6341 4.51579 13.6436C4.51449 13.725 4.51351 13.8067 4.51351 13.8884H12.8468L12.8467 13.8603L12.8465 13.8321C12.8462 13.7755 12.8459 13.7188 12.8449 13.6625C12.8447 13.6403 12.8442 13.6182 12.8437 13.5962L12.8429 13.5636C12.842 13.5184 12.8407 13.4733 12.8394 13.4282L12.8394 13.4278L12.8376 13.3777L12.8358 13.3276C12.8338 13.2797 12.8315 13.2315 12.8293 13.1837C12.828 13.155 12.8267 13.1261 12.825 13.0974C12.8211 13.0258 12.8166 12.9545 12.8117 12.8832L12.8049 12.7947C12.8013 12.7485 12.7977 12.7022 12.7938 12.656C12.7921 12.6344 12.7901 12.6129 12.7881 12.5914L12.785 12.5577C12.7811 12.5132 12.7766 12.4691 12.772 12.4249L12.772 12.4246L12.7688 12.3936C12.7667 12.373 12.7646 12.3524 12.7622 12.3318C12.7544 12.2628 12.7466 12.1941 12.7378 12.1254C12.7356 12.1074 12.7332 12.0894 12.7307 12.0714L12.7271 12.0444C12.7209 11.9981 12.7147 11.9519 12.7082 11.906C12.7036 11.8735 12.6987 11.8409 12.6938 11.8087L12.6743 11.6837L12.6673 11.6405L12.659 11.5896C12.6496 11.5336 12.6398 11.4779 12.6297 11.4226C12.6239 11.3904 12.6177 11.3578 12.6115 11.3256C12.6021 11.2758 12.5926 11.2263 12.5825 11.1768C12.579 11.1584 12.5751 11.14 12.5713 11.1217L12.5712 11.1215L12.5649 11.0912L12.5612 11.0737L12.5612 11.0737C12.553 11.0352 12.5448 10.9966 12.5363 10.9584C12.5308 10.9324 12.5249 10.9063 12.519 10.8803C12.5034 10.8129 12.4878 10.7458 12.4715 10.6791L12.4657 10.6567C12.4504 10.5942 12.4344 10.532 12.4178 10.4701L12.4102 10.4421L12.4025 10.4141C12.3875 10.3588 12.3722 10.3041 12.3566 10.2494ZM5.26937 9.44442H12.0907L12.091 9.44474C11.5692 8.06128 10.814 7.00887 9.94255 6.48348L9.93807 6.4813C9.93437 6.47951 9.93073 6.47776 9.92725 6.47567C9.67725 6.32658 9.42171 6.22274 9.16325 6.16512C9.15609 6.16382 9.1486 6.16219 9.14144 6.16056C9.12093 6.15601 9.10042 6.1521 9.07992 6.14819C9.06527 6.14559 9.05094 6.14331 9.03629 6.14103C9.01351 6.13713 8.9904 6.13354 8.96728 6.13062L8.9672 6.13061C8.9464 6.128 8.92559 6.1254 8.90478 6.12313C8.89308 6.12183 8.88138 6.12085 8.86968 6.11988L8.86963 6.11987C8.84814 6.11792 8.82666 6.11662 8.80518 6.11532C8.79508 6.11466 8.78499 6.11401 8.7749 6.11369C8.74365 6.11239 8.71208 6.11141 8.6805 6.11141H8.68018C8.64893 6.11141 8.61768 6.11239 8.58643 6.11369C8.57568 6.11401 8.56527 6.11466 8.55485 6.11532C8.53372 6.11662 8.51291 6.11824 8.4921 6.11987L8.49202 6.11987L8.49197 6.11988C8.47962 6.12085 8.46727 6.12183 8.45492 6.12313C8.43538 6.12508 8.41585 6.12736 8.39665 6.12996C8.36865 6.13354 8.34098 6.13778 8.31331 6.14233L8.3133 6.14234C8.30289 6.14396 8.29248 6.14559 8.28174 6.14754C8.25993 6.15177 8.23779 6.15633 8.21598 6.16089L8.19971 6.16447C7.94027 6.22209 7.68408 6.32593 7.43343 6.47534C7.43011 6.47729 7.42679 6.4789 7.42347 6.4805L7.41683 6.48381C6.54606 7.00952 5.79085 8.0616 5.26937 9.44442ZM13.0809 7.08309C13.8543 7.8562 14.8319 8.08211 15.2414 7.67228C15.6509 7.2631 15.4253 6.28524 14.6522 5.5118C13.8791 4.73869 12.9012 4.5131 12.4917 4.92261C12.0822 5.33211 12.3078 6.30998 13.0809 7.08309ZM9.51352 11.6667H7.84685C7.69353 11.6667 7.56918 11.5424 7.56918 11.3891C7.56918 11.2358 7.69353 11.1114 7.84685 11.1114H9.51352C9.66684 11.1114 9.79119 11.2358 9.79119 11.3891C9.79119 11.5424 9.66684 11.6667 9.51352 11.6667ZM7.01352 13.0557H10.3469C10.5002 13.0557 10.6245 12.9314 10.6245 12.7781C10.6245 12.6248 10.5002 12.5004 10.3469 12.5004H7.01352C6.8602 12.5004 6.73585 12.6248 6.73585 12.7781C6.73585 12.9314 6.8602 13.0557 7.01352 13.0557ZM8.95786 3.05574C8.95786 3.20909 8.83354 3.33341 8.68019 3.33341C8.52683 3.33341 8.40252 3.20909 8.40252 3.05574C8.40252 2.90239 8.52683 2.77807 8.68019 2.77807C8.83354 2.77807 8.95786 2.90239 8.95786 3.05574Z" fill="black"/>
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Beauty |
<h1><strong>Take care of your natural beauty with the Beauty category on CHUS</strong></h1>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">In an era increasingly focused on health and safety, the demand for natural, gentle beauty products with transparent origins has skyrocketed. CHUS, a pioneering e-commerce platform showcasing authentic Vietnamese products and brands, understands this preference deeply. </span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">CHUS’s </span><a href="https://chus.vn/beauty/"><strong>Beauty</strong></a><span style="font-weight:400;"> category presents a diverse array of skin, hair, and body care products crafted with safe ingredients and clear provenance, empowering you to nurture your natural beauty safely and effectively.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">All products are selected and filtered by CHUS - an ideal destination for those who love nature and sustainability. This e-commerce site is not just a place to shop, but also a community where we share our passion for self-care and celebrating natural beauty.</span></p>
<h2><span style="font-weight:400;">A journey to take care of you comprehensively with CHUS</span></h2>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">Upon entering the CHUS beauty realm, you'll be captivated by the abundance of head-to-toe care products. </span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">From fundamental skincare essentials like cleansers and moisturizers to specialized offerings such as serums and masks, each product is meticulously formulated with natural ingredients like essential oils, herbs, and fruits, ensuring gentleness and safety for your skin.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">Furthermore, CHUS extends its offerings to hair and body care, facilitating comprehensive self-care. Shampoos, conditioners, shower gels, and body lotions – all meticulously crafted from </span><strong>benign natural ingredients</strong><span style="font-weight:400;"> – nourish and protect your skin and hair, promoting natural health and beauty.</span></p>
<h2><span style="font-weight:400;">What is in the Beauty category on CHUS?</span></h2>
<h3><span style="font-weight:400;">Skincare</span></h3>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">Considered the foundation of healthy and radiant skin, facials are an indispensable part of anyone's beauty routine.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">In </span><strong>Skincare</strong><span style="font-weight:400;"> category on CHUS, you will find products from reputable brands, with natural ingredients, to help clean, moisturize and protect your skin every day.</span></p>
<h3><span style="font-weight:400;">Haircare</span></h3>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">Hair is the source of natural beauty and health. With the </span><strong>Hair Care</strong><span style="font-weight:400;"> category on CHUS, you will discover high-quality hair care products, from shampoos, conditioners to natural hair conditioners, helping to nourish from root to tip, bringing healthy and shiny hair.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;"><img style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" src="https://static.chus.vn/images/thumbnails/850/566/detailed/182/1633623642_10102-01-iu2.jpg" alt="Care for healthy and smooth hair with natural ingredients" width="850" height="566" /></span></p>
<p> </p>
<h3><span style="font-weight:400;">Bath and Body care</span></h3>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">Bathing is not only about cleaning, but also a time to relax and take care of yourself. In this category, CHUS offers </span><a href="https://chus.vn/search/?query=ch%C4%83m%20s%C3%B3c%20c%C6%A1%20th%E1%BB%83%20&tab=product"><strong>bath and body care</strong></a><span style="font-weight:400;"> products from natural ingredients, which help moisturize, soften the skin and bring a feeling of relaxation after each bathing session.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;"><img style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" src="https://static.chus.vn/images/thumbnails/850/566/detailed/189/1638348677_10212-11-c8.jpg" alt="Clean your skin with safe and benign handmade soap" width="850" height="566" /></span></p>
<p> </p>
<h3><span style="font-weight:400;">Makeup</span></h3>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">Natural beauty never goes out of trend, and the core to true beauty. With the </span><strong>Makeup</strong><span style="font-weight:400;"> category on CHUS, you will find makeup products with safe formulas and clear origins, helping to enhance your natural beauty without harming your skin.</span></p>
<h3><span style="font-weight:400;">Perfume</span></h3>
<p><strong>Perfume</strong><span style="font-weight:400;"> is not simply something to create a scent. Through perfume, you will express your style, taste and class without having to say much. In this category, CHUS is proud to bring perfumes from reputable brands, with natural and long-lasting scents from a variety of ingredients with clear, quality origins.</span></p>
<h3><span style="font-weight:400;">Men’s care</span></h3>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">Men also need to be taken care of and pay attention to their own beauty. The </span><strong>Men's Care </strong><span style="font-weight:400;">category on CHUS is where they can find quality products, all made from safe and natural ingredients.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;"><img style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" src="https://static.chus.vn/images/thumbnails/850/850/product_mood_image/175/10165_05_M1.jpg" alt="Men's care category with reputable products specifically for menu" width="850" height="850" /></span><i><span style="font-weight:400;"></span></i></p>
<h2><span style="font-weight:400;">Various of high quality products in each category “CHUS” for you</span></h2>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">Below are some typical small items to help you take care of yourself and beautify yourself simply and effectively in the </span><strong>Beauty</strong><span style="font-weight:400;"> category on CHUS. </span></p>
<h3><span style="font-weight:400;">Skincare</span></h3>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">- Cleansing: Facial cleanser, cleansing water, rose water,... to bring you a clear and healthy skin</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">- Moisturizing: Moisturizer, surum, masks,... to satisfy your needs of skincare and treatments </span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">- Suncare: Safe, gentle sunscreen products protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;"><img style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" src="https://static.chus.vn/images/thumbnails/850/566/product_mood_image/174/10229_04_M1.jpg" alt="Rose is one of the familiar ingredients in natural beauty" width="850" height="566" /></span></p>
<p> </p>
<h3><span style="font-weight:400;">Haircare</span></h3>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">- Shampoo and conditioner: Shampoo and conditioner extracted from natural ingredients help clean hair and nourish healthy hair.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">- Deep hair solutions: Nourishing oils, essential oils, masks... restore damaged hair, making hair smooth and bouncy.</span></p>
<h3><span style="font-weight:400;">Bath and Body care</span></h3>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">- Shower gel: Shower gel and bath gel with cleansing and moisturizing properties along with pleasant scents</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">- Body lotion: Body lotion, skin cream... moisturizes and nourishes soft, smooth skin.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">- Exfoliator: Whole body exfoliation helps remove old cells and stimulates skin regeneration.</span></p>
<h3><span style="font-weight:400;">Cosmetics</span></h3>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">- Lipstick: Diverse colors, lipstick quality from matte to glossy, for fresh, radiant lips.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">- Lip balm: Contains essential oils and natural ingredients to help moisturize and soften lips, preventing dark lips. There are also lip scrubs. </span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;"><img style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" src="https://static.chus.vn/images/thumbnails/850/850/detailed/230/10289_16_IU1.jpg" alt="Sweet lipstick color from safe ingredients helps enhance female beauty" width="850" height="850" /></span></p>
<p> </p>
<h3><span style="font-weight:400;">Perfume</span></h3>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">Perfumes extracted from natural essential oils with a gentle, elegant scent.</span></p>
<h3><span style="font-weight:400;">Men’s care</span></h3>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">Facial cleanser, moisturizer, shampoo, shower gel... specifically for men's skin, meeting men's skin care needs.</span></p>
<h2><span style="font-weight:400;">Why should you use items in the Beauty category on CHUS?</span></h2>
<li style="font-weight:400;"><strong>Safe ingredients: </strong><span style="font-weight:400;">Products are made from natural ingredients, do not contain toxic chemicals, are gentle on the skin, and are safe for health.</span></li>
<li style="font-weight:400;"><strong>Clear origin: </strong><span style="font-weight:400;">Chus.vn cooperates with reputable brands, ensuring clear origin, bringing peace of mind to users.</span></li>
<li style="font-weight:400;"><strong>Skin care effectiveness: </strong><span style="font-weight:400;">Products are researched and manufactured with appropriate formulas, providing optimal skin care results.</span></li>
<li style="font-weight:400;"><strong>Support Vietnamese brands: </strong><span style="font-weight:400;">By choosing natural cosmetics on Chus.vn, you are contributing to supporting Vietnamese brands, promoting the development of the domestic cosmetics industry.</span></li>
<h2><span style="font-weight:400;">Conclusion </span></h2>
<p><span style="font-weight:400;">With CHUS, caring for and honoring natural beauty is not just a shopping experience but also a way to show love and respect for yourself and the surrounding environment. Join us and discover natural beauty inside and out!</span></p>
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