Template tree


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Nature has always been an endless source of inspiration, a place we turn to when we need to recharge and find peace.

If you're looking for refined, elegant, and nature-friendly products, CHUS is the perfect destination where you can find gifts for nature lovers that not only look beautiful but also carry a meaningful message of environmental protection.

Eco-friendly gifts that nature lovers will adore

In an era where environmental awareness is increasingly emphasized, let your gifts convey messages and values that reflect a sustainable lifestyle. For nature lovers, eco-friendly gifts are the ideal choice, demonstrating a shared commitment to green and sustainable living.

Nature lovers often have a deep, refined aesthetic, seeking simplicity that carries profound meaning. Each gift tells a story of harmony with nature, from recycled organic products to items made from natural materials like bamboo, wood, or fabric. These could be eco bags, herbal wellness kits, or home decorations made from recycled wood – all perfect combinations of aesthetics and care for the ecosystem.

Giving eco-friendly gifts shares the philosophy of green living. The recipient will not only feel loved but also encouraged to continue their sustainable journey, spreading the green message to the community. A small gift can carry great values, connecting people with nature and raising awareness of protecting the environment around us.

Gifts for nature lovers, eco-friendly, CHUS, gift ideas, green products

Eco-friendly gifts that nature lovers will adore (Photo: Kira Craft Vietnam | CHUS)

Why should you choose gifts for nature lovers on CHUS?

With a diverse and high-quality range of products, CHUS.VN is the ideal place to find gifts for nature lovers.

1. A Diverse and Rich World of Green Gifts

CHUS.VN offers you countless options, from products made from natural materials like wood, bamboo, stone, and beeswax, ensuring safety and environmental friendliness. From elegant ceramic jewelry, bamboo tumblers, to beautifully woven grass bags, CHUS has it all, making it easy to find the perfect gift.

Gifts for nature lovers, eco-friendly, CHUS, gift ideas, green products

Elegant SUNA rectangular corypha bag, a perfect gift for nature lovers (Photo: Kira Craft Vietnam | CHUS)

2. Guaranteed Quality, Clear Origins

Each product on CHUS is carefully selected to ensure quality and durability. You can be completely assured of the origins of the products, knowing they are sustainably produced and environmentally friendly. A bottle of natural essential oil or a line of natural cosmetics makes a loving gift.

Gifts for nature lovers, eco-friendly, CHUS, gift ideas, natural cosmetics

Handcrafted natural lip mask (Photo: Naturer | CHUS)

3. Unique and Meaningful Designs

Many products on CHUS are handcrafted by Vietnamese artisans, reflecting traditional cultural beauty and aesthetic value. Each product contains a story, a message about the love of nature and the appreciation of life.

Common misconceptions about eco-friendly products

When it comes to eco-friendly gifts, many still hold common misconceptions. Some people think that green products often lack aesthetics or aren't diverse enough. However, eco-friendly products on CHUS are always rich in design and elegance, suitable even for those with high aesthetic standards.

1. Misconception 1: Green Products Aren’t Beautiful

The truth is that eco-friendly products are increasingly designed with high aesthetics, offering a natural and luxurious look. At CHUS, you can find exquisitely crafted items made from materials like wood, bamboo, or natural fibers that are both friendly and visually appealing.

Gifts for nature lovers, eco-friendly, CHUS, gift ideas, recycled bag

Beautiful lotus embroidered bucket bag made from old jeans (Photo: Renew Jeans | CHUS)

2. Misconception 2: Green Products Aren’t Diverse

On the contrary, eco-friendly products at CHUS are incredibly diverse. From personal care items to daily essentials and home décor, you can easily find unique gifts that match the recipient’s tastes and needs.

Gifts for nature lovers, eco-friendly, CHUS, gift ideas, plants

Glass terrarium vase as a green and thoughtful gift (Photo: Ngắm Cây Trong Bình | CHUS)

3. Misconception 3: Green Products Aren’t Effective

Eco-friendly aromatherapy or cosmetic products offer the advantage of being safe and gentle. With natural and sustainable ingredients, you can trust in the durability and effectiveness of these products.


More than just a product, the gifts for nature lovers on CHUS are a wonderful way to spread the message of green and sustainable living. Join us in protecting nature by choosing eco-friendly products, while showing love and care through every gift.

Don't wait! Step into a green world with gifts for nature lovers at CHUS today.

CHUS your thoughtful gifts

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Thừa Thiên Huế
This product has no reviews
Hà Nội
This product has no reviews
Hồ Chí Minh
This product has no reviews
Hồ Chí Minh
Mun Dinh
The lemongrass flavor is quite strong, which I found interesting. The hibiscus adds a nice tartness, but I would have preferred a more balanced flavor profile. The jar is lovely, though!
Hồ Chí Minh
This product has no reviews
Thừa Thiên Huế
This product has no reviews
Hà Nội
Trung Đinh
Khăn xinh quá, mình mua tặng cho bạn gái, kịp nhìn xíu thì thấy sản phẩm được giao đúng hình ảnh, giao hàng nhanh. Bạn gái mình đeo lên thấy xinh quá sức xinh luôn á
Hồ Chí Minh
This product has no reviews
Hồ Chí Minh
This product has no reviews
Hồ Chí Minh
Quỳnh Lê
Xà bông thơm, mùi siêu tự nhiên luôn. Nhưng cái ấn tượng nhất là thiết kế ấy, đơn giản mà cực sáng tạo
Thừa Thiên Huế
This product has no reviews
Đà Nẵng
This product has no reviews
Hà Nội
Vy Pham
Sản phẩm chất lượng, bao bì đẹp, bắt mắt. Đóng gói, chống sốc cẩn thận. Shop chuẩn bị hàng nhanh.
Hồ Chí Minh
Phuong Dang
Chỉ đơn giản là ngon, mật tự nhiên nữa. Tôi rất thích, sẽ ủng hộ shop dài dài nha

Category Information


Nature has always been an endless source of inspiration, a place we turn to when we need to recharge and find peace.

If you're looking for refined, elegant, and nature-friendly products, CHUS is the perfect destination where you can find gifts for nature lovers that not only look beautiful but also carry a meaningful message of environmental protection.

Eco-friendly gifts that nature lovers will adore

In an era where environmental awareness is increasingly emphasized, let your gifts convey messages and values that reflect a sustainable lifestyle. For nature lovers, eco-friendly gifts are the ideal choice, demonstrating a shared commitment to green and sustainable living.

Nature lovers often have a deep, refined aesthetic, seeking simplicity that carries profound meaning. Each gift tells a story of harmony with nature, from recycled organic products to items made from natural materials like bamboo, wood, or fabric. These could be eco bags, herbal wellness kits, or home decorations made from recycled wood – all perfect combinations of aesthetics and care for the ecosystem.

Giving eco-friendly gifts shares the philosophy of green living. The recipient will not only feel loved but also encouraged to continue their sustainable journey, spreading the green message to the community. A small gift can carry great values, connecting people with nature and raising awareness of protecting the environment around us.

Gifts for nature lovers, eco-friendly, CHUS, gift ideas, green products

Eco-friendly gifts that nature lovers will adore (Photo: Kira Craft Vietnam | CHUS)

Why should you choose gifts for nature lovers on CHUS?

With a diverse and high-quality range of products, CHUS.VN is the ideal place to find gifts for nature lovers.

1. A Diverse and Rich World of Green Gifts

CHUS.VN offers you countless options, from products made from natural materials like wood, bamboo, stone, and beeswax, ensuring safety and environmental friendliness. From elegant ceramic jewelry, bamboo tumblers, to beautifully woven grass bags, CHUS has it all, making it easy to find the perfect gift.

Gifts for nature lovers, eco-friendly, CHUS, gift ideas, green products

Elegant SUNA rectangular corypha bag, a perfect gift for nature lovers (Photo: Kira Craft Vietnam | CHUS)

2. Guaranteed Quality, Clear Origins

Each product on CHUS is carefully selected to ensure quality and durability. You can be completely assured of the origins of the products, knowing they are sustainably produced and environmentally friendly. A bottle of natural essential oil or a line of natural cosmetics makes a loving gift.

Gifts for nature lovers, eco-friendly, CHUS, gift ideas, natural cosmetics

Handcrafted natural lip mask (Photo: Naturer | CHUS)

3. Unique and Meaningful Designs

Many products on CHUS are handcrafted by Vietnamese artisans, reflecting traditional cultural beauty and aesthetic value. Each product contains a story, a message about the love of nature and the appreciation of life.

Common misconceptions about eco-friendly products

When it comes to eco-friendly gifts, many still hold common misconceptions. Some people think that green products often lack aesthetics or aren't diverse enough. However, eco-friendly products on CHUS are always rich in design and elegance, suitable even for those with high aesthetic standards.

1. Misconception 1: Green Products Aren’t Beautiful

The truth is that eco-friendly products are increasingly designed with high aesthetics, offering a natural and luxurious look. At CHUS, you can find exquisitely crafted items made from materials like wood, bamboo, or natural fibers that are both friendly and visually appealing.

Gifts for nature lovers, eco-friendly, CHUS, gift ideas, recycled bag

Beautiful lotus embroidered bucket bag made from old jeans (Photo: Renew Jeans | CHUS)

2. Misconception 2: Green Products Aren’t Diverse

On the contrary, eco-friendly products at CHUS are incredibly diverse. From personal care items to daily essentials and home décor, you can easily find unique gifts that match the recipient’s tastes and needs.

Gifts for nature lovers, eco-friendly, CHUS, gift ideas, plants

Glass terrarium vase as a green and thoughtful gift (Photo: Ngắm Cây Trong Bình | CHUS)

3. Misconception 3: Green Products Aren’t Effective

Eco-friendly aromatherapy or cosmetic products offer the advantage of being safe and gentle. With natural and sustainable ingredients, you can trust in the durability and effectiveness of these products.


More than just a product, the gifts for nature lovers on CHUS are a wonderful way to spread the message of green and sustainable living. Join us in protecting nature by choosing eco-friendly products, while showing love and care through every gift.

Don't wait! Step into a green world with gifts for nature lovers at CHUS today.

CHUS your thoughtful gifts

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To Tuong collection itself features the sun, a symbol of many cultures, including Vietnam. It represents the belief that there’s always light if we are brave enough to face and fight.

By purchasing these socks, you’re contributing to healing the planet, as the socks are made from recycled bottles and undergo a process optimized for reducing energy usage.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(316) [1]=> int(317) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(37) "recycled-socks-to-tuong-black-version" ["seo_path"]=> string(6) "98/317" ["main_category"]=> int(317) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_feature_ids"]=> array(1) { [20145]=> string(5) "20145" } ["variation_feature_collection"]=> array(1) { [20145]=> array(2) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "20145" ["purpose"]=> string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item" } } ["variation_group_id"]=> int(12620) ["variation_group_code"]=> string(12) "PV-5591927D9" ["variation_parent_product_id"]=> int(0) ["variation_sub_group_id"]=> string(10) "12620_4943" ["variation_features"]=> array(1) { [20145]=> array(13) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "20145" ["feature_style"]=> string(15) "dropdown_labels" ["position"]=> string(1) "0" ["purpose"]=> string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item" ["display_on_catalog"]=> string(1) "N" ["description"]=> string(6) "Option" ["internal_name"]=> string(6) "Option" ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["suffix"]=> string(0) "" ["purpose_position"]=> string(1) "1" ["variant"]=> string(8) "Big Size" ["variant_id"]=> string(5) "70488" ["variant_position"]=> string(1) "0" } } ["variation_features_variants"]=> array(1) { [20145]=> array(14) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "20145" ["feature_style"]=> string(15) "dropdown_labels" ["position"]=> string(1) "0" ["purpose"]=> string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item" ["display_on_catalog"]=> string(1) "N" ["description"]=> string(6) "Option" ["internal_name"]=> string(6) "Option" ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["suffix"]=> string(0) "" ["purpose_position"]=> string(1) "1" ["variant"]=> string(8) "Big Size" ["variant_id"]=> string(5) "70488" ["variant_position"]=> string(1) "0" ["variants"]=> array(2) { [70488]=> array(5) { ["variant_id"]=> string(5) "70488" ["variant_position"]=> string(1) "0" ["variant"]=> string(8) "Big Size" ["product_id"]=> string(4) "4943" ["product"]=> array(10) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "4943" ["amount"]=> string(3) "999" ["product"]=> string(145) "Recycled Socks - 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It's a delicate gift with short-sleeved and long-sleeved body chips and two baby hats for babies up to 6 months old. The Welcome Baby Gift Set from Organic & Natural Life By Mimi will represent your love for your baby.

All Organic & Natural Life By Mimi products are made from organic cotton fibers, without chemicals. Therefore, the product is friendly and safe for the baby's skin.

The Welcome Baby Gift Box also comes with a gift box, card, and wrapping paper, which is convenient.

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Ylang Ylang essential oil is one of the most loved floral essential oils, with a mellow, passionate scent. Spray it in the space to make it more relaxing, or spray it onto bed sheets and clothes so that they carry a pleasant fragrance.

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White sand, blue sea, and snails are depicted at the head of the hair stick, creating a feeling of comfort and coolness. With meticulousness in making the wooden hair stick as well as skillful resin hand-pouring, BHK has created a unique accessory that sea lovers fall in love with.

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Wholesome Blossom is more than just a gift; it's a luxurious self-care experience curated specifically for the special women in your life. This beautifully boxed set is brimming with natural delights designed to melt away stress and cultivate tranquility.

Imagine the look on her face as she unwraps the calming herbal pillow, perfect for soothing tired muscles and easing tension headaches. The intoxicating aroma of relaxing rose tea fills the air, inviting her to unwind and indulge in a moment of pure serenity. And to top it all off, a jar of Suvet blossom honey adds a touch of sweetness, both to her tea and her overall well-being.

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A beautiful design to display in your room!

With its delicate beauty, these wall wooden painting sets can light up your room without taking up too much space.

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Star anise essential oil is extracted from seeds grown organically in Lạng Sơn, Vietnam. Star anise essential oil has a warm, spicy aroma that helps to increase the flavor of dishes, support the respiratory tract and act as an effective antiseptic. Besides, this is a nice option to mix with carrier oil for relaxing massage sessions.

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Lavender Herbal Pack from 1Life is made from rice, herbs and natural essential oils according to an exclusive formula. This is a pain-relieving, relaxing heat therapy, operating under a benign external application mechanism from 1Life.

Thanks to the effect of heat, you will quickly feel not only your body but also your spirit being healed from the inside. Besides, the passionate lavender scent will soothe your senses and help you sleep better and deeper every night.

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Bamboo tea set is a popular choice for those who enjoy drinking tea. They are made from natural materials and are known for their durability and beauty. Bamboo is a sustainable material that is also known for its calming properties. This makes the bamboo tea set a thoughtful and meaningful gift for someone who loves tea and appreciates the natural world.

When you give someone a bamboo tea set, you are giving them more than just a way to make tea. You are giving them a piece of nature, a reminder of the beauty of the world around us. You are also giving them a gift that is both sustainable and eco-friendly.

Bamboo is a rapidly renewable resource, meaning that it can be harvested without harming the environment. It is also a very strong and durable material, making it a perfect choice for a tea set. Bamboo tea sets are often handcrafted, making them even more unique and special.

If you are looking for a thoughtful and meaningful gift for someone who loves tea, a bamboo tea set is a perfect choice. It is a gift that will be cherished for years to come.

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Lipsticks are women’s weapons. With the right lipstick that suits your skin tone and personality, you have already held a certain power in your hand.

The Coral Orange Lipstick from Ri Mo House has a youthful color that goes well with . Wear it with a formal dress and you are so ready for a night party or a big event.

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Let Saigon Silk take care of your dry and brittle hair. With good ingredients for hair, such as natural sweet orange and grapefruit essential oils, the shampoo helps to stimulate hair growth and reduce dandruff and itchiness. In addition, you will also be relaxed by the refreshing scent of mint.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(173) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(32) "orange-pomelo-peppermint-shampoo" ["seo_path"]=> string(7) "102/173" ["main_category"]=> int(173) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> NULL ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "240000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [5284]=> array(77) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "5284" ["product"]=> string(114) "The Keenness Tea Blend, Zip Bag, Focus Tea, Sleep Aid Tea, Vietnamese Herbal Blend, Clean Ingredients, Sample Pack" ["company_name"]=> string(10) "Là Nhiên" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "4.90" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(2) "10" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10041_83" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "141" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "999" ["weight"]=> string(7) "500.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1655312400" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252645" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(3) " - " ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(128) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:25;s:9:"box_width";i:15;s:10:"box_height";i:5;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> string(10) "58000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(515) "

The Keenness at Là Nhiên may have a rather sour taste at first, but don't worry. It will soon be toned down by a mesmerized sweetness after that.

Those flavors come from the interesting combination of lemongrass, lemon verbena, and hibiscus. Each ingredient was planted at the highland farm of La Nhien, then went through a closed process under safe standards to ensure the health of the users. The tea helps detox, prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer, as well as make you stronger day by day.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(122) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(30) "the-keenness-tea-blend-zip-bag" ["seo_path"]=> string(6) "96/122" ["main_category"]=> int(122) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(10) "58000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [41598]=> array(77) { ["product_id"]=> string(5) "41598" ["product"]=> string(129) "SAKURA Water Hyacinth Bag, High Attention to Detail, Hand-Embroidered Patterns, Circular Crossbody Bag, Fashionable Outfit Accent" ["company_name"]=> string(18) "Kira Craft Vietnam" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "5.00" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(1) "1" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10009_51" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "520" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "999" ["weight"]=> string(7) "600.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1689335557" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252715" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(0) "" ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(129) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:28;s:9:"box_width";i:12;s:10:"box_height";i:28;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> string(11) "725000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(439) "

Water hyacinth bags at Kira Craft are hand-woven with high meticulousness, especially embroidery with extremely beautiful flower motifs by skilled artisans. Thanks to the combination between water hyacinth material and the exquisite embroidery, this bag makes a rustic yet no less sophisticated accessory.

The bag will become a sophisticated and equally luxurious accessory, helping you to express your style and personality.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(156) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(25) "sakura-water-hyacinth-bag" ["seo_path"]=> string(7) "100/156" ["main_category"]=> int(156) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> NULL ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "725000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [1394]=> array(87) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "1394" ["product"]=> string(12) "Natural Soap" ["company_name"]=> string(14) "Jabón Concept" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> NULL ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10202_04" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "524" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(4) "1019" ["weight"]=> string(7) "500.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1655312400" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726250725" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(3) " - " ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(128) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:10;s:9:"box_width";i:10;s:10:"box_height";i:5;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> string(10) "95000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(481) "

Natural soap products from Jabón Concept are the ideal choice to help clean the skin effectively. Moreover, the product is also benign to the skin, as well as environmentally friendly.

Jabón uses honey and tea tree as the main ingredients for two soap lines. Because both of them have great uses for the skin. Honey helps to prevent inflammation, bacteria from the skin while moisturizing it. Meanwhile, Tea Tree soap is suitable for acne-prone, oily and dull skin.

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When you're experiencing cold symptoms, you can use this Herbal Essential Oil from Tinh Dau Hoa Nen to reduce symptoms such as coughing or a runny nose.

The product contains different essential oils with great medical properties in treating colds. The scent also purifies the air, enhancing your immunity. After each use, your place will smell fresh and pleasant with precious herbal scents, leaving you feeling relaxed and at peace.

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For those who like strong style and personality, the K163 Scarf will surely meet you.

This scarf from Ong heartmadeinvietnam has a distinct dusty characteristic thanks to its light and airy cotton fabric. The scarf color is also unique, with dusky tones such as dark green, dark purple, or ripe plum. Thus, this product is suitable for both men and women.

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Health Set from 1Life is the ideal choice to help you take care of yourself comprehensively from the essence of nature.

This is a comprehensive solution for persistent aches and pains in many places on the body, with little to no risk of irritation. A set consists of four models for different parts to relieve pain and stimulate blood circulation. At the same time, they also help relieve stress thanks to the aromatic effect of essential oils.

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The silk scarf designs from Folksight are mostly inspired by nature, combined with bright colors. And with the Yellow Butterfly scarf, it's no exception.

The bright yellow color of the scarf is printed with Japanese inks, which have a high vibrance and will not fade over time. Along with that is a large printed butterfly and the surrounding floral patterns will help you stand out whether you use it as an accessory or a top.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(318) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(27) "yellow-butterfly-silk-scarf" ["seo_path"]=> string(6) "98/318" ["main_category"]=> int(318) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> NULL ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_feature_ids"]=> array(1) { [24191]=> string(5) "24191" } ["variation_feature_collection"]=> array(1) { [24191]=> array(2) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "24191" ["purpose"]=> string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item" } } ["variation_group_id"]=> int(16423) ["variation_group_code"]=> string(12) "PV-ABBF29F4B" ["variation_parent_product_id"]=> int(0) ["variation_sub_group_id"]=> string(11) "16423_37895" ["variation_features"]=> array(1) { [24191]=> array(13) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "24191" ["feature_style"]=> string(15) 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This Ginger Oil from Dona Lab will help you relax and relieve pain effectively.

The ginger oil contains excellent components with high therapeutic values. Use this to massage your muscles after working out, doing intense work, or if you have to sit or stand for a long time. Besides that, a gentle and warm fragrance lingers on your skin to heal you from the inside out.

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Vietnamese white turmeric, or wild turmeric, is selected to be made into this powder. When applied to the face, it will help reduce pigmentation, reduce dark spots, and brighten skin. Moreover, with the powerful antibacterial properties of turmeric, it also helps reduce acne. Your skin will soon become flawless with regular usage of facial masks made from this powder.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(184) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(21) "white-turmeric-powder" ["seo_path"]=> string(7) "103/184" ["main_category"]=> int(184) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> NULL ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "495000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [1518]=> array(77) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "1518" ["product"]=> string(70) "Ginger Lemongrass Essential Oil Shampoo & Lemongrass Conditioner Combo" ["company_name"]=> string(11) "Om Fountain" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> NULL ["product_reviews_count"]=> NULL ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10201_18" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "528" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(4) "1998" ["weight"]=> string(6) "10.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1655312400" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252611" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(3) " - " ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(129) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:10;s:9:"box_width";i:10;s:10:"box_height";i:10;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> string(11) "350000.0000" ["short_description"]=> NULL ["full_description"]=> string(789) "

The duo of Ginger Lemongrass Essential Oil Shampoo & Lemongrass Conditioner from Om Fountain will give you dandruff-free and healthy hair from root to tip.

Thanks to the beneficial active ingredients in lemongrass ginger essential oil, the shampoo will help control excess oil, remove dead skin cells that clog pores. From there, you will have a healthy scalp, promoting hair growth. Combined with a lemongrass conditioner, the ability to protect hair will be enhanced.

After a period of using the product, you will see a marked reduction in hair loss, stronger hair, and no longer worry about dandruff.

Besides, the product also helps to fight inflammation, prevent fungus, and heal scalp damage effectively. Hair will always be bouncy, naturally shiny.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(173) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(72) "ginger-lemongrass-essential-oil-shampoo-and-lemongrass-conditioner-combo" ["seo_path"]=> string(7) "102/173" ["main_category"]=> int(173) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "350000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [36525]=> array(77) { ["product_id"]=> string(5) "36525" ["product"]=> string(30) "Mint And Tea Tree Organic Soap" ["company_name"]=> string(14) "Jabón Concept" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "5.00" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(1) "1" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10202_14" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "524" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "989" ["weight"]=> string(7) "200.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1675776188" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726250814" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(0) "" ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(128) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:10;s:9:"box_width";i:10;s:10:"box_height";i:5;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> string(11) "135000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(456) "

This mint and tea tree soap will give you a fully relaxing time after a long day at work thanks to its refreshing feeling when bathing and its refreshing herbal fragrance.

Besides the main ingredients of nourishing oils, the soap contains mint leaves and tea tree oil that help with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and treating acne. You will also receive wonderful skin-brightening and smooth skin effects from the goat's milk in the soap.

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Bright yellow spheres hold a playful charm and innocence, representing joy in life. Each flower stem curves upward, suggesting circles of happiness.

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Inspired by the duck-shaped detail that was often seen on the roofs of communal houses or pagodas of the Ly and Tran dynasties - where Buddhism flourished in Vietnam, the Mandarin duck silk scarf from Folksight has a special beauty with outstanding colors.

Duck motifs combined with blooming flower buds express a wish for a prosperous life and a thoughtful attitude. This will definitely be an accessory that can make you look more charismatic and impressive whether you mix it with a stylish or basic outfit.

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The red color of the flower on the hair stick stands out in your long hair, exuding impressive beauty and sophistication. Because it is completely handmade, this hair stick is unique and the only one you own.

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Combined with silk and cotton yarns, K42 Silk & Cotton Scarf from Óng heartmadeinvietnam has a modern and youthful style. The scarf is one of the most loved products of this brand.

The delicate warp of silk interspersed with the weft of cotton makes the K42 scarf unique and eye-catching. Moreover, the colors are vibrant enough to make you stand out anywhere. The K42 scarf in large design is suitable to creatively tie in lots of types and mix with different outfits.

Along with that, ensuring safety for customers' health, Óng heartmadeinvietnam only uses tested dyed colors. So you could have peace of mind when wearing the product.

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Meticulous and noble are the words to describe the beauty of this hair stick, with a head that mimics the shape of a spreading leaf. The rusty wood color of brown combined with the vibrant colors of dried flowers in the overall hair stick creates an artistic painting on your hair.

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Women who love minimalism definitely cannot ignore the EROS Cyperaceae Bags With Brown Leather Strap from Kira Craft Vietnam. The name EROS is inspired by the greek god of love, who always carries a bow and arrows of love with him.

Wearing an EROS Cyperaceae Bag with a simple but luxurious design, will surely make you stand out in a crowd.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(156) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(45) "eros-cyperaceae-bags-with-brown-leather-strap" ["seo_path"]=> string(7) "100/156" ["main_category"]=> int(156) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "465000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [4188]=> array(77) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "4188" ["product"]=> string(22) "Rosemary Essential Oil" ["company_name"]=> string(8) "SYNATURE" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "5.00" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(1) "3" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10388_19" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "348" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "999" ["weight"]=> string(7) "500.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1655312400" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726250752" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(3) " - " ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(127) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:5;s:9:"box_width";i:5;s:10:"box_height";i:10;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> string(11) "115000.0000" ["short_description"]=> NULL ["full_description"]=> string(252) "

Rosemary is a versatile herb that can be used in different expertise such as culinary or therapy. It has appeared in many remedies since ancient times. Infusing your home with this herbal scent can support repelling mosquitoes and other insects.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(181) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(25) "rosemary-essential-oil-en" ["seo_path"]=> string(7) "103/181" ["main_category"]=> int(181) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "115000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [31943]=> array(77) { ["product_id"]=> string(5) "31943" ["product"]=> string(139) "Curcumin Honey And Royal Jelly Mix, Turmeric Essence Honey, Ripened Honey From The Hive, Nano Curcumin Turmeric Honey, Genuine Vitobe Honey" ["company_name"]=> string(6) "Vitobe" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "5.00" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(1) "1" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10588_04" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "617" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "999" ["weight"]=> string(7) "500.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1669279037" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252679" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(0) "" ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(129) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:10;s:9:"box_width";i:10;s:10:"box_height";i:15;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> string(11) "236500.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(470) "

With the combination of honey, nanocurcumin and royal jelly worker bees, Vitobe has brought a wonderful Vietnamese folk remedy to help prevent and cure diseases related to the stomach and intestines. In addition, curcumin, a compound often seen in turmeric, also has the effect of preventing cancer. The product has a yellow color and sweet taste, and is easy to consume. You can consume it directly or spread some on bread or sprinkle on ice-cream, waffles, etc.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(117) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(34) "curcumin-honey-and-royal-jelly-mix" ["seo_path"]=> string(6) "95/117" ["main_category"]=> int(117) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> NULL ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "236500.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [35710]=> array(87) { ["product_id"]=> string(5) "35710" ["product"]=> string(110) "Chartreuse Phenomemal Earrings & Necklace, Trendsetter Collection, Green Shade, Unique Design, Bold Large Size" ["company_name"]=> string(12) "EMOI Jewelry" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> string(4) "4.50" ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(1) "2" ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10171_57" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "494" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "999" ["weight"]=> string(7) "500.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1673946453" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252697" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(0) "" ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(129) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:10;s:9:"box_width";i:10;s:10:"box_height";i:10;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> string(11) "780000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(222) "

Handmade from sparkling horn material, the Phenomemal Chartreuse jewelry has soft green color suitable for those who love uniqueness. You will become a confident and trendy girl, attracting attention when going out.

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The mallard linen material coordinated with a pink floral lining creates a balanced color combination for this jacket. It is soft and can keep you warm and away from sunlight, protecting you on either sunny or chilly days.

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