Template tree


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Milestones are a way to cherish memorable moments in life, and gift-giving is a wonderful way to celebrate those memories. On the journey to finding the perfect anniversary gifts, CHUS offers a curated collection that embodies elegance, uniqueness, and heartfelt sentiments.

Start your journey of exploration and selection today!

Most meaningful occasions to give anniversary gifts

1. Wedding anniversaries

Each passing year marks love with meaningful gifts. A handcrafted couple statue or an exquisite photo frame capturing sweet moments is a perfect way to commemorate your love journey.

2. Birthdays

Birthdays are not just special days but also an opportunity to show deep care for your loved ones. A personalized gift like a name-engraved bracelet or a scented candle with a special message will make this day even more memorable.

3. Relationship anniversaries

A gift for this occasion can be a symbol of connection and long-term commitment, such as a handmade necklace or a custom keepsake to celebrate the day you first met.

anniversary gifts, meaningful gifts, birthday gifts, wedding anniversary

Dried flower frame with engraved anniversary date (Image: Muối Concept | CHUS)

Should you choose handmade anniversary gifts?

Handmade gifts stand out as an elegant and unique choice in a world where mass-produced items often lack individuality. These handcrafted products reflect the special care of the giver, as each gift is the result of a creative process full of passion and meticulous craftsmanship.

Every handmade item is a work of art, adding special value to the gift, and allowing the recipient to feel respect and appreciation from the giver. Handcrafted products are often made from high-quality materials, carefully selected for durability and lasting value, creating memories that endure over time.

What makes anniversary gifts on CHUS special?

With a mission to connect the essence of Vietnamese craftsmanship, CHUS is committed to offering you unique products crafted by the skillful hands of Vietnamese artisans.

1. Curated selection

CHUS prides itself on a diverse collection of anniversary gifts, from small yet meaningful items like jewelry and decor to larger products like wall art. Each product is carefully chosen to ensure it showcases the artisan's meticulousness and elegance.

2. Personalized gifts

Many products on CHUS offer customization options, allowing you to engrave names, add messages, or customize details to make the gift more unique and fitting for the recipient. This helps convey your love more sincerely and profoundly.

personalized gifts, anniversary gifts, bride and groom, thoughtful gifts

Personalized wedding anniversary gift with bride and groom's names engraved (Image: Sewing Art Decor Studio | CHUS)

3. Diverse categories

No matter the occasion you're shopping for, CHUS has the perfect options available. From gifts for loved ones and friends to formal gifts for business partners, we have something to meet all your needs.

personalized gifts, anniversary gifts, fabric art, thoughtful gifts

Custom fabric wall art, a meaningful anniversary gift (Image: Mood Up | CHUS)

Things to avoid when choosing and giving anniversary gifts

1. Not understanding the recipient's Preferences

Before selecting a gift, take the time to learn about the recipient's preferences, needs, and desires. This will help you choose a truly suitable and meaningful gift.

2. Overly common gifts

Avoid choosing gifts that are too common and easily found anywhere. These gifts often lack uniqueness and don't leave a lasting impression.

3. Lack of personal meaning

An anniversary gift should connect with a memory or the recipient's personal interests. A personalized gift allows the recipient to feel your sincere feelings and attention.

4. Last-minute gift selection

Selecting a gift at the last minute may lead to purchasing something not well-prepared, lacking care, and easily forgotten.

personalized gifts, anniversary gifts, keepsakes, thoughtful gifts

Thoughtful selection is key in choosing anniversary gifts (Image: Siblings | CHUS)

CHUS shopping process: the destination for elegance

At CHUS, purchasing anniversary gifts is not only simple but also an enjoyable experience. We are committed to providing a convenient and quick shopping process, ensuring every gift is perfect when it reaches the recipient.

  • Accessible categories: You can easily explore a wide range of anniversary gifts on CHUS, from small, charming items to large art pieces, all organized systematically and easy to find.
  • Personalization: We offer customization options so you can add names, messages, or specific design details. This makes your gift unique and more meaningful.
  • Ordering: The ordering process at CHUS is simple and fast. We support various payment methods such as VnPay, COD, credit cards, debit cards, etc.
  • Fast Delivery: Timely delivery with careful packaging ensures the gift arrives in perfect condition.

Anniversary gifts on CHUS: Deliver the Best

Chus your thoughtful gifts

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Hà Nội
Trang Trang
Bông tai bạc không những đẹp mà ẩn đằng sau là câu chuyện rất ý nghĩa.
Đồng Nai
Yến Trang
Men bóng đẹp và thiết kế sọc dọc rất tinh tế, tạo cảm giác sang trọng và quý phái. Mình đã mua làm quà tặng cho bạn bè, và tất cả đều rất thích.
Hà Nội
This product has no reviews
Hồ Chí Minh
Minh Tâm
Nhỏ xinh tiện lợi nha, mùi dịu không quá nồng. Quan trọng là rất là gọn, mang đi đâu cũng tiện hết. Rất okela luôn.
Đồng Nai
Thanh Hằng
Giao hàng rất nhanh và đóng gói vô cùng chắc chắn, không lo bị vỡ khi vận chuyển. Đây là lựa chọn hoàn hảo cho những ai yêu thích sản phẩm thủ công.
Hồ Chí Minh
This product has no reviews
Hà Nội
This product has no reviews
Hà Nội
Vy Pham
Đẹp xuất sắc. Giao hàng nhanh. Đóng gói rất rất đẹp. Sẽ ủng hộ shop lâu dài nha
Hà Nội
Vy Pham
Đẹp lắm ạ giao hàng nhanh lắm luôn nhận hàng xong mở ra chuẩn gu mình luôn á thích thực sự
Hà Nội
This product has no reviews
Hà Nội
This product has no reviews
Hồ Chí Minh
Hannah Reyes
The cardstock is thick and feels luxurious, and the lettering is beautiful. The message is a bit cheesy, but still sweet.

Category Information


Milestones are a way to cherish memorable moments in life, and gift-giving is a wonderful way to celebrate those memories. On the journey to finding the perfect anniversary gifts, CHUS offers a curated collection that embodies elegance, uniqueness, and heartfelt sentiments.

Start your journey of exploration and selection today!

Most meaningful occasions to give anniversary gifts

1. Wedding anniversaries

Each passing year marks love with meaningful gifts. A handcrafted couple statue or an exquisite photo frame capturing sweet moments is a perfect way to commemorate your love journey.

2. Birthdays

Birthdays are not just special days but also an opportunity to show deep care for your loved ones. A personalized gift like a name-engraved bracelet or a scented candle with a special message will make this day even more memorable.

3. Relationship anniversaries

A gift for this occasion can be a symbol of connection and long-term commitment, such as a handmade necklace or a custom keepsake to celebrate the day you first met.

anniversary gifts, meaningful gifts, birthday gifts, wedding anniversary

Dried flower frame with engraved anniversary date (Image: Muối Concept | CHUS)

Should you choose handmade anniversary gifts?

Handmade gifts stand out as an elegant and unique choice in a world where mass-produced items often lack individuality. These handcrafted products reflect the special care of the giver, as each gift is the result of a creative process full of passion and meticulous craftsmanship.

Every handmade item is a work of art, adding special value to the gift, and allowing the recipient to feel respect and appreciation from the giver. Handcrafted products are often made from high-quality materials, carefully selected for durability and lasting value, creating memories that endure over time.

What makes anniversary gifts on CHUS special?

With a mission to connect the essence of Vietnamese craftsmanship, CHUS is committed to offering you unique products crafted by the skillful hands of Vietnamese artisans.

1. Curated selection

CHUS prides itself on a diverse collection of anniversary gifts, from small yet meaningful items like jewelry and decor to larger products like wall art. Each product is carefully chosen to ensure it showcases the artisan's meticulousness and elegance.

2. Personalized gifts

Many products on CHUS offer customization options, allowing you to engrave names, add messages, or customize details to make the gift more unique and fitting for the recipient. This helps convey your love more sincerely and profoundly.

personalized gifts, anniversary gifts, bride and groom, thoughtful gifts

Personalized wedding anniversary gift with bride and groom's names engraved (Image: Sewing Art Decor Studio | CHUS)

3. Diverse categories

No matter the occasion you're shopping for, CHUS has the perfect options available. From gifts for loved ones and friends to formal gifts for business partners, we have something to meet all your needs.

personalized gifts, anniversary gifts, fabric art, thoughtful gifts

Custom fabric wall art, a meaningful anniversary gift (Image: Mood Up | CHUS)

Things to avoid when choosing and giving anniversary gifts

1. Not understanding the recipient's Preferences

Before selecting a gift, take the time to learn about the recipient's preferences, needs, and desires. This will help you choose a truly suitable and meaningful gift.

2. Overly common gifts

Avoid choosing gifts that are too common and easily found anywhere. These gifts often lack uniqueness and don't leave a lasting impression.

3. Lack of personal meaning

An anniversary gift should connect with a memory or the recipient's personal interests. A personalized gift allows the recipient to feel your sincere feelings and attention.

4. Last-minute gift selection

Selecting a gift at the last minute may lead to purchasing something not well-prepared, lacking care, and easily forgotten.

personalized gifts, anniversary gifts, keepsakes, thoughtful gifts

Thoughtful selection is key in choosing anniversary gifts (Image: Siblings | CHUS)

CHUS shopping process: the destination for elegance

At CHUS, purchasing anniversary gifts is not only simple but also an enjoyable experience. We are committed to providing a convenient and quick shopping process, ensuring every gift is perfect when it reaches the recipient.

  • Accessible categories: You can easily explore a wide range of anniversary gifts on CHUS, from small, charming items to large art pieces, all organized systematically and easy to find.
  • Personalization: We offer customization options so you can add names, messages, or specific design details. This makes your gift unique and more meaningful.
  • Ordering: The ordering process at CHUS is simple and fast. We support various payment methods such as VnPay, COD, credit cards, debit cards, etc.
  • Fast Delivery: Timely delivery with careful packaging ensures the gift arrives in perfect condition.

Anniversary gifts on CHUS: Deliver the Best

Chus your thoughtful gifts

Show more
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If you're in love with feminine pink shade, then this Dreamy Wings from the new collection of Folksight is truly for you.

This item is a piece of art playing between colors, with delicate daphne and hydrangeas patterns that have been meticulously designed by Folksight's artists. The image of flying butterflies around the empty cage exudes a poetic beauty. At the same time, it's an honored call for women's independence and confidence from all of the traditional burdens.

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A carefully crafted hair fork, adorned with meticulously cute bee-shaped beads. This will be a unique and distinctive accessory, helping you maintain a neat and elegant hairstyle while adding a touch of youthful charm to your appearance.

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The image of a hummingbird delicately sipping nectar from a flower is beautifully recreated by Silver Soul on these unique, delicate silver earrings. This small bird symbolizes dreams and love. Therefore, these earrings will not only be a lovely accessory but also carry a profound meaning when you wear them.

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This simple wallet was made from premium veg-tanned leather, with a golden zip as a highlight and protector for the items inside. Each stitch was meticulously done by hand by skillful artisans. Thanks to that, not only the elegant beauty of this leather wallet was enhanced to the fullest, but so was the brilliant work in handcrafted art.

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Folksight brings the whole world to life in the green forest in this silk scarf, and don't forget to highlight it with the bright orange colors. Although there are many details on just one scarf, it still exudes a harmonious beauty and is easy for you to mix-and-match with many different outfits.

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Only with one look, you can fall in love with this Canarium Quilted Shoulder Bag from Tomato Handmade. This product is made out of small irrelevant material pieces, yet when being put together, it turns into a great colorful masterpiece of art.

Canarium Quilted Shoulder Bag from Tomato Handmade will be a must-have accessory for those who love vintage style. This product has a bright cool color tone that can bring positive energy to your day.

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The vintage colors of these ceramic mugs will be a call for nostalgic beauty that can elevate the style of your home. Minh Tiến Ceramics' artisans have also meticulously carved striped patterns around the mug for more depth in the final appearance. You can easily use it as a regular mug or as a gift for friends and relatives.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(313) [1]=> int(165) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(50) "fully-striped-carved-ceramic-mug-translucent-glaze" ["seo_path"]=> string(7) "101/165" ["main_category"]=> int(165) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> NULL ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_feature_ids"]=> array(1) { [23322]=> string(5) "23322" } ["variation_feature_collection"]=> array(1) { [23322]=> array(2) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "23322" ["purpose"]=> string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item" } } ["variation_group_id"]=> int(15438) ["variation_group_code"]=> string(12) "PV-E5D7805E2" ["variation_parent_product_id"]=> int(0) ["variation_sub_group_id"]=> string(11) "15438_32316" ["variation_features"]=> array(1) { [23322]=> array(13) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "23322" ["feature_style"]=> string(15) "dropdown_labels" ["position"]=> string(1) "0" ["purpose"]=> string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item" ["display_on_catalog"]=> string(1) "N" ["description"]=> string(12) "Choose color" ["internal_name"]=> string(15) "10579_14 - 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This hidden gem has a passion for the rosy and musky scents of Saigon Elixir. It carries a subtle aroma that we can describe in two words - fresh and free. A lovely scent to get ready for the day.

The product comes in many compact sizes, easy to carry in your purse or pocket.

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Burnt orange goes well with almost everything, from darker to fairer skin tones. In addition, you will not have to worry about your lips being damaged when using this product from Fruit Skin. This lipstick is formulated with natural-origin ingredients like oil of nuts and aloe barbadensis leaf extract, will keep your lips soft and plump all day long.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(175) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(32) "son-nhiet-doi-mau-cam-chay-12-en" ["seo_path"]=> string(7) "102/175" ["main_category"]=> int(175) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "150000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [41369]=> array(83) { ["product_id"]=> string(5) "41369" ["product"]=> string(124) "5 Petal Flowers Dangle Wooden Hair Stick, Feminine Patterns, Elegant Hair Accessory, Graceful Beauty, Captivating Appearance" ["company_name"]=> string(30) "Trâm cài tóc BHK Việt Nam" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> NULL ["product_reviews_count"]=> NULL ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10589_53" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "646" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "999" ["weight"]=> string(6) "20.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1687944165" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252711" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "Y" ["make_period"]=> string(5) "3 - 5" ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(127) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:22;s:9:"box_width";i:8;s:10:"box_height";i:8;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> int(248000) ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(232) "

The grace that the hair stick brings will make you more confident and charming. The flowers and white dangle serve as a special highlight for the wooden body of the hair stick, creating a luxurious and beautiful overall look.

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Extracted from flowers and plants with a little blend of Taif rose, the soft and elegant note in this fragrance is light enough for those sensitive to scents. This fragrance will be a companion for a long active day, always keeping you happy and full of energy.

The product comes in many compact sizes, easy to carry in your purse or pocket.

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This silk scarf from Folksight is literally a wild melody of animals in the forest with funny patterns on the scarf. Therefore, it will add a playful and vibrant look to your everyday outfit.

The combination of unique patterns and colors playing together on soft silk is what makes this scarf stand out, as well as other scarves from Folksight. If you're looking for a scarf with a peculiar design to brighten up your appearance, then this scarf is the ideal choice.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(318) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(22) "pure-melody-silk-scarf" ["seo_path"]=> string(6) "98/318" ["main_category"]=> int(318) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> NULL ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_feature_ids"]=> array(1) { [24191]=> string(5) "24191" } ["variation_feature_collection"]=> array(1) { [24191]=> array(2) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "24191" ["purpose"]=> string(28) "group_variation_catalog_item" } } ["variation_group_id"]=> int(16424) ["variation_group_code"]=> string(12) "PV-01077D58D" ["variation_parent_product_id"]=> int(0) ["variation_sub_group_id"]=> string(11) "16424_41107" ["variation_features"]=> array(1) { [24191]=> array(13) { ["feature_id"]=> string(5) "24191" ["feature_style"]=> string(15) "dropdown_labels" 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The azure water drops on the white background give off a classic, delicate beauty every time you use this mug. Besides having a distinct appearance, it also has excellent heat resistance for either a hot or cold drink. Minh Tien Ceramics offers four types of mugs to choose from, depending on your preference.

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Great-grandmother named Cám in Hoa Tien village is a weaving craftswoman with skillful techniques and enthusiasm for brocade weaving for a long time. At the age of 80, the scarves made by her all have sophistication and durability.

The unique characteristic of these scarves made by Great-grandmother Cám lies in the unequal size of the threads due to being hand-rolled. More than that, the scarf is very airy but can keep warm well, so it is suitable for use in all seasons of the year.

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Tamuha Handcraft has made this wallet from Italian veg-tan leather, which is safe to health and has a delicate herbal scent while using. With such an outstanding handcrafted work of experienced artisans at Tamuha Handcraft, this black leather wallet is surely a classy, elegant gift for any gentleman.

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Do you want to add some sweetness to your simple shoe wardrobe with a pair of a soothing color yet still impressive enough shoes when going out with friends or going to work?

Then, these high heel shoes made in gorgeous purple velvet fabric will be the answer to your needs. Besides the high-quality material and stunning color shade, the handcrafted technique is also a plus point to choose this product.

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The pin is so beautiful under the talented hands of Silver Soul artisans. With the beauty of pure silver and delicate lines, the pin will become a special highlight for your outfit.

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These Tropical Earrings guarantee to rock all your summer outfits. With the embossed details alongside perfect mix-and-match hues, they will party on your earlobes!

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The lotus, gracefully unfolding with its soft shape, will impart a sense of delicacy to the wearer. Crafted from sterling silver by skilled silversmiths, these earrings are not just a beautiful piece of jewelry but also carry exceptional handmade value that lovers of handicraft items cannot overlook.

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It is undeniable that earrings are a piece of jewelry that greatly enhances a woman's beauty. The shape of the poppy flower is created with meticulous attention to the smallest detail such as the pistil, making the handmade accessory even more valuable.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(143) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(28) "poppy-flower-silver-earrings" ["seo_path"]=> string(6) "99/143" ["main_category"]=> int(143) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> NULL ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "380000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [790]=> array(77) { ["product_id"]=> string(3) "790" ["product"]=> string(132) "Venus Earrings, Abalone Shell Jewelry, 925 Silver, Sparkling Blue Color, Unique And Delicate Accessory, Perfect Gift For Girlfriends" ["company_name"]=> string(12) "EMOI Jewelry" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> NULL ["product_reviews_count"]=> NULL ["product_code"]=> string(8) "10171_16" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "494" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(4) "1996" ["weight"]=> string(7) "500.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1655312400" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252606" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(3) " - " ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(129) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:10;s:9:"box_width";i:10;s:10:"box_height";i:10;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> string(11) "890000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(288) "

As a girl, the happiest thing is to embellish yourself. Since each girl is a Venus in someone's eyes, EMOI Jewelry created Venus Earrings for women.

Crafted from abalone shells and 925 silver material, sparkling blue Venus Earrings will give you a delicate and elegant look.

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"Lively Flame" signifies a flame full of power. The brown color of the hair stick comes only from the natural wood without any color coating. If you pursue a simple yet elegant design that still exudes great elegance and dignity, this design is a viable choice.

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Putting your feet into this Herbal Heating Pack will wash away all of your tiredness as well as pain quickly

The product uses electricity to heat, helping the herbs inside to maximize their use. According to Eastern and Western medicine, herbs combined with high heat will immediately help relax your neurons as well as your spirit. Relieves aches and pains, repels fatigue, stimulates blood circulation as well as brings you deep sleep every night.

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A fabric wallet with both classic and modern style will be very suitable to carry with you. The wallet is sewn in a slightly curved shape, with a lovely flap made of colorful floral fabric. Skillful quilting technique gives the wallet a certain softness as well as durability for long-term use.

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Simple yet stylish is the design of Wynajem Embroidered Quilted Tote Bag from Tomato Handmade.

With a calming brown tone, the product is elegant in looks. It looks even more lovable thanks to the floral embroidery details with many different color threads. This Wynajem Embroidered Quilted Tote Bag from Tomato Handmade is a must-have for those who love classic style.

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Relax your entire shoulders and neck after a long tiring day with the Herbal Heating Pack For Shoulder And Neck from Hapaku.

After being heated in the microwave, the herbs in the pack will diffuse the essential oils inside to relieve pain, soreness or fatigue of the shoulders and nape. Especially for those who do heavy work, sit a lot, are elderly or have a history of sciatica, this will be a great way to say goodbye to the annoying pain you have to endure every day.

" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(183) } ["position"]=> NULL ["seo_name"]=> string(51) "microwave-heating-herbal-pack-for-shoulder-and-neck" ["seo_path"]=> string(7) "103/183" ["main_category"]=> int(183) ["options_type_raw"]=> NULL ["exceptions_type_raw"]=> NULL ["tracking_raw"]=> string(1) "B" ["zero_price_action_raw"]=> NULL ["min_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["max_qty_raw"]=> NULL ["qty_step_raw"]=> NULL ["list_qty_count_raw"]=> NULL ["details_layout_raw"]=> string(7) "default" ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["base_price"]=> string(11) "549000.0000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["product_options"]=> array(1) { [444]=> array(22) { ["cur_product_id"]=> string(4) "1743" ["option_id"]=> string(3) "444" ["product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "242" ["option_type"]=> string(1) "R" ["regexp"]=> string(0) "" ["required"]=> string(1) "N" ["multiupload"]=> string(1) "N" ["allowed_extensions"]=> string(0) "" ["max_file_size"]=> string(1) "0" ["missing_variants_handling"]=> string(1) "M" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["position"]=> string(1) "0" ["value"]=> string(0) "" ["option_name"]=> string(6) "Add-on" ["internal_option_name"]=> string(6) "Add-on" ["option_text"]=> string(0) "" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["inner_hint"]=> string(0) "" ["incorrect_message"]=> string(0) "" ["comment"]=> string(0) "" ["variants"]=> array(1) { [537]=> array(12) { ["variant_name"]=> string(13) "Gift wrapping" ["variant_id"]=> string(3) "537" ["option_id"]=> string(3) "444" ["position"]=> string(1) "0" ["modifier"]=> string(9) "20000.000" ["modifier_type"]=> string(1) "A" ["weight_modifier"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["weight_modifier_type"]=> string(1) "A" ["point_modifier"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["point_modifier_type"]=> string(1) "A" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["image_pair"]=> array(0) { } } } } } ["options_update"]=> bool(true) ["changed_option"]=> NULL ["combination_hash"]=> string(10) "1275928876" ["has_options"]=> bool(true) ["base_modifier"]=> string(11) "549000.0000" ["original_price"]=> string(11) "549000.0000" ["modifiers_price"]=> int(0) ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(0) { } ["detailed_params"]=> array(17) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_active_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_only_selectable_options"]=> bool(false) ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [1998]=> array(87) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "1998" ["product"]=> string(107) "Liquorice Musk Perfume, Licorice Scent, Beloved By Women, Impressive Fragrance, Long-Lasting, Adorable Gift" ["company_name"]=> string(13) "Saigon Elixir" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["average_rating"]=> NULL ["product_reviews_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["product_code"]=> string(10) "10282_0DB8" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "260" ["list_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["amount"]=> string(3) "999" ["weight"]=> string(7) "500.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1655312400" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1726252616" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_make_to_order"]=> string(1) "N" ["make_period"]=> string(3) " - " ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "N" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "0" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(0) "" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(127) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:1;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:1;s:10:"box_length";i:5;s:9:"box_width";i:5;s:10:"box_height";i:15;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["is_stock_split_by_warehouses"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_fragile"]=> string(1) "N" ["price"]=> string(11) "240000.0000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(347) "

Salty liquorice or Salmiakki is an iconic candy in Finland, which has a unique taste that ranges from salty to spicy.

Perfume with this note is quite uncommon, hence, it’s distinctive. This perfume from Saigon Elixir has a not-too-sweet and woody note that is layered over salty liquorice to create a musky, and Oriental fragrance.

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The image of a ship surfing will help you relax as well as being an inspiration whenever you feel stressed or out of ideas.

The high-quality art silk is the delicate highlight for the sail of this sailboat model from HAHAWAVE. Along with that is the shape line from the hull, down to the stand from light brown ash, creating a nice decoration, as well as a versatile item to store pens or cards, etc.

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One of the popular mistakes that young women often make when mixing and matching is choosing irrelevant accessories such as earrings, necklaces or bracelets. To solve this problem, try the Earring And Necklace Sets from Evian.

With three main colors of blue - red - white, designed in a small circle shape in clay, Evian’s Earring And Necklace Sets will give a sense of the classic style to any girl who owns them.

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Unwind with the calming scent of lemongrass in this vintage-inspired glass jar candle. Made with natural wax for a clean burn, it fills your home with a refreshing citrus aroma that promotes relaxation and tranquility. The elegant design adds a touch of sophistication to any space, bringing a piece of nature's serenity indoors.

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OHQUAO offers a little bit of love in its line of Let’s Grow Old Together & Come Sail Away With Me Greeting Card.

Using simple yet eye-catchy color tones, these cards have their own attractiveness. The sweet messages on the cards are an invitation for your other half to commit to a long-lasting relationship between the two of you.

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