cscart_bm_snapping.grid_id as grid_id, 
  cscart_bm_snapping.block_id as block_id, 
  ) as content, 
  ) AS object_id, 
  ) AS object_type, 
  cscart_bm_block_statuses.object_ids as object_ids, 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_bm_blocks ON cscart_bm_blocks.block_id = cscart_bm_snapping.block_id 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_bm_block_statuses ON cscart_bm_snapping.snapping_id = cscart_bm_block_statuses.snapping_id 
  AND cscart_bm_block_statuses.object_type LIKE 'products' 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_bm_blocks_descriptions ON cscart_bm_blocks.block_id = cscart_bm_blocks_descriptions.block_id 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_bm_blocks_content AS default_content ON cscart_bm_blocks.block_id = default_content.block_id 
  AND cscart_bm_blocks_descriptions.lang_code = default_content.lang_code 
  AND default_content.snapping_id = 0 
  AND default_content.object_id = 0 
  AND default_content.object_type like '' 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_bm_blocks_content AS dynamic_object_content ON cscart_bm_blocks.block_id = dynamic_object_content.block_id 
  AND cscart_bm_blocks_descriptions.lang_code = dynamic_object_content.lang_code 
  AND dynamic_object_content.object_id = 40548 
  AND dynamic_object_content.object_type like 'products' 
  cscart_bm_snapping.grid_id IN (
    195, 196, 198, 223, 224, 623, 625, 624, 
    626, 627, 294, 295, 296, 297, 293, 292
  AND cscart_bm_blocks_descriptions.lang_code = 'vi' 

Query time 0.00322

JSON explain

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          "rows": 1,
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          "key_length": "4",
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        "table": {
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          "key": "PRIMARY",
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          "ref": [
          "rows": 1,
          "filtered": 100,
          "attached_condition": "trigcond(default_content.object_type like '')"
        "table": {
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          "key": "PRIMARY",
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          "rows": 3,
          "filtered": 100,
          "attached_condition": "trigcond(dynamic_object_content.lang_code = cscart_bm_blocks_descriptions.lang_code and dynamic_object_content.object_id = 40548 and dynamic_object_content.object_type like 'products')"


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72.1 97.6 76.7 100.7 80.6C104.8 85.8 109.8 89.9 115.9 92.5C123.6 95.7 131.8 97.3 140.1 98.1C151.5 99.3 163 98.9 174.4 97.9C195.4 96 215.9 91.6 236 85.3C237.2 84.9 238.5 84.1 239.5 84.4C240.6 84.8 240.6 86.5 241.2 87.6C241.8 88.5 241.6 88.9 240.5 89.3C234.3 91.3 228 93 221.7 94.6C220.9 94.8 220.6 95 220.8 95.9C221.1 97 221.7 96.4 222.1 96.2C228.2 94.5 234.2 92.9 240.3 91.2C242.6 90.6 242.5 90.6 243.5 92.7C243.8 93.3 243.8 93.6 243 93.8C236.4 95.5 229.9 97.6 223.2 98.9C222.6 99 221.8 98.9 222.1 100C222.3 101 223 100.6 223.5 100.5C229.8 99.2 236.1 97.5 242.3 95.8C244.5 95.2 244.5 95.2 245.4 97.4C245.9 98.4 245.6 98.8 244.6 99.1C237.9 100.9 231.1 102.4 224.4 103.9C223.8 104 223.2 104.1 223.4 105C223.6 106 224.2 105.7 224.8 105.6C231.4 104.4 237.8 102.7 244.3 101C246.7 100.4 246.6 100.4 247.9 102.6C248.4 103.6 248.3 103.9 247.2 104.1C240.1 105.5 232.9 107 225.8 108.5C225.4 108.6 224.6 108.4 224.8 109.3C224.9 110.2 225.5 109.9 226.1 109.8C232.8 108.8 239.4 107.6 246.1 106.3C247.2 106.1 248.4 105.2 249.2 105.8C250 106.3 250.1 107.7 250.6 108.7C251.1 109.6 250.7 109.9 249.9 110.1C244.6 111.4 239.3 112.5 233.9 113.4C209.5 117.4 184.9 117.4 161.8 115.6C152.4 114.6 144.5 113.6 136.7 112.2C127.3 110.5 118.2 107.7 109.8 103C98.2 96.6 90.1 87.4 86.3 74.6C85.7 72.7 85.2 70.8 84.6 69C83.3 65.4 81.5 61.9 78.5 59.4C75 56.5 71.4 53.7 67.5 51.4C58.2 45.8 49.2 39.9 40.2 33.8L39.7 25.9ZM214.5 108.1C214.8 108.7 215.3 108.9 216 108.8C216.9 108.6 216.8 107.9 216.9 107.2C216.9 105.4 216.6 103.6 216 101.9C215.8 101.4 215.6 101 215.3 100.7C214.8 100.2 214.2 100.3 213.6 100.4C213 100.6 212.9 101.1 212.8 101.6C212.8 103.9 213.5 106 214.5 108.1ZM208 108.2C208.3 108.7 208.6 109.2 209.3 109C210 108.8 210.7 108.5 210.7 107.6C210.8 105.7 210.4 103.8 209.7 102C209.5 101.4 208.9 101.2 208.3 101.3C207.6 101.4 207.3 101.8 207.3 102.5C207.2 102.9 207.2 103.4 207.1 104C206.7 105.4 207.3 106.8 208 108.2ZM202.5 107.9C202.8 108.8 203.4 109.2 204.4 109C205.3 108.8 205.3 108.1 205.3 107.4C205.2 106 204.9 104.7 204.6 103.4C204.5 103.1 204.4 102.8 204.2 102.6C203.8 102.1 203.4 101.7 202.7 101.9C201.7 102.1 202 103 201.9 103.6C201.8 105 202 106.5 202.5 107.9ZM196.2 104.3C196.4 105.6 196.7 107 197 108.3C197.2 109 197.4 109.9 198.5 109.8C199.5 109.6 199.7 108.8 199.7 107.6C199.7 106.3 199.5 104.8 198.7 103.5C198.3 102.9 197.9 102.4 197.1 102.7C196.3 102.9 196 103.5 196.2 104.3ZM87 66.2C88.9 79.7 96.1 89.6 107.5 96.7C114.4 101.1 122 103.9 130 105.8C139.9 108.2 150 108.8 160.1 109.6C168.6 110.2 177.1 110.5 185.6 110.6C187.6 110.6 189.5 110.6 191.5 110.6C192.3 110.6 192.4 110.3 192.3 109.6C192 107.9 191.7 106.2 191.6 104.6C191.5 103.7 191.2 103.6 190.3 103.7C173.2 105.5 156.2 105.2 139.2 103.3C127.4 102 116.2 98.6 106.3 91.8C98.2 86.2 92.5 78.8 90.3 69C89.8 66.9 89.7 64.8 89.6 62.5C86.6 63.2 86.6 63.2 87 66.2ZM83.6 59.3C87.3 59.6 90.7 56.6 91.1 52.9C91.4 49.3 88.9 46.2 85.6 45.8C81.6 45.4 78.3 48.1 77.9 52C77.4 55.8 80 59 83.6 59.3ZM70.1 48C70.3 47.4 70.3 46.9 70.6 46.5C71.4 45.5 71 45 70 44.6C63.5 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